Tree of Savior Forum

All about Alchemist Crafting Skill (iCBT2 version)

All update and change will be in this thread instead. Because old thread is too old and can’t be edit any more. Anything that’s not mention = stay same and have no change to it.
All about Alchemist Crafting Skill Information

New Attribute > Combustion: Using Silver

Divine Might no longer work

  • More potion
  • Lv up with skill lv : HP, SP, Stamina, Movespeed, AoE Attack Ratio
  • Lv up with attribute : Block, Magic Amplification, Critical Damage

Still work same as before. More info I can’t edit in old thread is the min - max dmg won’t add up no matter how many time you try to do it. So I guess it only base off the default min/max dmg of that weapon.


Change to new wave formula.
White rarity : 7 waves
Blue rarity : 15 waves
Purple rarity : 22 waves
Orange rarity : 30 waves

Level of mob still same (base by item level).
Option still fix same as before.

Magnum Opus

Work but only found 2 thing that’s work so far… No clue what else can it be.
Still trying to gathering material to try more thing.

Edit : There’s many thing else that’s work but I won’t spoil or mention it here. Some also not work because material missing from game.


What does higher levels of Item Awakening, Dig, and Tincturing do exactly?

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Awakening = more people in party can go in with you
Dig = more item dig up
Tincturing = potion level

I’d like to ask a stupid question. Does a party gain EXP and money from item awakening dungeon? Thank you so much.

Nope no exp from there.

Hey, can u tell me what improve an item get with '‘awake skill’?

mostly are stat, armor type def/atk, more dmg on xx size, element dmg.

Can you awaken other people’s equipment without having the item with you? Potential is a thing and sometimes you just don’t know the alchemists.

And is the stat the item is going to get decided by RNG or is it predetermined?

Currently they have to trade you item to do awake (basically need 3 potential).

Awake stat are fix stat. Not random.


each armor get a different stats right? or for exemple all the 6* armor plate gets the same stats?

If it’s a same armor it will have same stat. Like all chapparition staff will have 2 crit rate.

thanks bro. (10characters)



ちなみに「NDA」って?No Data Available?

very helpful threads!いろいろありがとうございました

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Hello! My apologize I can’t reply back in JP.

So far dig isn’t a necessary skill. It’s not even count in shovel king achievement.
Higher dig skill make you get more item from dig. ex: dig lv 1 = 1 item / dig lv 5 = 5 items

All the material need for tincturing is herb and flask. At higher lv you can make higher lv potion.
An amount of require material still same like lv 1 skill.

NDA = Non-Disclosure Agreement.


Gem Roast will need calcite as material. It can use to decrease or remove the minus stat in any gem.

You’ll open up a vendor when use this skill. Vendor will stay even after you log off or change to play other character in same account.


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Does the price of making potion that gained from attribute (Block, Critical Damage, magic Amplify) expensive?
Since it last only 3 min, I guest that I supposed to make tons of them to provide to my friends when grinding together.

However, thank you so much for the useful information.
I hope I can play alchemist someday in OBT since I have a really hard time with my cryomancer 3 in iCBT. May be I will change to pyro and linker.

Hmm I didn’t note how much it is to make. Usually it’ll require 2 kind of herbs and some flasks.

Hi do u have a list of good awakening options for dps builds? For example I know that arde dagger has matk, scale boots has int, grima pants has poison attack, forest robe has dark attack. Specific numbers I can’t remember but I have them in game. Do u know of which items has other forms of elemental attack or str/dex/crit?