Tree of Savior Forum

EARLY ACCESS for founder pack?

I would rather buy it than waiting for some random ODD !!



They’re actually treating this TEST as a TESTING period and you already
would rather they monetize it so you can have easy access?
I’m against this. (unless it costs 5000usd to get early access founder packs)


Didn’t work for Archeage, is not going to work for this.

It’ll just be another RNG ODD!!

They don’t need 5000 testers. They don’t even need 100.
There’s going to be more than enough capable testers and any more than that are just for show.

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If you bothered to search for 5 seconds you’d find there is already a of thread on the subject and another talking about selling beta access:

No its a bad idea and will only limit what beta tests are aimed to do: find bugs, test server infrastructure, and critique the game. If you limit the tester pool behind a paywall then it will be harder to do these things. Plus Founder packs are horrible to begin with and are only meant to gouge more money out the consumer. They need to seriously die off.


This is supposed to be a test, giving away founders pack means that servers WILL get clogged from all the people who just want to play.

You should understand the reason they’re doing it is because it’s an essential part of System Development Life Cycle. It’s not some event that allows you to play in advance.


Can we get one still. I want some fancy cosmetics and free things later on because I trusted the devs and loved it from the damn start.

Yeah this, people need to remember that this its not an early access, its a close beta, you’re supposed to look for bugs and that pretty much it. all your progress is going to be wipe out for the next beta.

It’s been discussed already

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If it’s an early access thing it should be fine. Basically you get to play 2 days ahead of the actual release. But for the beta test it shouldn’t be the case. The people playing in beta should be filtered out thoroughly since this is one of the most essential parts of development,

Also since this is F2P I really doubt any founders/early access thing will show up.

If it was essential for development they wouldn’t select 5000 random people from some forum. They’d make competitions or make people prove their worth. Such as using github to correct spelling and mistakes.

Pretty sure we don’t know it’s F2P in the west. If we did there wouldn’t be like 5 threads with 50 posts each saying go p2p.


The github translators who did 100 lines or so are guaranteed to get keys. (3 each, in fact)

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Pretty sure they said they are still considering the payment method in their last interview/Q&A.

It IS an essential part of development because this is where you find the bugs, you don’t release a software/app/game that has never been tested. Also it isn’t too random at all either, they’re giving out keys to people in their OFFICIAL forum, meaning these are the people who care about the game and would want to receive a decent product not to mention they know how things should work and what things are unintended(bugs).

They also gave the translators at github insta keys because they need them to see if anything in the English servers are mistranslated.

Giving away “founder’s packs” for CBT would essentially mean that you’d be giving access to people who know nothing about the game yet and these people would just clog the servers while in turn giving next to no information about the state of the game.

You can argue that you’re not one of these people but if they do release a founders pack we can also argue that you’re not the only one that’s gonna buy it.

That is why all in all Founder’s packs for beta tests are stupid on a development point of view.


No I do know that. I’m saying if they wanted a beta test to test. I’m pretty sure we’d have to write a short essay so they can see out writing and feedback skills and submit system specs and such.

This beta is basically 3 things. First it generates hype and it tests ground how will people react. Second it a small scale stress test for an international server and steam. Third it tests the English translation and also serves as a true test to maybe spot bugs that aren’t seen in Korean CBT or some bugs that might arise from the translation.

What you’re thinking about is an internal alpha/beta or a true closed beta where company and maybe family/friends play it. I don’t know why you’re thinking this international stress test is such a big deal…

I played Galciv 3 from alpha where founders pack really gets you a lot. These devs are so dedicated to showing how the game is developed they stream for like 2 hours on twitch every week or two. Show you everything, take feedback it’s insane. Naturally the Tos guys can’t do it because this is a server based game and they’re korean. But you’re way overestimating the importance of this small scale stress test.

This isn’t some small scale stress test, this is the first test for the international servers. I think you’re the one underestimating the number of problems you can encounter when moving data files, setting up servers and changing setting up the game in a new environment.

Also one could argue that Beta tests are far more important than Alpha tests, since in alpha tests the game is pretty much still in development. And the bugs you find at Alpha are the ones that the developer expects, basically it’s a test if features work. During beta you let the “users” test the system to find the “unintended” interaction of objects, since beta is a test closer to “release” it IS more important.

I get what you mean by wanting to showcase your game and founder’s packs helps with that since more people are able to play but it doesn’t help the development side at all.

What I’m getting at is that Founder’s pack in general is just a bad way to do things for a developer’s point of view specially on games that are server sided. because you’re clogging your network with testers that can’t really contribute much.


I’m really against founder packs, they usually taint the community with elitists and rich snobs thinking they’re better than everyone else, which leads to an inevitable split in the community which is horribly bad in general for any community.

I’m okay with a cash shop because that can be properly tempered, but founder packs are just a massive finger to anyone without the cash to fork up for one.


Absolutely not. I despise founder’s packs. They’re nothing but a cheap way for companies to gain extra money to line their pockets from impatient people who would rather throw their money away for anything that looks pretty rather than ultimately caring about the quality of the product that’s piqued their interest.

This is the first time they’re testing the International servers. It’s a Closed Beta. Not a First Access deal where you can brag about getting your hands on a shiny new toy first. People here are genuinely looking forward to this game and want it to be as good a game as it possibly can.

Those people will take the time out of their day to look through every aspect and feature the game provides to see what’s working as intended, needs to be looked at, and suggesting things to be added/changed so it may be improved.

Too often, I’ve seen people get hyped up for betas like this just because the game looks cool and they want to get their hands on it as soon as possible. Then, as soon as there’s something in the game that they don’t particularly like, they drop the game altogether without so much as a word and move right on to the next shiny object.

So, I repeat. Absolutely not.