Tree of Savior Forum

History repeats itself. Especially if you don't learn from the past

The trade system between iCBT2 and now has been drastically changed, yes. There were no limitations and you didn’t require any token to trade because, well, they didn’t exist. The tradeoff, I guess, was that the market was down for about half the beta’s duration or some such, which thankfully doesn’t seem to be happening anymore.

And about the commander error: I don’t remember if it was the same, but I certainly experienced channels crashing on me back then. Including one instance in which I was unfortunately in a 1 channel area which crashed, which left me unable to do anything for about 20 minutes.
Thankfully it was just 20 minutes, and not, well, a whole day.


Yeah, I’ve been on about this for awhile in other games. SWTOR and GuildWars 2 were both pretty bad about this kind of thing. Not like in that they were nearly as bad, but along the same lines of ‘This bug was in alpha, and then in beta, and then in release, and I’ve seen it again and again’

I think the problem is threefold

One, the people who go absolutely nuts and just rage constantly, which encourages devs to just ignore them (they just ban them or not even bother to open those kind of rage-titled threads)

Two, the people who just go 'Its Beta, They’ll fix it" and handwave pretty much any kind of major issue without even being willing to talk/complain about the subject in a properly critical fashion, so issues get ignored or pushed downwards.

Three, the people who sorta-kinda fall into the second group but instead go ‘Sure, its got issues, but its in beta, and when this game is finished itll be sooooo awesome’ and get super hyped for something thats clearly buggy and unfinished - they then go on the spread hype and generate income for the devs, who then get a false sense of what the game really needs because its selling well in spite of serious problems.

Its like selling wishes, basically, at some point - People get hyped, buy lots of copies, bugs emerge as games become under major stress, but the money is either in or continues to roll in, so nothing gets spent on fixing it. Lessons in preorders I guess.

Guild Wars has a particularly funny example to me… in the early alpha versions, Dyes for clothing were accound-wide unlocked, as were transmogs. Sometime during the later stages of alpha, they ditched that system to a character-specific / token specific one, only to change back to the old alpha system a year or two after full release.

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Too bad this didn’t get more play:

Oh, no, you’re entirely right: It existed back in iCBT2, but it never showed like this which leads me to believe they’re similar but rather back then the load actually happened but aborted itself.

I remember while going through the Saule/Bramble arc, Gate Route and some of the jungle areas was hell because only one channel worked and all others rejected it. Ofcourse, with iCBT2’s spawn rates, it was just crowded more than a problem as you soon enough just got through.

I think people need to go outside and vent, instead of focusing all their rage internally (IE, on this forum, where people either agree with you, disagree, or for the most part, don’t care about your opinion/situation.)

Go out and beat some rival dojo members up.

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This is also still very much true!

I feel pretty amused myself? Do you feel I am being belligerent? Incoherent? I feel like this is a useful information thread for the community that gives context to issues that are currently being experienced. Do you disagree with that assessment?

This is pretty amusing given our current trading situation:

I meant the community in general on this forum, not this specific post. Y’all are having a fairly coherent conversation in here. It’s not the same in the rest of the threads lol

There is a lot more rage and blind opinion beating than any constructive debate.

I stopped playing before the trading restriction got up. Slapped me in the face first few mins back in the game.

This shouldn’t have been too hard to implement over a period of 5 months right? Maybe imc were just that busy…

EDIT: Oh! Another one. Maybe imc just overlooked it:

Megaphones should have a delay you say? imc may have just overlooked this one:

Oh yeah, I’ve experienced this before a few times on accident. I’ll submit a bug report when I can collect some more video footage. Maybe some hardworking future Prinny will dig it up and place it in good company:

EDIT: And another!

Heh yes. The censor thing is just ridiculous. Theres a huge list of words I could rattle off that I’ve seen people use that ARENT censored, and should be if you’re into that sort of thing (IMO, i usually turn OFF censors if i can). On top of that, the censor is so stupidly broad that even game mechanics terms cant be spoken, which is just silly. At least create filter exceptions, for crying out loud.

Edit: Oh man, and the megaphone thing too. Just one of many many anti-spam tactics they could’ve added to cut down on issues. I mean, you’re never gonna truly solve gold seller spam, I think - there’s always creative ways to abuse systems, but you can make it annoying to try to get around.

Yeah… hindsight is obviously 20/20 which is why some of these posts are so funny now. And for many of them, I can kind of understand why imc didn’t end up addressing them. But some of the issues had a lot of comments and discussion and were clearly issues that have persisted till today. So it’s kind of mind boggling I guess… is all I can muster up…

I remamber many threads with buggs documented in great detail with videos showing exactly how to reproduce those and these bugs are still ingame.

They based their work mostly around korean testers ,either they were crap testers OR they didn’t listen to them either.
This became apparent to me when they tried to modify our economy to resemble Korean economy.

If you dig up some threads about that , you’ll see a huge drama xD. It was a huge fiasco to say the least.
Couldn’t even play priest, because your expenses far exceeded your income.


Yeah, well I’m done for tonight I think. The point of this whole thread though was that there were some legitimate concerns in the past that I think got overlooked and clearly have come back to haunt us. Again, the disclaimer is that hindsight is 20/20 and many of the posts I picked out may not have been representative of the mindset of players at the time.

That said… I can’t help but wonder if a lot of these could’ve been avoided if we had a better feedback system for big issues with the game.

I like to think that imc just overlooked them and weren’t intentionally ignoring them, but we could lay a lot of those fears to rest with a better feedback system.

So excuse my blatant idea self-promotion:

I on the other hand have a fairly pessimistic outlook and will go ahead and say that it is all 100% intentional.

They seem to go back and forward between being ignorant and panicking when they step on a mine.

I’ve just read the annoucment about loging problems, and when I heard their
solution to the multiple requests problem my jaw dropped.

Source of problem?

eager user clicking buttons


Use the enter button once when logging in

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Yeah… I suspect the NPC lag issues are the same haha

“Just talk to the NPCs once when turning in the quests”

Out of curiosity for any users who have some working knowledge of korean.

@Gwenyth (you’re one of the people I could think of, sorry if I’m bothering you lol >_>)

How has this launch been compared to the kToS one? Are we in the process of that kind of history repeating itself as well or are the causes and issues wholly different?