Hi everyone. I have been scouring the forums these past few days to get a good idea of how to build a PVE (soloist) melee Inquisitor. Still torn to be honest. I have seen: C2>P>Pal3>M/Kab/PD>Inq, C2>P2>M2>PD/Kab/Ora>Inq, and C2>P2>M3>Inq (I have also seen Druid and Miko variants).
While I have some friends that I play with, I will likely play solo often, and hence would want to get as much solo capacity out of my toon as possible (i.e. a good mix of survivability in soloing dungeons, decent DPS, no/minimal downtime). I also wish to ask advice on what attributes to focus on, in connection to the class/skill build that you would recommend.
Where I am now:
Cleric C2: 10 Heal, 4 Cure, 8 SZ, 5 DM, 3 Fade
Priest C1: 2 Aspersion, 1 Monstrance, 5 Blessing, 2 Resurrection
If it’s not too much trouble, please suggest builds that take off from my current skill build (as much as possible, I want to avoid using resets for now).
Stat-wise, I’m building towards 70-100 Con and then the rest into Dex.
I have read the following very informative threads: Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics; Inquisitor’s Thread, Kabbalist Overview, and Ronteque’s C2>P1>Pala3>?>Inq3 (Physical build) thread - among others. You would then say: well, then you should know the answer to you question by now. That’s the thing: I don’t. Ronteque’s thread and the Inquisitor’s Thread, while extremely informative, only got me thinking more. Hence I’m asking the question specific to my current progress and preference.
You would notice that I posted an earlier thread, suggesting a C3>Pal3>P1>Inq build. An idea which came about as a reaction to some comments I’ve read that building a Dex Inq is a difficult road, and that for the most part, your damage will revolve around Cure and Heal. Rather disappointing and scary, and so in reaction, I thought of C3 (which as I have realized, might have been a stupid idea in the first place).
As you can see, this is a newbie’s plea for help from experts and veterans. I hope you would kindly indulge.
Thank you!