Tree of Savior Forum

Sell "early access" or "founders packs" for those who didn't get in

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No thank you blame yourself for not signing up it was literally on the main page and every mmorpg page. With info about the iCBT and everyone being able to play this beta. That key selling problem won’t be solved by selling founders packs or whatever.



How is that fair to the people who did it the legitimate way? Sometimes you get what you want [especially when you follow the rules],and other times you don’t.It’s called a closed beta for a reason.Selling keys officially essentially makes it an open beta you have to pay to get into.

People need to learn to try through methods remaining [waiting till the end of the day because it IS still within the time period,using a fansite,or deal and try again next time.This likely isn’t the last beta we’ll have.

well IMC isn’t money hungry unlike NCsoft

Hold on, they very much advetised there was no restiction to numbers during this beta, but now there’s a limited number of keys? Sorry, but I can’t accept that… :triumph:

It is a good way to stop illegal selling of keys, but they may not be putting priorities into stopping people selling illegal keys. It is not a huge concern they have, beyond general discouraging of the practice and threatening with the revoking of access. It would not be easy for them to implement either, because they have to request keys from Steam currently which takes time and would add labor hours to this process which discourages them further financially from doing it.

No. Besides what about those who can’t pay? IMC made it so there were no limits in the 2nd CBT. IMC wanted to make sure everybody got an equal chance. IMC Is not greedy enough to do that to themselves.

Please read before you post something. They made an official announcement that you would need to register within a certain time, but there was no limit on how many can register.

Source : TOS(Eng. Ver) 2nd Beta Test Schedule


I don’t see a point in players buying a key even if you have your own ToS version like SEA and want to ToS again. People had 3 days too sign up every mmorpg site or mmo blog knew about the beta. And now people are selling keys some are actually buying them :expressionless:

I know, but what about the alarming number of people that, like me, registered in time, clicked the button AND STILL didn’t get the key?

They explicitly said “no restriction”. They never said anything about having unlimited keys. There is a difference there just as there is between “won’t” and “can’t”. If Steam doesn’t give them more keys, they can’t do anything about it.

I agree with OP.

A moment of silence for those who just found out about the second CBT a couple of days ago and didn’t get a key (myself included).

Sorry, but that’s bullshit. They explicitly said there would be no restriction to the number of people in this beta, all they needed to do was sign up. Yet there are lots of cases like mine…(and yeah, some people simply missed the button for the beta and others missed the deadline, but that’s beside the point…)

Calm down, there are people who are still receiving keys even at this moment, today is not over yet.

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The fact that they are not selling early access or founders packs makes me hope that the rest of the monetization and “business” aspect of the game will be fair and consumer friendly. Also, its makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

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No restriction does not imply unlimited keys. Saying it does is like saying there’s no restriction on how fast cars can go so they can break the speed of light. You are demanding the impossible.

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Seriously.People are so caught up in not having one right this instant that they’ve forgotten there’s still plenty of time left.

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