Hi all, the porpouse of this topic is to share an off meta build for PvE Inquisitor, based mainly on the stack of attributes in the circle fillers to maximize crit rate while achieving a good utility overhall.
The massive advantage to take druid1+2 as a filler for inquisitor is to gain +50% crit rate on animal form(!), plus +110 atk /+50%dodge/+75%hp from size of the form herself. As a side bonus, chortasmata will let you gain +20%DPS on afflicted enemies if you have picked at least 1 circle of Diev and, ofc, you will gain an extra immunity due to sterea troth.
Why is this so good?
Monstrance + Animal Form let you gain easily up to 800 crit rate, an impossible achievement for clerics otherwise, which, as side bonus, open the ring slots for gladiator or phada over sissel, giving us +2atk ratio and extra damage in the process. Using them with vubble fighters gloves let us ramp to +4 AoE Atk gear WHILE, remind you, playing with 100% crit rate(!). Last but not last, we have extra stats point to spare since we will not need to go full DEX, gaining “free” atk (extra str) or hp (extra con) in the process.
This is the most offensive monk/inquisitor build atm avaible, is much better then monk 2+3 due to the fact that double punch in R8 is just a filler for inquisitor (most of our damage come from pears) and, while picking druid, we do gain BETTER overall dps AND much more utility due to transform + sterea troth.
This build can also be played in PvP (I suggest to sacrifice Diev 1 for Priest 2) even if, in that case, I still suggest the “standard” monk inqui PvP variant with 2 picks between oracle/kabba/miko as fillers for your rank 6+7
Now let me show you the skillbuild, which is mostly based on the attributes of the druid class (but we will soon come to that)
First Part: the build

Cleric (2)
- Heal: 10/10 the most signature spell of the whole cleric tree, this will let you save your team ass multiple times
- Cure: 1/10 is taken just as a debuff and for the ability to kill traps with one tick. DO NOT take the attribute “cure: Damage Interval” since we are a physical build and, for us, it’s better if the circle stay on the field as much as possible.
- Divine Might: 5/5 one of the strongest buffs in game, +1 all skill is so stronk. 1st buff to keep up 24/7!
- Fade: 5/5 this is my 1st cleric char where I maxed fade. R8 contest make me re-value the ability to walk freely in the maps, plus it helps to dodge ground atks. The minimal point is 1/5
- Deprotected Zone: 0/10 I was used to put 3 points in this on inquis for the attribute but, honestly, I do think you have too much stuff to do later so I finally skipped the skill. If you do want to invest in it let me remind you that this skill kinda require 3 points to pick both attributes.
- Safety Zone: 9/10 The 1st immunity of the cleric tree, I chosed to steal one point from this to max out fade, while the attribute “safety zone:block count” (remember, avaible ONLY at cleric 2) will give us plenty of extra blocks

Priest (1)
- Monstrance 1/5; the main reason to pick this class, a bunch of free crit ratio for all the party. It’s a key skill for the build, so 2nd buff to keep up 24/7!
- Blessing 5/5: it’s a buff that fail off later, keep it up only if you have free time or if you want to buff heal damage for somebody else (hidden interation: blessing let each carpet of heal tick twice on enemies)
- Resurrection 5/5: yeah, make people come back from the death, not that bad as a power, after all.

Dievdibys (1)
- Statue of Goddess Vakarine 1/5: pretty free point to teleport at will
- Statue of Goddess Zemina 5/5: the “worst” totem of the diev tree, still gives okish sp regen at lvl 5 and, mostly, it will gain aggro for the team, which make him one of the best punch bags avaible in PvE.
- Statue of Goddess laima 5/5: -20% CD and AoE slow, yes please. A patch in the middle of 2016 have let Diev 1 have the uptime of this skill 100% which is really helpfull vs bosses while using the team long CDs skills. 3rd powerfull buff of the build, keep it up vs static enemies.
- Carve Attack 4/5: the only phisical pierce attack of the build, finally it got buffed and stack with atk ratio, it’s also a decent multi atk vs buildings.
- Plant type-damage 2/2: even if this is a “mere” attribute I consider it as strong as a skill to show how good it is for a diev/druid. We will gain +20%DPS vs plants which, thx to chortasmata 100% uptime, are pretty common while playing a druid.

Monk (1)
- Double Punch: 5/5 this is the filler of the character. While you are DPSing and your skills are on CD, spam this like crazy.
- Hand Knife: 1/5 a super good debuff when Armor Break procs, fire it when off cooldown and hope for the best
- Palm Strike: 4/5 pretty garbage skill, but still an extra Damage Over Time so worth investing in it.
- Iron Skin: 5/5 pretty limited self buff but it can still find is own moments to shine and, at the same time, doesn’t exactly steal skill points to anything else.

Druid (2)
- Carnivory 10/10: an extra AoE Damage over Time for us, not so strong especially if we went for yellow gems in main hand.
- Sterea Troth 5/5: our 2nd invulnerability, not as strong as Druid 3 but still 10 secs duration are no joke.
- Chortasmata 9/10: 100% uptime give us the “free” +20%DPS from Diev, while allowing to cast both carnivory and sterea troth easily.
- Telepath 0/10: I consider this skill useless for PvE, you can rase it (lowering Chortasmata) for PvP porpouses.
- Shape Shifting 1/10 & transform 5/5: extra points in shape are useless since is needed only to let us transform back in the animal we shifted into, so the “real” skill it’s transform. And WHAT A SKILL THIS IS. +50% crit rate (animals), check! +50% evasion (small) / +75% hp (large) / +110 atk (medium), check! This skill has one of the best attributes in the entire game. Guessed archer 2 was good?

Inquisitor (1)
- God Smash 4/5: I smash your face, just a couple of times each 30 secs, I don’t want to be unmannered
- Pearls of Anguish 5/5: meanwhile I’m gonna destroy you with cute sheeps
- Breaking Wheel 4/5: one of the most unique skills in the game, basically anything casted on the wheel gain MASSIVE atk ratio and let the team spread every debuff possible, kinda sweet.
- Malleus Maleficarum 1/5: nice debuff vs high def magic mobs for the team.
Second Part: Gear choices for end game
Pre practorium / lolo gear choices and transform Best in Slot picks for a ready to play end game
As I see it, there are two main differences for your gear:
- The Weapon pick: Five hammer vs phisical maces, aka red gems vs yellow gems
- The size of the animal transformation that you are gonna pick, since they provide different bonuses you should gear properly for them
A) The Weapon pick
- Let’s 5x5 the fun! the hybrid DPS with Red Gems
Five Hammer is a powerfull and easy to obtain weapon, which gives us +5 AoE atk ratio while overcharging yourself with 5 red gems in main hand. This has 2 side effects: the 1st is that you can skip extra AoE atk ratio, forgiving you for the lack of gladiators, which is kinda normal if you are a new player, plus it boots all of yours magic skills at the cost of crit atk dmg. I went for a really HIGH crit atk stack build, since I don’t use Five Hammer myself and I stack crit atk (3x head slots, virtov leather boots, 2x gladiator, yellow gems on my hand). If you go for five hammer, I strongly suggest you to max Cure (and to take the attribute cure: damage interval as well as investing in enhance) to become an “hybrid” damage dealer. Also, it’s kinda important to prioritize elemental damage on headslot over phisical or crit atk to let the bonus stack on both phisical and magical skills.
Here is the hybrid skill build. on a side note can be also interesting with practorium weapons (especially orange, given the free high magic damage it gives to us), I do lack elemental+hp headslots atm, but If I will stick on the build I can see myself give this one a try.
- The others, aka phisical focussed weapons with Yellow Gems
The 1st option, which kinda sucks nowadays in my opinion. The weapon got nerfed to the ground and, right now, it basically trigger only with Monk skills, which make it kind of meh since it has only 2 sockets compared to the options avaible in this tier of weapons
Your 2nd option. I do strongly suggest this weapon if you are going pure phisical, since it’s the ONLY hammer pre 315 orange with THREE sockets, giving us 3x yellow gems, plus as side bonus it provides extra damage vs evil and free holy damage. The 3rd socket, after the gem buffs, finally gived this weapon is own time to shine.
This is is your 3rd option. It’s the weapon that I use atm, since it has the best base damage of the group on top of extra dmg vs plate, even if it comes at the cost of only 2 sockets. The only BIG problem of Iron Fist is that it’s a rare roll from Roxipher cube, so the recipe is very rare.
No matter what, your off hand is gonna be
Since it is the only shield with 2 gem slots (filled by red gems) on top of extra con and an high magic def!
B) which size do you want to be?
- The Small Form
This is the best form for starters, since it gives you +50%. That’s a LOT of extra dodge with our dexterity, and combo very nicely with a cheap item build effective on R8 Contest, the shade set. This should be the 1st big improvement from the cafrisun set.
The suggested animal to hunt is
Luckily for us, it looks cute as well! Combo this small form with
For a MASSIVE dodge stacking and 25 free stamina for your double punch.
Couple this with a 5hammer with 5x red gems lvl 5 and a pair of Vubble gloves and you are good to go for daily end game contest
- The Medium form
So, this form gives us +110 Atk, which is okish but not stellar over +50% dodge or +75%hp. Why should you pick this one?
In fact, this is the form that I’m using atm, thx to a particular animal that, unluckily for most of us, is avaible only DUE to change (oracle skill).
You will be addicted to 100% uptime on speed, plus this form has a really powerfull TEN multihit skill with 2 Sec CDs that is broken on structures (the damage sucks, has all the melee attacks from transform).
Unique forms are pretty rare, in fact I had to reroll for 8 hours to find one panto with my oracle. So it is better to have an oracle ALT or a really good oracle friend (or get lucky!)
The other good advantage of the medium form is that it works nicely with all the types of armor. Which let us talk about the other 3 good options for us (aside from the small form+shadow set)
You are gonna use 3/4 of this sets all day long, switching freely from one to the other, the exception is for the gloves, since there are a couple of gloves that grant us extra aoe atk ratio and will be used most of the time, while switching to the full sets vs bosses
Since Vubble fighters are BiS for us, I chosed to stick with the virtov leather set (it has a beatifull skin and is underrated in PvE, imo ^^), which gives me 4/4 bonus for wearing leather all day long. The drawback is that you will need to invest more into CON, or to have a really good headgear set with +HP, which is not avaible for everybody. Otherwise you can mix gloves and the sets listed at will, with virtov plate set becoming the most common choice for sure and grymas the budget one. Just remember to switch to the full sets vs bosses and to go back to extra atk ratio vs trash mobs
- The Large Form
This form is suggested if you want to have extra HP (+75%), if you run with a chrono all day long or if you want to go full Plate
I don’t know, honestly, if the normal large panto spearman (found in Tenet Garden) will have this pseudo extra Palm Strike, with make this monster the BiS choice for the large form.
I do suggest to go full plate if you choice large animal, which let us to virtov+roxxona gloves (expensive) or to grymas+roxxona gloves (beginners).
No matter what, remember that the type check for your armor vs phisical attack is given ONLY from what you are using in the TOP slot. So bring always with you a gemmed off plate/leather/cloth top to switch when needed (yeah, this game can be switch heavy zzz).
C) Gems for your armor
The suggested gems are gonna be red top+bottom and blue on shoes, with Heal gem on gloves since it is a really good +1 skillpoint at the cost of the worst gem slot avaible (gloves gem sucks, let’s be honest ).
Corner case if you are going full plate and stacking a good amount of hp, at that point you can consider Yellow gems on top+bottom, but I wouldn’t suggest that with any less of 30k hp, since on dex builds evasion naturally mitigate a lot of phisical incoming damage no matter what, plus remember that large form stack well with red gems
D) Bonus on the Jewels,even if there is not too much to discuss
Rings: Gladiator // Phada is BiS since we stack so much crit rate to not need Sissel and this let us achieve extra damage with no drawback at all, which is really sweet.
Necklace: Max Peta is the only good pick for most phisical builds
Ofc, you can check for alternatives:
5hammer let you go cheap (abomination set and zachariel bangle for beginners is a nice combo)
Dhrag bracelet // revhisian bracelet are always good switch options, or even BiS if you want to play more tanky with a large form or if you are into PvP.
Third Part: let’s brainstorm the stats points
In this part I will discuss how to invest your stats showing my char as an example, given the you are no matter what a dexterity char.
Stats can change mainly due to card slots: if you go elleganos vs glass mole or utility (nuaele), the total score of your invested dex will must be modified with that in mind.
Con will also change based on leather vs plate and headgears, while extra points will be invested in str if you wish so.