Tree of Savior Forum

Farming lv 315 items for orange weapons

It goes more like:

  1. Get on forums to disagree with Ophiuchu

  2. Say stuff about IMC listening and working hard so patch won’t have bugs as the reason why it takes long

  3. Patch actually drops after months and has tons of bugs not even working like it says in patch notes

100% guaranteed:

Then continue to say trolls and other people are to blame not IMC like nothing happened.

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(;¬д¬)<( I disagree with you! )

Honest and friendly tip

Just ignore them

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And in reality it is:

  1. Knows that issues exists and comments on them when people have something to.

  2. Sees Ophiuchu come and try to distort everything everyone says, necro threads for the sake of arguing with others, uses words and numbers from others trying to support his own arguments even though it wasn’t even what the person meant.

  3. Then see that when he fails he, himself, takes something and try to over-exaggerate or make up anything else that can be seem as “makes sense” even though not being truth.

  4. And while looking at forums still see Ophiuchu spamming more almost all threads he finds an opening to make up stuff.

  5. Call Ophiuchu out for that and decide to stop him from making stories.

  6. Ophiuchu now assumes a personal war because getting emotionally fixated to the posts content and thinks everyone who doesn’t agree with him is the same person.

  7. Ignore Ophiuchu for some days.

  8. Go check some threads and there’s it again: Ophiuchu making up stuff and exaggerating stuff and telling new players to go away.

  9. Call him out again and explain the real situation to the player.

  10. Ophiuchu now starts the next world war, switching to another topic right after that or waiting a new thread to post on. When he can’t find one, he posts a meme on an old thread.

How many times did you just use my name in that post and say I’m exaggerating and lying? If I’m such a liar you’d be willing to take my bet about you making a video deleting all your characters then making a thread on the forums saying “Ophiuchu doesn’t lie I am actually the one who lies” if IMC releases a patch with bugs and things which break the game.

Because if they are taking their time listening and making sure to fix bugs that wouldn’t happen or else you’d be the exaggerating liar right? Wait, that’s right you won’t because you are and a cry baby that tries so hard to get me banned and defamed it’s actually amazing.

All people are seeing is “Waaaaaah Ophiuchu ophiuchu ophiuchu” in your posts.

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Count by yourself.

Why would I delete my characters? The game is still playable and fun. Don’t try to make other people stop playing just because you stopped and say that you still play.

Maybe you got jelly and feel bad because you’re too lazy to catch up? Maybe that’s why you keep asking for wipes? o:

Plus, it’s a fact that a lot of big patches also comes with bugs. No one ever disagreed with it, lol.

They are adjusting DPK after people complained. It’s what we were discussing before, right?

Seems you dropped the entire DPK discussion to over-exaggerate your claim, again.

But hey, look at the DPK issue, they are really working to get it better, right? I’ve even quoted STAFFs own answer here:

Are you saying @STAFF_Yuri is lying then? For me it’s pretty clear that they’re trying to get something done, as in, done the right way.

If you claim something that is false. What do you call it where you live? Actually, the name you gave yourself “exaggerating liar” feels quite right.

I don’t try to get you banned. If you’re breaking the rules that’s your problem. Most people that answers to you here on forum are able to have civilized discussions, but instead you get wild and think everyone is an alt and start being toxic.

You just act toxic to make people don’t bother answering you, so you look right because no one is here to disagree, right?

You just got unlucky, because you found someone that doesn’t care with you being toxic and will stay around showing where your points are invalid. And if you end up banned for being toxic, that’s totally your problem, you wouldn’t be banned nor would have received warnings from STAFFs if you always acted in a civilized way.

Do you really think that being spammy and offensive will support any of your claims?

Because you’re lacking examples and sources on almost all of them and literally says nothing to support them, then start being offensive/toxic. If you want to prove any point, just give it valid things to support.

But wait, you can’t?

Hmm… that’s sad then, must mean something… but I’ll let you think by yourself.


You tell me. If they release a bad patch does saying Ophiuchu is an exaggerating liar and flagging Staff going to support your claims? Prolly not but it -could- be working if you say it enough who knows.

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Oh, good thing I don’t do it. It’s clear that bad patches exists and that’s it.

But let’s go back, don’t run away:

When I’m here to prove one point I’m offering things to support them. I just tagged the staff post plus the patch note showing that they did change the DPK because the player feedback.

Does not offer anything to prove your point. Evades answering all questions that would show that you’re wrong. Then changes the topic like just now.

Why do your points never have anything to support them?

I said: They can’t make DPK easier because it would ruin the game.

You said: They are working on things and Ophiuchu is an exaggerating liar that is trying to scare away new players.

Seriously man if you really do have documented mental problems in real life I will stop posting. Otherwise what the freaking heck is wrong with you that what I posted translates into that. I am actually legit concerned here that you’ve got a serious problem with everything I post some how translates into “Ophiuchu is an exaggerating liar” somewhere.

I could say: Banana bread. And that some how is me saying the game is dead please go away everyone as troll bait.

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And where’s the thing to support your claim? None.

This is what I really said:

  1. Pointed my argument
  1. Added things to support my claim:

This shows that making DPK easier wouldn’t affect the game in any negative way, since they’re adding more weapon variety and the complains about DPK are related to Lv.315 weapon, just like this thread title.

  1. Added proof to what I was talking about:

Then, after I give you a point, something to prove my point and yet another thing that shows that it’s true, you come and:

  1. Changes the topic into something else:
  1. Over-exaggerate and false claim, since it isn’t about changing the number but actually changing the design with care, considering all alternatives:
  1. Tries to evade any discussion:
  1. Even though suggesting the reader to think by themselves. You still didn’t offer anything to support your claim and yet tries to get everyone to agree with you. As such, going far from what you said yourself.

I’ll ask you again:
If you want the readers to think by themselves why do you need to try to exaggerate everyone trying to drive people away?

  1. But let’s continue, after all the discussion, instead of having a civilized talk with arguments and everything, memes starts appearing:

And yet you never gave anything else to support your own arguments.

  1. I scroll down to your last post and there’s still:

6.1) Trying to use offensive things.
6.2) Showing your preconception towards something.
6.3) Being toxic and wanting to make me stop posting so you don’t have anyone to disagree with you, since that’s the only way you can feel right since you never have anything to support your own arguments.


Says questionable stuff like this, when you’re the one that distorts what everyone says.

At last:

If you’re not a liar, why do you never have anything to support your own arguments?

I’m not the only one saying that you over-exaggerate and bring false claims to discussions as well I’m not the only one asking: Could you bring anything that supports your arguments?

So, I’ll ask the same question you yet again refuse to answer:


So let me just ask this:

Were you lying when you said you don’t play the game?

Or are you lying now saying that you play the game?


Excuse me. You must provide 7 forms of identification along with proper context to back up your statement sir. We just had this discussion like 1 minute ago? Don’t start becoming an exaggerating liar now.

Just answer:
A) You said you weren’t playing nor had any intention of playing the game.

B) You say you are playing the game.

So, where were you lying, when you said A or B?

No, you’re going to find that post you quoted out of context before being an exaggerating liar and I’ll find you the ones I’ve been saying I still login daily ever since that which you’ve been ignoring.

A) You said you weren’t playing nor had any intention of playing the game.

B) You say you are playing the game.

Which one is the truth? Stop dodging the questions. Are you playing the game or not?

You need to learn to stop feeding this troll.

So you aren’t playing since you have incompatibility, right?

Why do you say you are playing, then?

If you can’t read posts and just going to make stuff up I’m absolutely sorry about you expecting the same from me. I’ve explained my problems pretty clearly and said what I wanted to do in the game. Now I’ve been saying that I login daily ever since that is there a problem here with that? Because my problem is with you and the crew saying I don’t play the game and only post here saying I want new players to quit.

Are you having a malfunction or something? I’m not going to find posts for you when you’re so ignorant as to expect that I should do the same to support my statements.

I would like for them to fix DPK and if by doing so it ruins the game but gets rid of people who enjoy the obnoxious amount of time it takes to make a weapon for me to enjoy broken and uninteresting, mundane end-game content, I say good riddance.

I would like for them to maybe make some interesting boss mechanics. None of the bosses have mechanics. They just do a lot of damage and nothing else interesting occurs.

Anyway, fix DPK. Make it easier. I have other things I enjoy doing.


But that’s all you do.

So were you lying when you told you don’t play and didn’t want to?

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I’m about 60% of the way done with a wingshard spear. My advice is to just pace yourself. Just try and farm 1/2 drops per day, and ask guildies to give you any spares they might have. If you go on long marathon farming sessions and try to get big chunks of it done at a time you’ll burn yourself out. Apart from that, it’s just being patient and having good music.

Good hunting!

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