Tree of Savior Forum

Updated FAQ on the Latest Announcement

That’s what I had hoped so I asked on Reddit. They confirmed that it is really 600% more exp for every party member

Normal dungeon 450% bonus for a party with premade people.
Random party 600%.

And that is divide then by amount of players.

Care that the bonus increases per player to the max amoutn of 450/600%.

With random you get 20% more exp then otherwise possible + faster clear speed.

If you go as premade you will get 90% of the exp possible~

This says nothing about the Team storage. You lost potential with items that are traded/sold, but there is no announcement/confirmation about shared items

I think it’s fine if they just simply allow free item trade but not silver trade. Silver trade can be behind tokens.

As it stands now there’s no advantage to banning item trade since items all have a very cheap npc value, so the above is a sensible solution. Still keeps most players happy. Oh and potential already limits item trading itself, no need for a second line of defense.


Is that so? Gonna read it again in a few. I am pretty sure that it mentioned even items you share in the shared storage loose potential.

Maybe we get this one day. At the moment it was probably a coding decision just having premium to switch 1:1 trades on and off.

That might be people speculating then. Because I didn’t see IMC say anything like that. It’s still unknown

Kaixermax said:

Please leave your suggestions here.

Hm, if that’s true, then that royally sucks. So, the storage is pretty much useless for equipment… At least, I don’t imagine anyone would willingly give up Potential on their equipment

And I’m saying you don’t need the feature to enjoy the game.

If you think dealing with bots on an open market will be fun then you should consider playing an mmorpg that’s promotes this kind of economy. IMC is trying it’s best to avoid this scenario, they are aware they are sacrificing the social aspect of 1:1 trading.

I’ve used this system in ktos. I just don’t see why I can’t trade my cosmetic items across characters if I have a token. It’s silly. I would swap cosmetic items countless times whereas equipment I’ll only trade once or twice due to the potential cost.

Because this game has a class system with 4 different playstyles it isn’t that bad. Because you will not use the same weapon on each character however…

But not being able to trade sets of armor if I spent a lot of money and time to get +15 gear with high-level gems. Why is it I can’t swap them around my characters without losing potential?

The only thing i can understand from this design decision is that IMC doesn’t want players to profit from buying and reselling items. But I think not being able to trade gear among your own character’s is a very real issue for players that have spent hundreds or thousands of hours playing the game.


If we really loose potential even when trading among our own characters then this completely breaks my idea to farm for items. So, I like the wizard classes and I spend a insane amount of time to create a awesome weapon. I collect the recipe…the items needed to craft it, I upgrade the item to +12…but unfortunately the potential dropped to 0 due to bad luck when upgrading. I will now use the item on my wizard…but I can never give it to my future wizards cause I can’t trade items with 0 potential… This sucks. It annoys me a lot I have to admit …

There’s a lot of high level weapons with more potential than others. You can also plan your upgrade attempts around having 1 or 2 potential remaining so that you can pass it around your account for future characters. I hope this lessens your frustration. :slight_smile:

Yes, you can. You just need to create in the same server as them.

But each trade via the shared storage will still decrease the potential by one. In Ragnarok (yeah…it’s getting old to compare RO with ToS) I had about 8 ninjas and whenever I would play one of my ninjas I first had to take my equipment from my last active ninja, put it in my storage, and then equip it with the ninja I actually wanted to play. This won’t be possible in ToS…and it’s annoying. It makes hard farming for stuff really unrewarding. You know you won’t keep using that awesome item for long cause you will get something better some day…this alone is not bad…but if I can’t even give this item, which I invested a lot of time into, to one of my other characters then I call it pretty much bullshit. Nobody wins here. I can understand many things in ToS that still annoy me a little…but this is just something that should simply not exist… I really hope loosing potential when using the shared storage is not really a thing. It would prevent farming to prepare future characters and would lead to rushing to the endgame as quickly as possible… It’s a weird design decision

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As there’s no clear end game and each character you will be investing hundreds of hours to reach max level I wouldn’t be too worried at this point in time.

In future we might be given a limit of (5),(10) account trades without losing potential for when there is a clear end game.

We need to see what content IMC are planning for us.

Actually I can understand reasons behind such restrictions.

Merchant classes are designed the way so they can increase THEIR OWN wealth, not accounts AND to sell gooda to your guilds. Yet they can still buy items for account losing potential.

If you could freely give/take items inside your account(without losing potential) merchant classes would’ve been OBLIGATORY for competitive play.

But item giving/taking between players/characters should be free (with potential loss though). Silver trading shouldn’t be possible at all aside from market.

Maybe add 3 item trading/warehouse slot and +2 for token users with 5 interplayer transactions per month with 30 for token users. And give us the ability to purchase trading/warehouse slots for silver.

Bump, because that’s exactly my opinion.
Disabling gem-dropping would be very clever, how many players losing theses I saw during iCBT2…
They could increase weight limit too.

edit : theses would be token bonuses, if it wasn’t clear.
@BlaXun talked about trading without potential loss too.

Please allow us to trade silver like every mmo. Please. @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_J all I want is to give my own characters silver, why do you encourage the use of team account if you can’t even transfer your own silver ?

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