Tree of Savior Forum

TOS flopped in Korea?

You clearly are delusional first of all where are your sources about the nickname because you have yet to provide any also you do relise Koreans characters are way different from those that are English…

Underpowered half of the classes? okey agien where are your sources to justify the power you need to describe the scenario… because depending on what you say ill give two exsamples.

Bad exsample
OMG warriors are so underpowered I could not solo 3 wizards this sucks.

Good example
Damn this single target healing ability does not seem to serve much over my aoe heal might as well just use the aoe heal and forget the single target heal.

Now your point about the wizard / cleric tree okay lets give a simple response to this wizards have a charge up time that can be interrupted and there dps is lowered by this because DPS is to do with the amount of key strokes you can do within a time frame and as for clerics they relies on buffs for there output.

Tanking and healing are roles lets put it this way to beat a boss that deals a high amount of damage is the soul reason you need a tank they are designed mechanically to absorb damage it is there role and to keep said tank alive you need someone who can support them via means of mitigation or healing.

A class is only obsolete if its not needed so this could apply to every class in the game for instance a group needs a healer looks like who ever is a tank/dps class is obsolete and vice verses for other classis depending on the need of the battle.

They said clearly don’t you read that at the moment till the 29th until they get more data that means they need more evidence to validate the making of more servers because as we all know servers are not free to run.

So please stop spreading false information without any evidence/sources.

The reason why I ask if you have played in korean ToS is to know the credibility of what you’re saying here. If you played there, then it might be true? If you only heard that somewhere then i…uhmm… continue watching anime.

I think it’s a little silly to say it’s flopped in Korea.

It’s definitely not the best, or even the top 10 games. It certainly did not have the greatest start as well. Tree of Dung was an apt nickname given to the game due to how it started off, and since then is a term used mostly by the community of DCInside.

That said, hopping on to a server like Ausrine, it’s clear that the population is pretty stable, even sitting around in 1 of the many channels of the starter zone yesterday, I saw more and more characters being made of varying classes.

That’s not to say there is no imbalance/etc. I think it’s clear between the developers and the players that classes are not balanced, and the developers have already stated that they weren’t really looking towards a balanced game with 80 classes. Each class does suit a role, and since December, there has certainly been a lot of good balances between most of the classes.

The videos posted by OP where from CBT’s or Decembers OBT. After which there have been ban lists on a day to day basis.

Regardless, Korea has it’s own gaming environment. Things do well there that most certainly would be considered trash here, etc.

Also since I’m saying a gamenote ranking placed on this thread, ToS is 35 on inven rankings:

And to put it to perspective, the first 3 listed are:

  1. LoL
  2. Sudden Attack
  3. FIFA online

2,3 are not games that are regarded as super popular in the west. Proof of our varying mmo cultures.


I get where you’re coming from and I can tell you’re physically upset by these news. I know I would be if I lived under a rock or only browsed these forums and never anything else.

I mean it’s not like Google was invented. If only there was a Google where I could type in words in a sentence and find out about these things.

It’s also impossible for someone to know about these things unless they sat inside one of the servers and looked at all the empty maps. There’s no way!

But you’re right, and so is @kaligoth5000 (great name by the way) the burden of proof falls on me. I’m the one making the claim so I have to bring in the Googling.

You asked for this!

Korea Launched in Korea December 2015

After launching Tree of Savior’s open beta in the Korean servers on December 17th, publisher Nexon fully launched the game and opened up the game’s cash shop on December 29th, but it hasn’t gone smoothly. As you can see in the image above, players in the Korean server held a demonstration against the cash shop items in the game (via Reddit).

The main gripe that has caused this demonstration are the EXP books. You can purchase these with 9TP (Tree of Savior Points) and by using them you get an experience boost of 30% for an hour. They’re highly desirable as players report progression in Tree of Savior relies a lot on grinding – the EXP books offer a way to speed that up.

In short, the EXP books encourage a pay-to-win approach to playing Tree of Savior that would break the game balance. For the record: TP accumulates over time or can be purchased with real money, and 300TP is about $25.

There’s more!

I Just captured and showing you guys the current situation and reaction of Koreans about TOS’s Grand Opening


TOS status

29th Grand Opening situation

The Future of TOS

You can be happy if you delete TOS

Black Ribbons means condolence of TOS’s Death

You can get these games, if you just don’t buy TOS’s HAIR

29 kid’s meal = TOS’s HAIR
and a lot of players are Deleting/Deleted TOS already

I love You (sarcasm) (Dung of Tree)

Dung of Savior = Tree of ■■■■



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Why are you still here then? I’m starting to see that you have been only spreading negativity and all you see is just that. Why haven’t you moved on?

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yeah I think ill have to agree on that people please refrain from putting videos or links with methods of hacking sources…


I mean every single thing in your post is related to the launch of kToS?

I don’t think anyone believes it had a successful launch especially with all the drama behind the kotorious incident etc.

But looking back at those same places now, there’s not nearly the same reaction.


That is all i want to know. You never played ToS korean. (Period).

To be honest, i’ve been fooled by so many articles, guides and other things that people says about this game. I’m like “ooohhh… ok” “is that soo” i never questioned them. One thing i’ve learned from here is to experience and see everything by yourself. If you’re the type of person who believes in everything says on the Internet, then goodluck to you.

If you stayed here in the forums for a long time, then you already know that everyone knows the korean reacted that way on their grand opening. So meh, not a big deal. Server is still alive.

Kudos to you for searching those… uhmm “images”. I don’t know why you make that as your reference i mean, a fvcking kroean troll, are you serious? @_@


I don’t think you understand. They were asking me proof of how smoothly the Korean launch went and if it flunked. One of the posters I replied suggested that I need to have a character inside one of the Korean servers to know anything, because otherwise there’s no way for me to find information regarding the terrible launch of the kToS.

I actually have played in the kToS but I don’t think it’s relevant at all. He’s just being a retard.

I also have been watching a constant live stream of a Japanese player who plays on the Korean servers, his channel is here.

For the past week I’ve watched hours of his videos while doing other things. There’s videos from him from early 2016 January and he even did a live stream Yesterday that I watched.

You can watch them yourself. He goes from level 1 to 267 and the amount of players on the maps as he makes a completely new character is just every map is empty with no one in them except rich alts.

If you want to believe kToS is a commercial success by all means you can have faith in anything, but that simply is not the case.

This is the main reason ktos is declining.

Yeah, ktos lauch was a disaster (mainly because of the 30$ hair and bugs) but the game has been improving alot since then. Most gamebreaking bugs was fixed and rarely anyone complain about the cashshop now.

The game is far from dying as long as imc keep improving as of now.

At the end the most important thing is to have ENOUGH players and guilds to keep a healthy GvG situation when we get a proper mode for this.

Otherwise it will be just a carebear game.

Thank you for the sources I personally will agree on the fact yep there is negative views from what you have provided but its not quite enough your clearing up the fact that there are people who have dislikes about the aspects of the game in those examples but this still does not qualify as a game flopping let me tell you some examples.

Anyone here played world of Warcraft when a new XP comes out how many people can say they heard the phrase “THIS XP WILL KILL WOW” yet when the xp comes out they play the game and after a wile they accept the xp even when they dislike the game now does that make wow dead? nope its far from it.

The same on another game I played called eve online where the implementation of a mechanic is often by negative players referred to as “this will kill the game” and they still end up playing the game.

What about ragnarok online the implantation of transcended classis and third classis they claimed it would destroy ragnarok still got over 1000s of players playing it even on illegal servers.

So all you have proven is the game has people who dislike it also some of those offers could be done by a competitor to turn people away from Ktos to make them pay for there games its a standard yet dirty trick if anyone has worked for a company they will also know about this.

The steam one makes me laugh so basically here’s a idea ill say I wont buy TOS get free games from steam then just buy TOS… good job there also why would I flag your stuff that is really childish provided your not advising illegal activity’s or hurting someone with threats then your okay I personally welcome your mentality because it can show evidence of how people work and people can learn from it.

Ah understandable. I 100% agree the launch was not good by any means.

And I see that you do have a source from watching a player play through the game.

As someone who has done the same and currently still does play off/on here’s what I will say.

Some servers do have a much more unstable playerbase than others.

Playing on a server like Ausrine, I encounter someone in nearly every map. Yesterday while doing some testing in the first map of Klaipeda, in the hour I spent there on channel 2, I came across a few new players leveling varying classes.

On a server like Vakarine, widely known as the international server, the playerbase is actually a lot less than the other servers. Ausrine tends to have the highest population.

So keep all that in mind as well. The inven board is pretty active, the DCinside is active too although more hate filled, it’s actively hate filled, which I think is fairly healthy.

Last months refresh update also made ToS jump up to 22, after which the content dried up in lieu of balance fixes, bug fixes, etc, so the rankings dropped to 35, regardless both numbers are pretty high consdering it’s ranked against MOBAs/ETC and not just MMORPG’s.

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The main issue is that if an MMO launches badly with not a lot of players coming in initially and if it launches with controversy, it’s highly unlikely it will ever bounce back up.

iToS already got a ton of backlash for the 3 month early access which they thankfully revised rather quickly. Now a lot of information about possible cash shop items and trade restrictions are piling up and it isn’t winning the favor of the players at all.

Then there’s regional server availability that is also a hot topic on Steam discussions and on these forums. Even if IMC has great reasons for not opening them it still is bad press.

I truly hope a great launch for iToS and I’m hopeful for it too, but stating that the kToS launch was fine and it’s doing great in Korea is just an outright lie.

I also know this forum is full of fans of the game, and that I’ll get shat on for stating the facts.

What P2W cash shop? Also, bots are in almost any game that I’ve played. It happens. You should have seen all the bots/exploits/bugs in ESO on "release’. It was rampant up until about a year after the release and they are doing fine.

I hope they have mostly taken care of bots/exploits by the release also. I’m just not giving my hopes up.

Like I said in agreement, kToS launch was not fine.

But it does not reflect its current state.

It is indeed hard to bounce back, and in reality kToS will never bounce back to the population of its launch day, as nearly all MMO’s do not.

That said, it’s current state is fine. It’s launch state was not, but it’s current state, as one of the top 50 MMO’s in Korea (in a list of non RPG multiplayer games), it’s current state is fine.

77 posts. Have we actually made anything better?

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IMC is a business.
No business can run a free game.

Free 2 Play mode is there to entice people into playing the game and purchasing options and benefits.

It is NORMAL that the token grants desirable benefits and it is NORMAL that “free mode” is at a disadvantage.

If the game doesn’t make money, its not going to stay online.