Tree of Savior Forum

[EU] schwarznagger's Bot Army

He even logged his bots out when GM was holding the meeting. I’d have asked Mango to check his warlock bot out to get him banned quickly.

The warlock is running always on the same path to fixpoints on the map. If theres an barrier like icewall in the way, he runs against the wall till he reaches the fixpoint. Setting fireballs always on the same spots and such.

When I try to get rid of the bot by changing some mobs, the warlock bot dies, but quickly revives and goes on till he dies again. Schwarznagger then comes and kills the changed mob to get his warlockbot running again.

@STAFF_Max do something! Mango said we should ask you!

I feel bad for you guys, you know nothing will happen right?

Hope dies last chrno!

@GM_Francis pls do something!

He get’s offensive now! :tired_face:
Save us! @GM_Francis

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My initiative tho, let’s keep this thread bumping continuously spamming gm’s tags until they find out this thread as well as mine.
I may be banned sooner than bots, will be a real shame if that happens.

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John

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He’s getting even more offensive now

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GM do something make the game better place for everyone…

Hey @artsy357, we have banned Faithse and grsdfgg. However, the other reported players are currently offline. We’ll surely keep an eye out on their accounts. Thank you for reporting :slight_smile:

Very funnny people can only be banned when online?

Dunno, but this guy has had this party like all day & night since saturday, first saw them in tenet garden but thought it was just a warlock leeching, after that they have been camping royal mausoleum and dina bee 24/7.

In royal mausoleum was too obvious that they were botting, so basically GM’s fixed that seed xploit in hours but let this bots alive for half of a week now (since my thread, this bot is kinda well known tho).

Made a vid of Schwarznaggers Warlockbot being stuck. He was only doing the skills repeatly wihtout moving

Note that he ignores nearby bees and cant collect any silver in that state :>


Fun fact, in my thread I uploaded that picture in royal mausoleum and everybody in their party were in that guild “chosen!”.

In your video they all left but the bot.

Guys are you going to wake up or planning to show up for another event? @GM_Francis @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John

It keeps getting better.

Another one of these bots (windows95) does actually resurrect endlessly. No matter how often it dies, it just revives on spot

And one more vid:

Edit: nvm, he just revives to the Camp xD

But he automatically does that which proves, hes a bot!

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Please terminate these bots.
What’s the point of a game where the majority of players are just bots/afkers/harassers/cheaters?

Players already have to put up with lag, random DC and poor performance and seeing bots take over maps just ruins game play even more.

Here is another video of him… he has upgraded place to better spot since leveled this high already… now at vedas plateau killing white grolls. perfect spot for botter since its high density and better drops/silver than dina bee farm. he uses wiz to aoe spam on same spot while schwarznagger sits there and taunts with full con build. also he got char named windows95 which runs in same pattern over and over again to gather all white grolls so they wont kill warlock. actually even on this vid widnows95 dies and like 5sec after vid ends he is back running same pattern.

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John

Hey @Sciguma, upon further investigation we verified that your reported player is legitimate. However, we will be sure to remind the player to avoid using any third party program.


You have my curiosity

Do you seriously think the player in question sits there in person and just clicks res button repeatedly? He is literally standing still after ressing too.

Legitimate running 24/7. Nice joke indeed…

So Botting is legal now? Any recommended bot?


Good joke , disappointing …

guys calm down you have to accept the fact that you are not alone play on the server, and there are people who do not just sit necro-AFK ( like you), they play with hands, and can take everything away from you, do not complain to administrators in order that removed not be pleasing to you players.
I think @GM_Francis rights, and you should not discuss his decision.
Play friendly.

Nothing against human players, but this guy is botting - that’s the problem.
How about you watch Sei’s videos?
Sei even managed to get the Bot stuck repeating endlessly spells on one spot in the same interval, just saying.

Nice joined 2 hours ago , bot owner joined forum to defend himself??