Tree of Savior Forum

All about Alchemist Crafting Skill Information

Depend on what’s your previous class. If you mainly dps with skill from previous class then it shouldn’t be a problem unless you want to be necromancer in rank 6.

Yes, I plan on wiz wiz wiz ele ele alch

Thanks for the reply.

Look around, there are more than one merchant class. You can have Wizard main and Swordsman with Repair shop.

I just finished read the entire post, and my lower jaw is currently rubbing the ground.

DIG : take a dwarf voice WE CAN NEVER DIG TOO DEEP BROTHERS ! xD I hope it will give sometime some usefull materials, not only stuff for the explode skill.

GEM ROASTING : Wat. The. My main point here. While the Squire can only give you some bonus damage/def (for top, pants and shield) for 1h30 and repair your gear, the Alchemist can permanantly reduce the malus on a gem… Maybe they should replace “Weapon Maintenance” by “Weapon Upgrade/Reforge” or else… Anyway, I feel like the actual Gem Roasting is unbalanced.

Item Combining : Looks like the Mageforging from Dofus, with a c/c of your weap’ taking the role of the rune. I’m of the yolo type so I will try this out if I find a Alchimist who up this skill.

Magum Opus : Interesting. Very interesting.

Heads Up: They possibly changed the item awakening formula (told to me by alch ingame)

Pretty much, beta things getting changed around and stuff getting outdated.

Change to new wave formula.
White rarity : 7 waves
Blue rarity : 15 waves
Purple rarity : 22 waves
Orange rarity : 30 waves

Level of mob still same (base by item level). Option still fix same as before.

Other update > All about Alchemist Crafting Skill (iCBT2 version)

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If i am a cleric and i want alchemist to awaken my item for me , i trade alchemist -1 potential,item awaken -1 potential,trade back to me -1 potential,total -3 potential, its just too intense to awaken an item.

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Yup they need to make it a vend or something that won’t make us do trade like that.

Yeah i would rather put 2 gem socket- 2 potential and the rest potential to try +15,because magic amulet available nowadays are useless.

magic amulet won’t take gem slot though.

I’m pretty sure the alchemist can set up the awakening skill as a vending machine.

Nope there’s no vend for awake. Only gem roasting is a vend while awake you need to give them an item to open a portal.

yeah , it wont take gem slot but it does take potential though.

In this video the lvl 4 gem debuffs became 0, if i was a lvl 5 gem the debuffs will become 0?

My friend have lv 5 gem with 0 penalties so I guess it’ll work like that with roast lv5.

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I can’t seem to find any information regarding the Cooldown reduction potions for Alchemists. What particular Tincturing Skill level can you craft them? And how hard is it to craft. I’m planning to go Wiz>Pyro2>Elem>Linker. Cooldown pots would totally help speed up dps and ofc, making money via crafting potions and roasting gems is always good. And that Alchemist costume really looks nice :smiley:

Magnum Opus works, and it’s my favorite skill.

Yes it work however this thread can’t be edit or update anymore because it’s too old.
Some stuff still not work though because material missing include that staff from that quote.

Hoping I can make it to Alchemist still with the extension they gave us! Level 145 at the moment.Nice to see some more feedback about the class though.

With current exp rate I’m sure you can make it in time! Good luck! :relaxed:

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