Tree of Savior Forum

Help me build DEX C2/P1/xx/druid3

so, time to roll yet another toon.

I’m pretty bound to phisical builds given how much good my headslot (for phisical) are and from the fact that I pretty much own all the possible gear for phisical builds.

My question is, if you wanted to exp a druid 3 for PvE only going dex, what classses would u choice?

B)C2/priest1/XX/druid 3 (I’m addicted to monstrance, let’s be honest…)

Variations I was thinking atm:

Priest 2: gives all the utility
krivis 1: ez ongoing in pug without need for daino
sadhu 1: mmmh (?)
Diev 1: +20% dmg on chorta and CD reduction for 24/7 invulnerabilities (or close it :p)
Priest 3: for no spirit stone skin (?)
Cleric 3: for the lul

Looking for suggestion, it is my 5th char so I just would have a decent support all around while optimizing my already good gear without too many troubles :wink:

Someone correct me if i am wrong, Druid skills, including Werewolf, are INT based skills or at least use mattk stats?

Also, all the classes you picked, except Diev, are INT and/or SPR classes.

If you are bound to phys builds, go with:


In this last case, Oracle is more for the fun and utilities.

WTF are u trolling me? go back to learn some basic theorycraft dude

To clarify, I have:

Archer1Rogue1Ranger3SR3 (WWcards str build)
Archer2Ranger2Fletcher3hacka (my boss killer)
Cleric2P1diev1monk1druid2inqui (off meta build of my and few others design, u can find my guide [Build] A "Beast" Monk Inquisitor here)

Plus oracle/kabba (for transform test, mainly) and some merchants // scrollers

So dont troll me with cleric 1+ rainbow circles on top of trash monk2+3 builds, ty.

Also the weapon ofc for dex druid 3 would be 5hammer with lvl 6 gems.

Still lf some people that know what they are talking about.

As I said, I want to stick with dex couz I have GODLY headslots for phisical users plus pretty much all the gear possible for them pre solmiki.

I like clerics, I dont want to roll int couz there is no point for me to regear alts when I pretty much can just switch stuff over them for free, so I was asking what can be an optimal pve dex build for druid 3 (and yeah, they are possible to do)

Calm your tits, m8.

As for the matter of going dex for Druid 3: It makes sense. Lycanthropy draws from both Matk and Patk it seems (you get a great boost to Patk just from transforming and Int definitely increases damage). Attacks can crit and Dex helps with evasion (less con investment needed than other builds).

Since you want the standard C2P1 shell you have two free circles.
My pick would be Diev for the +% plant damage attribute for Chortasmata (and Carve Attack) and maybe Monk1 for physical filler skills.

Monk 1 is off, since u can not double punch in druid 3 (when u are in lycan form)

Sorry If I get salty, but I do know the basic theorycraft, and seeing ppl suggest such aberration builds make me rage in a game where a bunch of newbies ask infoes on forum and, if that is the suggestion, they got a char screwed.

Moving forward, I guess that one of the best options (given my fetish love for free monstrance on dex chars 24/7 and resurrect) a decent build could be


for, as u sad, plant damage up all day long (kinda) and plant attribute (plus CD reduction on bosses that do wonders with high lvl of sterea troth).