Tree of Savior Forum

Farming lv 315 items for orange weapons

Maybe they do and you have these things called opinions of your own?

I already talked about this:

So, I’ll ask again:
Why do your points never have anything to support them?

What is the point you’re making quoting a post of Staff saying they are talking about something? Has it happened yet? Where is your proof they actually did something other than make the rates worst?

Are you seriously special?

Proof: It was changed due to user feedback.

And then that thread came proving otherwise? I mean it wouldn’t exist and people wouldn’t complain about it for weeks if there wasn’t a problem.

Wow. Great point there LunarRabbit.

Staff makes posts and says stuff.

Is the following enough? Dpk more difficult than before?

1 day ago:

The rate is actually better, it’s just worse if you’re on a Thaum since you can’t predict when to use swell body.

This example shows that 31k kills gives 112 horns which means a ratio of 276 per horn while with the old rates you’d need at least 475-675 to drop one.

What exactly was proved? I’ve seen a few peoples’ tables where they list how many kills it took and it looks like about what you’d expect from an RNG system with kill counts ranging from 100-900.

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LunarRabbit requires you provide said tables or therefore your statement is invalid.

This topic is over a month old and has 324 posts for the record. You’re going to talk about Cherry Picking and baseless information to build a discussion off then give me SOLID proof other than them saying something was changed. Was every single DPK item changed to RNG? Do you know the current exact mechanics running behind the scene for sure?

@LunarRabbit You can’t sit there expecting me to jump your hoops and don’t even come close yourself to own standards. How do you know for sure exactly that every drop has been switched from DPK to RNG over a Staff post and patch notes? Have you gone out and farmed every item in the game personally?

How many times has Staff said something which wasn’t true or the patch notes been wrong? Pretty sure that’s why “Stop embarrassing yourself” is a meme and people don’t take them seriously.

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Reminder: The DPK adjustment happened on 24-25 April maintenance.

@joeswaaz refers to the old values (before any changes to the DPK system) being applied with the new drop system as you can find on tos.neet database.

Another example after the 24-25 April maintenance:

I can’t really consider any drop data before April 24 since that’s out of the scope of my argument.

Unless you want to compare both periods which will clearly show that the April 24-25 maintenance did change the rates, thus automatically proving my point.

I don’t know if that’s the proper way to link it I mostly just lurk sometimes.

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You’re trying to make a point to me and other people about there being changes which kinda requires those values? Not only that but unsure if you even understand what I said in this thread still about them making it easier.

Here’s what I pretty much said when I got tagged into the thread which falls in line with the point you’re trying to make to me that I knew already. Now explain to me why would making the drops super easy to obtain would be a problem? Because that’s what I was talking about not minor adjustments within a 5-10% margin and you still have to kill 1000’s of a monster.

Wow just wow. Is it possible for me to be at fault for every single little problem this company has from players like myself not playing or them not being able to fine tune a drop system? Then I’m called a troll because I said if they make it a 100% drop then people are going to get bored when that’s what would happen if I had everything in this game.

It’s called an opinion.

I understand that the point of the thread is making them easier. You’re the one who doesn’t understand it, since the start:

You said this:

Which was answered by this:

To show that they’re really listening and working on it.

I already gave you enough things to support my argument that they’re working on it.

Yet, you still didn’t give a single thing to support what you have claimed since the start of this entire discussion.

Everything you did was try to dodge from this question, which I want to ask again:

They didn’t add that stuff yet and you still farm 1000’s of a monster to get what you need being a time sink. That’s irrelevant to my opinion of it being boring. You sure got me good there I am sure nobody else has ever had the same opinion and why they ask for it to not be like that.

This seriously is boiling down to you being special trying to make an opinion into an argument using the scientific method. Should we break out the periodic table of elements and collect molecule examples of opinions coming to the conclusion of your own opinion being right?

There goes your dodging + exaggeration again.

My initial point was that they are making it easier and they are listening to users and working on it, yet, trying to get it done right so getting the strongest and rarest type of equipment isn’t trivial, as in any other decent game.

Again: The materials are used to the strongest weapon available.

So instead of giving the strongest weapons for free they’re adjusting the DPK values and as well adding alternative weapons that works just as fine as those for almost, if not all, content.

If what you say was true there would be no point in adding extra Lv.315 gears.

Plus, your post wasn’t an opinion expression one, you posted it as an affirmation that works as a claim but one that’s false, thus false claim. There’s the reason we tell you exaggerate things and makes false claims to make things look worse than they are, just to fail to support your own argument right after and change the topic or use ad-hominem attacks.

Great send me a cake next time IMC does superb things like adjusting a rate by 5-10% and it’s still pretty obscene to most casual people. That’s exactly what they wanted from all their feedback in that thread and this one right? Most people aren’t simply complaining saying 1000’s are too many except for me saying the opposite in a statement which is my opinion.

Do you even live in the reality of these forums and game? Or is your head so far up IMC’s maximus gluteus that you have sit there nitpicking my opinions by writing a formulated equation of why it says something it doesn’t? Because I’m pretty sure I didn’t ask for the DPK or RNG to be easier, but did say if they were 100% drops the game would be boring and people would prolly leave faster.

More exaggeration.

475-675, I’ll assume (A+B)/2 as average = 575

575 -> 276 = 52% less

575 -> 488 = 16% less

575 -> 356 = 39% less

So, where are the 5-10% you said?

What argument was there before you even existed in this thread when I made a statement based off my own opinion. And what feedback is IMC listening to when people don’t want to kill 1000’s of monsters for a weapon?

I think you need to ask yourself that one.

If your opinion is expressed in the form of a statement written as an argument it’s actually understood as argument and will be treated just like that.

If you want no one to answer to it:
-> First, stop getting emotionally attached to your posts.
-> Second, decide between:
A) State it explicitly as an opinion.
B) Don’t post at all.

You can read it here, there’s the URL:

@ophiuchu Who are you on Orsha?

We lived in that area for 2 skull smashers and 2 regard horn pikes. We’re going back for another Skull Smasher. Haha.