Tree of Savior Forum

TOS flopped in Korea?

Last I heard is that TOS flopped really bad in Korea, mostly due to the pay to win cash shop, hacks, bots, bugs etc.
How will this be any different in the NA version? We western folks are much sensitive regarding the flaws I mentioned above, especially the obvious pay to win shop. If a Korean MMO didn’t work in Korea, it’s much less likely to work in the west.

Is IMC just trying to milk us as much as possible before moving on to their next project?


[quote=“xShintot, post:6, topic:155311, full:true”]
@OP you mean this source?and this?

I really hope that they have fixed all of these in the North American version:


Last thing you heard or last thing you made up? Source, always.


Your post is so filled with leading questions. The last sentence in particular is clear bias.

I have a feeling you’re already convinced this will fail here.

Flagged this crap



They’re doing fine in Korea.

Anyways, you can’t compare the East to the West.

Even if they “move on to another project” they made a contract with steam. So no, they can’t money grab and run off. They still have to and will work on the game.

you mean this source?
and this?


kToS has a healthy player base, the cash shop is not the issue at all. The game itself needs more content because korean players burn through it incredibly fast. As you can tell they take everything to the level of speed and perfection which many companies can’t keep up with. There are plenty of korean’s who enjoy ToS. Sure its not as popular as mainstream games like sc2 or league, but its in the top 40 which is a big thing since korea’s mmo market is saturated beyond belief.

As for bots and hacks, those are pretty minimal, due to the fact that the countermeasures put in place are working quite nicely.

With that said, the main thing at the moment is content, and that’s sure to flow out as soon as everything has been stabilized :slight_smile: Don’t fret, give the game a go and enjoy your time with it :slight_smile:

ToS itself has been adjusted quite nicely for the western audience too, once the game is up, i can almost confirm that the worry will dissipate~

I’d also like to point out that Korea is 1 region, while iToS is many put together which will yield a larger player base too~


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3 Likes there is a source. There will always be people that play politics to get what they want… Part of that is acting like a big bag of dicks on their forums. So before you go pointing to forum trolls as the barometer of how good ToS is doing. You should just look up their rankings. And right now they’re doing ok. Not godly but pretty ok. They’re above Black Desert, FFXIV, and a good deal above Maple Story 2. But they’re no where near the classics and long established games.

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Fixed it for you.
You can thank me later.

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So you think IMC with zero publishing experience can do it better?

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Op there is no p2w in thos game.
Yes its failed in korea as out of promised 600 lvl we got 280 or so. There is no end game that is good.
Pvp is for 5 % of the build in the if you dont like to play them , pvp is not for you.
One more problem is balance changes all the time. So you good build can be really weak now after something like 3 weaks.
Bugs and bots will be and nothing imc do will help it.

Bugs have a been a problem… Especially with how fast they put out content. But are bots even a problem relative to other major titles? The silver you get high level is several orders of magnitude higher then what you farm up at low level.

Still waiting for sources.

I’m amazed that Lineage and Dungeon & Fighter are still so popular over there…

Bots are not gold farmrs. Bot lvling you character when you dont play. Then you sell a lvl 200+ cherecter.

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Yes and no.
Nexon forced imc to releas The game befor it was ready. Imc was working for 5 years after all on the game.

who ■■■■■■■ cares if it flopped in Korea , if u do care stop posting and go play some other game .