Tree of Savior Forum

Circle reset NEEDED for game to survive!

Future Guild Vs Guild Suggestion Attention Devs and Players For Support check this guys future game feature hopefully

What does this have anything to do with circle resets?

Still waiting for IMC to make a beautiful little post on this huge matter…

This actually BREAKS the game.

  • Everyone could just level with fastest class and change later.
  • Everyone could have FOTM (Flavor Of The Month) class every time.
  • Everyone could make their selves 1000 scrolls, pots, gems, etc. Then change class.
  • Everyone could take new classes instantly.

What we actually need is stats reset potion.


What if…

This actually BREAKS the game.

Everyone could just level with fastest class and change later.
(Make players need to level up again the classes they chagend, exemple: If i go Plague Doctor class 15 and wanna change to Kabbalist, then my Kabbalist class level is 1, i need to levelup alllllll the way to class 15 to be a real Kabbalist, this will take alot of efort and time, its almost like starting a new char, the diference is that is much harder cause you will need to grind and cant do the quests you alredy do.)

Everyone could have FOTM (Flavor Of The Month) class every time.
(the first solution is a solution for this one to, and this is pretty bad cause the game still need ALOT of balance and new classes etc, so 60% of player base will end up with bad builds and will need to make another char.)

Everyone could make their selves 1000 scrolls, pots, gems, etc. Then change class.
(First solution)

Everyone could take new classes instantly.

What we actually need is stats reset potion.
(I thinks this is true, betwen this also makes grind easy and pvp easy, just go full dps for grind and alot of con for pvp, dont make alot of diference)

And one more thing, i think this changes (resets) should be limited to 1-5 times a month and only for vip users.

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I think most of the ppl who wants a circle reset wouldn’t want it that way.

I actually want them to totally lose their rank (so they have to level it back) and that they could only reset their last rank (It could happen multiply times or you could somehow set the reset for how much ranks you want to reset but still only counted from the last rank)

I rly don’t want to see low rank switching… if you want that reroll completly what could happen with my reset type as I said above…

Also here is a topic about that actually:

I think a lot of ppl have a wrong idea about how could it be implemented…unfortunately from both sides. (but I don’t say my version is the best xD)

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For me
You could win the resets only for classes that earn upgrades/nerfs. Take for example have a build with Corsair C2 and he gets a nerf, I am entitled to 2 restart circle if I have only one gain 1… and only to change Corsair slot and I have to up the class again.
Imagine you up at rank 7 take one class and its get nerf or another update you dont like.

the rest you can imagine how good or bad is your build, need only be patient and learn about, have a lot of resources for that.

Sorry my english, is not my native language

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I Agree with you, actually I make a “meta” build but dont like it at all, got a level 250 Cleric 2, Priest 3, Chaplain, Plague Doctor.
I Enjoy plague doctor, but then, chaplain just sucks in end game, its scales really poor, and in pvp melee classes just suffer, and cleric melee suffer even more cause of the movment speed. Plague D. is great, healing factor is pretty OP, bloodletting is “ok”, oracle and dispellers can do the same, incineration in my opinion just sucks.
What I want to reset? Only Plague and Chaplain, for Bokor 1 and Kabbalist 1.
Now Im already in level 80 with my other cleric, cause i need to replay ALL the same quests, mobs, maps, missions, dgs, with basically the same class and skills… Just sad.
And no one can tell me (oh its because u screw up your build cause you dont serch).


I agree with the idea of a circle reset, we must spend so MUCH time to reach max level, all the achievements, adventure points, etc, for what? So that they can nerf our class to the ground? Or we choose a wrong class because of a bad description of the skills at ranks 6+ and we are forced to reroll?

But, the feature must be made with some restrictions of course, to prevent abuses.


Full resets are an awful idea. Resets or respecs need to have limitations on them so that you can’t go from a full support to a full dps with zero work. However, I don’t agree that you should have to reroll if your build doesn’t work. This expectation just shows how bad the balance of the game is.

Respecs/resets are not required for this game to survive. I think a lot of people will stick with this game even though the balance is completely broken. Most will play the op build of the month and act as if the game is fine. Many will bot the crap out of this game when it goes F2P as they’re already doing.

Here’s my solution to respecs:

This whole thread is pointless. Resets would ruin the whole point of circles. Respecs won’t be implemented because it’s too late to make that big of a design change. Also, lots of people are against the idea because for some reason they believe repeating 200 levels of questing is fun and want to force that on others. The devs will stick to their guns as if the game was meant to be “hard” (build reliant) and force you to reroll. Quit now if you don’t want to reroll ever or can’t handle your build being nerfed.


Honestly i dont want to see circle resets… i dont want anyone just seeing my build and right away reseting there circle because of how good my build might me.

I spend hours theory crafting/video watching/researching my build for someone to just copy it in 10mins without any effort.

On Top of it, how about fix the reall problem like removing “Potential” loss from transferring items between characters on your account and giving you at least 10 slots free in Team Storage to be easily be able to transfer equipment between characters, or things you want to give to your alt. X)

"10. Team Storage functionalities are changed:

Moving items to and from the Team Storage will not use up your Token’s number of trades
Equipments do not lose Potential, and consumables and materials do not gain Total Untradable points.
Untradable materials could be stored and taken out before. This has been fixed.
You still need to use a Token to access Team Storage; this requirement has not changed."

This will be implemented in the coming 24 maintenance.

Circle reset as a solution for inconvenient builds, just by personal mistake or changes in game mechanics because of a patch, is like killing people as a solution for sickness.

The less changes in the game as they had planed it, the better. “Balancing” is almost always getting things worst and what people don’t get is some things are worst and some others are better for every class, each class is good for something and for for other things, that’s balance, not “everyone tank, hit and do everything the same” like other mmo’s.

lol stats reset potion and circle reset makes no diff… u can go str-con as cleric or int-con then switch to full support late game… doesnt looks same way ? fastest class and change later not really matter too… =/

also sometime ppl need that cause they screw up the current 1 after invested 300 hours on a char… u expect him to start again new 1 ?? u not gonna get a degree or master in TOS. ppl jus play game for pleasure… lol


And that’s the main problem with people that don’t want resets, they think their classes are going to be the same forever.

IMC made a lot of mistakes in the class system, Swordman dps is to weak, wizards dps are too strong, and the other classes are “ok”, probably IMC are going to change all that given enough time, swordman will be buffed, wizard are going to be rebalanced, clerics and archer are going to change a litle bit too, and for what IMC is showing us, when they patch it, they are going to do it wrong.

Imagine if they buff swordman so much that it goes stronger than other dpses, then we will have the dps problem we already have, but in the opposite, everyone wants swordmans in the party and no one wants archers, maybe you’re a mage, and they remake the damage calc and you get too weak, now you have a “useless” character, if they change cleric or archer classes into a way you don’t like your class anymore, then in those cases we will have 3 thing happening, lots of new characters, lot of quitting or all the “no reset people” are going to change their minds,


Honestly i build my character for what is good now if they change it my build wont suffer. Cause when new Circles come out it be whole new meta of what good and what bad, and if i have to relevel that wont be a problem. It honestly doesnt take long to level, especially once you get the routes/were to go/idea what gear to aim for. Takes me under a day to get to level 100 now that i figured out the route/dont read story cause i know it. Plus i got Arde Daggers now, anything past 75+ it going to be even faster now.

I am yet to find a party that doesnt want my archer in there party, heck i even saw more msgs on world chat for archers than i did for tanks.

my character usually ends up stealing agro, and than i just kite and tank bosses for the party. Honestly you dont need tanks in this game, they only good for is shouting aoe taunt to gather enemies that about it.

only time when you take damage in this game if you made a mistake or got taken by a surprise by bosses’s attack. But you should have at least enough con to survive 2-3 shots from a boss.

No class reset ? OK ! What are you going to do when you super uber builds 300+ lvls been nerfed. Wanna see how you doing rerol and lvling new charas. Only stupid idiot against circle reset BECAUSE THIS GAME is not balanced this clases is not balanced. BEACUSE THIS GAME waiting more balance/classes changes and when you 300+ lvl you dont want doing rerol because developers doing mistakes. Why i must pay my time/money for developers mistakes ? Answer me all who say “no reset” ?

just stick with ur choices you picked that class and you complain it got nerfed sooo what the point is tooo have fun even if they nerfed your class just enjoy the game stop whining

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this is not a moba classes are used for different things.

TOS core is leveling and grinding.
job Resets would be suicide for the game
turn this game into another WoW clone or generic MMORPG
old players would not return to the low level maps
destroys the class system where there were 4 class in the game
which it was the reason for the failure of RO2

Hoes does this statement



And why do you believe thats what we think?