Time for some brainstorming. We know no one can do anything against the bots. The GMs (haha nice joke indeed) won’t do anything.
But there still is the big question
- Who owns the bot army?
tl;dr (at the beginning).
I was quite sure it’s TmD_DyX’s army because evidence and traces lead to him but it seems like there is more behind it, especially it seems like it’s Legends™ army.
What do we know so far?
- At first there was DyX botting on his warlock.
- At one point the first Pyro Bots appeared called PIsT0n and stuff
Given that DyX and those Pyros used the same script is already some hard stuff and also DyX disappeared at some point but his wealth still grew but how? I am quite aware of all silver areas because of own chars and others lurking around but this guy dissapeared and the gear still shows huge silver investment.
Later on with Rank 8 all the bots were replaced by Pyro Warlocks for obvious farming reasons all known as:
schwarznagger, windows95, stallone_ -
What we know from some responses is that schwarznagger is Russian because of “))” it’s a Russian emote - huge Dota knowledge here.
According to the way of speach it’s similiar (the superior attitude and that talking down to everyone) to SmallRed or now known as Red_
Sidenote: There is a habit of people how to fix names which are already taken. People typically go through the same algorithm to get a name when it’s already taken and everyone has his personal preference.
Noticed how it’s stallone_ and Red_? Just saying. -
It probably started with TheRed. Known for cheating (hooking, channel crashing) probably also botting because well, they don’t care to be legit it seems and want to finance their superiority feeling.
What lead me to Legends™ or at least a circle inside (given that it started with TheRed people that migrated to Legends™) is that if you take into calculation the amount of genereted silver each day which is some dozen millions there actually has to be one huge overgeared person but there isn’t. It’s multiple persons getting their share of it to prosper.
There is a group of similiar high geared people of Legends™ which conists of TmD_DyX and Red_ at least. I don’t see anyone of them actually farming silver or Saalus shards for the number they actually have (stage 8 weapons, stage 5 first solmiki parts). Where does all the funding for this come from?
I’ll just leave this one here.

Maghi is also part of Legends™ and it’s interesting how there is movement (channel switiching) for the Warlock bots but rarely if not ever
even a Warlock bot running in Maghi’s channel.
- Maybe RMT. Probably not connected to the bot army. Still for reference.

What is to come?
Join me! Look for more shady stuff. Especially in the market with that nice addon. The question is where is the silver flowing too? Can we find more leads? If it’s just a circle inside Legends™ without anyone inside knowing about it then well duh, still leaves a bad image. High chances it’s the TheRed leftovers who are responsible for it.
Stay tuned for more about Legit™.