Tree of Savior Forum

TOS flopped in Korea?

So you dont have any example where an actuall change was happening because of the community? Alright then

julie replies to many threads and gives her all to forward any of the suggestions + concerns to whoever is in charge for those - saying the thing wich you claimed above is like peeing on a just cleaned floor and telling the one who cleaned it “its still dirty” - about your other concern that nothing changes - you probably forgot about the “we are sorry” post from imc about the 3 month founder thingy - wich included a poll with 3 option - 1 option being a collection of all the guys who put in some suggestions on how to change them “1 month instead of 3” “all 3 should have the same amount of early access time” “if it costs 10 bucks im in 50 is too much” etc etc etc

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You know why we got those options right? Not because they want to give us the feeling we are part of the decisions they are making.

They have no idea what to do because obviously they were HEAVILY pushed in this situation. They have no idea about the western market, so they made concepts, not good concepts but the ones that are the only options for them to make alot of money in a short amount of time.

Guess what we got to decide? Wich of those stupid options is the least retarded one.

But it’s good to see that we still have people out there thinking the world is all nice and pink, id give up alot to be that naiv again.

Guess what, im dont even think they should listen to anyone here because the game is SO DAMN FAR from beeing ANYTHING near complete, that they should just keep up the stuff they do and throw out some balance patches so the game is actually playable and not a only mess.

Guess what @Staff_Julie does? She treats you like a little kid giving you cute little threads where you can post your oppinions in, sweet, keep up the work. She is just trying to keep everyone busy so the shitposting of the obvious flaws of this game wont go too crazy.

Open your eyes

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Still dont know why u keep write posts here ?? i mean you can its your damn life but WHY. you obv hate this game so just go move on plz and dont write ■■■■ like “noo its not like i dont like the game but …” bullshit plz. Just move on you simply dont wanna play this game bye good luck in your life. Even so i think you got some problems otherwise you wouldnt waste your time at a “dead game” forum.

Just because I find it annoying that people are still claiming that IMC does not listen to our suggestions…

Here are 3 non-mandatory changes that I can find without putting in much effort.

Mobs dropping EXP cards

Dungeon Party Finder

Suggestion to offer an Early Access Founder Pack

I payed 50€, have the game on my PC ready. Why would you think i wont play this game? Just because im not blind like 80% of this forum and will buttlick IMC for what they are doing?

I have my doubts the game will be good if the development goes on in this pace but then again, my damn life :slight_smile:

I dont say the game is bad, you see that anywhere? I say the game is a mess and how they handle this community is absolutly pathetic, but i still hope for the one or other update that brings this game to life.


The dungeon maker is part of basically every single mmo, im very sure they had that already in development or atleast on their feature list before anyone asked for it. And how did the execution go? 600% exp with randoms… hm… seems a bit over the top and super weird for a MMO dont you think?

Edit: Do you really think they made the decision for early acces packs because anyone here wants it? At this stage of the game? I just hope you are not serious.


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I’ll just name 2.

People complain about founder packs - They let us vote on a new founder pack format which is way better than the initial one.

People complain about no EU servers - No change, but they make an official announcement about it stating their reasoning and some stats.

What you said was they don’t care about out opinions, which those two things disproves that. If they didn’t care they wouldn’t bother.

Just because they don’t change things when people complain doesn’t mean they don’t care about it. Many of the complaints are unreasonable anyway by people who don’t know what they want or what they’re actually asking for and how it would affect the game. Some are reasonable, but not feasible atm, like the want for EU servers.

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I’ve seen a trend here some members of the community don’t want the game to successes because it does not see there vision how lame of them no matter how much evidence or proof you have they will always question it with more questions how you are wrong and want proof for the proof because they live in delusions expecting miracles and things to go there way and believe if people side with them these miracles will come true…

Let me ask you this if you don’t like the game/company or player base why are you still here your turning into one of those people who come from another mmo and say the following.

“OMG this game sucks so much the mmorpg I came from is so much better” yet you continue to play this mmorpg…

What a world we live in…

And the EA pack that got modified isn’t better? :open_mouth:

Oppinions and preventing a total hell of shitstorms are two different things. [quote=“Gringe, post:98, topic:155311”]
If they didn’t care they wouldn’t bother.

Are people here seriously like this?
If anyone potential buyer checks this forum and all they see is shitstorms of tremendous size they just turn away and will never look at this game again! They just keep you happy with their little announcments they make, so you wont bother, see it works with you.
I mean, i can kinda see where the others are coming from but what you just wrote makes me cringe badly. It’s like arguing with a 12 year old. " BUT THEY SAY WHY THEY DO THIS" What kind of argument is this please. That changes nothing for all the people complaining about high ping.

As already stated multiple times, they just dealt with the shitstorm that way, its not like they had much of a choice, you know this, i know this. Again, they want money, and if they see that people are outraged by product XY they have to backpaddle before they ruin their own company.

The thing they changed are the dungeonentrys. What did they do tho?
They didn’t really made it better, most optimal solution for they community would have been the -1 dungeonentry from the token, added to the 2 free entrys of non token players. 3-1 that sounds actually fair to me.
Now its 2-1, what imo still sounds really meh. And please consider that i will use tokens but want to have the most fair environment for everyone.

Now you’re just splitting hairs. “Oh they do things to make it sound like they care, but all they really want is for people to play their game so they can make money”. You’re not worth my time.

Stop with the witch hunter mentality last I checked IMC is still a business not a charity they still need income to run the game and pay the staff at the end of the day they are human not robots accept it and leave it.

Secondly stop treating every company out there as some sort of scam artist your gonna end up with a tin foil hat with that kind of attitude believing that everyone is out to get you…

In my personal experience with many games and there forums this is but 3 I can remember that in fact talk to there community’s and come to compromise’s when things get heated no matter if it was because of a “bleepstorm” they still listened to there customers period you need to change your mentality drastically and stop with the pointing fingers.

If you have a solution that could improve the game that is reasonable of corse with facts and evidence of working then post it but stop throwing the paranoid altitude about.

i HIGLY disagree with this really poor analysis of her

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first you say they dont care everybody can make billions of posts it doesn change a thing - then you ask for examples - examples been given - and still youre not satisfied and even argue said examples - what on earth do you want? you complain they wont listen - and if they do listen you complain again “its all a trick and lies and bla bla”- makes sense? looks more like youre trying to defend your nonsense with even more nonsense theories cause you cant accept it

“but mommy doesn listen to me”

“son you wanted pancakes and you got pancakes what on earth do you want now?”

“mommy you just make pancakes so i shut up i know it you dont love me wah wah”

^ seriously >.>


1.2k views and 1 like. Eh. I guess threads like this aren’t well received.

OMG that made me laugh to be honest this is what happens if you think everyone’s against you.