Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] Do you want money/silver can be trade?


I want to know if silver trading is really important to you or not.
(this is suggestion category, so hopefully Staff will see your vote for improvement)

  • Yes, enable Silver trading
  • No, keep it disabled

0 voters

Currently in KTOS, you can trade item (Token Buff) but you cannot trade money/silver.

Personally I hope I can transfer silver to my friends, but I still can live without it. So I want to suggest IMC games to charge silver trading with TP (only for silver).

There are rumors saying that we have to wait 20 hours to get 5TP for free. (4hrs = 1TP)
Why not charge 5 + 1 TP for silver trading?

Maybe not the best idea to prevent goldsellers, but this is my idea at least for now. :sunglasses:

So, please vote and leave your suggestions and opinions.


I have another idea. I do not know whether easy or difficult to implement this.

How about market sharing between all the characters? If the first character, Lv500 successfully sell items in the market, the 2nd character can take the money. This probably good alternative if we still can’t trade silver.

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I honestly don’t need Silver trading. I simply want item trading without the items losing any Potential

I’d rather have trading/sharing (in the storage) items without having to use a token… But I wouldn’t say no to silver trading too…

Yes. for basic 1:1 trading I don’t really mind, but shared storage between characters also make your item losing potential, kinda suck. :sunglasses:

Silver (and item trading) are a core part of any MMO. Removing them, or even putting them behind a paywall, is the best way to keep people from inviting their friends.

To friend: “Hey, you should play ToS with me!”
Friend: “Sure! You can help me get started on the game!”
To Friend: “Uh, no, not exactly. I have all this epic silver and gear, but I can’t trade it.”
Friend: “Well that sucks. So I will never be able to catch up to you? Let’s just go outside and play basketball.”
To Friend: “Ok.”

Is that what you want IMC? For people to go outside? That is sick. We could get sunburn out there!


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Yeah. Though I’d argue that it also sucks that equipment loses potential when trading/selling. This means that you can’t give/sell items that have no more potential. If you maxed out your bow (draining all its potential through upgrades) but then find a better bow, you’re stuck with your old bow, since you can’t trade/sell it to other people

Actually gear trading/giving is great idea, but silver trading is not. So you can provide your friend with much better then average gear from the auction and even “share” silver with them, but “taxes” would be immense(more then 50% + potential loss). Though for higher level players it’s acceptable. Silver trading will eventually cause overflooding of merchant characters so it’s not a good idea for me.

Merchant character should not be a must have character to get decent income. It can be used for guilds, for buying pets/other stuff but not for account funding. And it’s good IMO.

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You actually bring up a good point. You can already trade silver with a 30% tax (10% if you are a token user).

Your friend can put a cheap item up for auction and you can buy it for a ridiculous price -> you just transferred money to them.

Knowing this, that is exactly how people are going to be transferring money. So, let’s just cut out the auction middle-man and add a 10% tax to all 1:1 silver transfers.

I wonder if auction doesn’t have price cap? And you can buy someones else item by mistake. In GW2 you are forced to buy the cheapest item avialble as I remember but it won’t work here. But yeah, I’m not very familiar with trading system so can’t argue on this point.

I’m just trying to understand IMC intentions. I think they want people to farm silver for their low level characters by themselves to avoid low level attributes being too easy to upgrade.

In CBT2 there wasn’t a cap, you could sell and buy an item for whatever price you wanted on the auction. I am not sure if things are different in kToS.

There was also the personal shops in CBT2 that could be used for transferring silver. Again, I am not sure if this was changed in kToS.

So am I. If I would experience real problems in iToS then I will complain. Unability to transfer silver won’t hurt me, the bigger problem are stats in cash shop.

For me it’s much more important that I am able to share silver with my other characters. I find it absurd that we won’t be able to help even ourselves. o_O;


HAHAHAHA good one. :slight_smile:

Oh. I hadn’t thought of that. Yeah, I’d like to be able to transfer Silver between my own characters. If I have millions of Silver on one character but don’t need anything for that character anymore, I’d like to give this Silver to a newer character that still needs stuff

Basically this. It’s feels like you’ve started a new account all over again without any funds from your main. :frowning:

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You can use it to enhanse attributes, or buy expensive item on the market and give it to other character.

Just direct transfer may cause a lot of problems like transferring with no potential loss.

To solve this problem they should make item trading inside the acvount default option(with loss of potential) and not the token one.

This will allow you to get good items but won’t ley you maxing all of your attributes from level 1.

Totally agree with this, it seems to be the main issue for me as well. I wanted to go a merchant / support character at first, but after considering it few more times it seems useless as you won’t be able to trade the money you make to your main.

If there are no price limits, you could sell a cheap item for a ridiculous price on your main, and then buy that item with your merchant character. It’ll take 10% (30% if you have no Token) off the total price, but at least it’s something?

Of course, this won’t work if there’s an upper limit to the price on cheap items…

Yeah I thought about it before too, but it doesn’t really seem to worth it in my opinion. Some people might think otherwise. I will still make a merchant character at some point, but I won’t take it as first.