Tree of Savior Forum

TOS flopped in Korea?

Oppinions and preventing a total hell of shitstorms are two different things. [quote=“Gringe, post:98, topic:155311”]
If they didn’t care they wouldn’t bother.

Are people here seriously like this?
If anyone potential buyer checks this forum and all they see is shitstorms of tremendous size they just turn away and will never look at this game again! They just keep you happy with their little announcments they make, so you wont bother, see it works with you.
I mean, i can kinda see where the others are coming from but what you just wrote makes me cringe badly. It’s like arguing with a 12 year old. " BUT THEY SAY WHY THEY DO THIS" What kind of argument is this please. That changes nothing for all the people complaining about high ping.

As already stated multiple times, they just dealt with the shitstorm that way, its not like they had much of a choice, you know this, i know this. Again, they want money, and if they see that people are outraged by product XY they have to backpaddle before they ruin their own company.

The thing they changed are the dungeonentrys. What did they do tho?
They didn’t really made it better, most optimal solution for they community would have been the -1 dungeonentry from the token, added to the 2 free entrys of non token players. 3-1 that sounds actually fair to me.
Now its 2-1, what imo still sounds really meh. And please consider that i will use tokens but want to have the most fair environment for everyone.

Now you’re just splitting hairs. “Oh they do things to make it sound like they care, but all they really want is for people to play their game so they can make money”. You’re not worth my time.

Stop with the witch hunter mentality last I checked IMC is still a business not a charity they still need income to run the game and pay the staff at the end of the day they are human not robots accept it and leave it.

Secondly stop treating every company out there as some sort of scam artist your gonna end up with a tin foil hat with that kind of attitude believing that everyone is out to get you…

In my personal experience with many games and there forums this is but 3 I can remember that in fact talk to there community’s and come to compromise’s when things get heated no matter if it was because of a “bleepstorm” they still listened to there customers period you need to change your mentality drastically and stop with the pointing fingers.

If you have a solution that could improve the game that is reasonable of corse with facts and evidence of working then post it but stop throwing the paranoid altitude about.

i HIGLY disagree with this really poor analysis of her

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first you say they dont care everybody can make billions of posts it doesn change a thing - then you ask for examples - examples been given - and still youre not satisfied and even argue said examples - what on earth do you want? you complain they wont listen - and if they do listen you complain again “its all a trick and lies and bla bla”- makes sense? looks more like youre trying to defend your nonsense with even more nonsense theories cause you cant accept it

“but mommy doesn listen to me”

“son you wanted pancakes and you got pancakes what on earth do you want now?”

“mommy you just make pancakes so i shut up i know it you dont love me wah wah”

^ seriously >.>


1.2k views and 1 like. Eh. I guess threads like this aren’t well received.

OMG that made me laugh to be honest this is what happens if you think everyone’s against you.

lol i used to play rift, u had to buy classes -.- .

This is exactly what i referred to in my above post.

You claim something to be true after you’ve heard it from another player who posted it on these forums.

They called it dungtree because of the issues on release, not the game as a whole. The class balance is not the reason people are not playing at this time, it is because there is no late game content and korean players go through it very fast due to the nature of how they play.

fact is they never promised you regional servers, they said they may do it in the future. Find me a post that states “We promise to give you regional servers”. If you seriously want something like that you’ll end up with some SEA company who does not care about you due to the fact they will have to attain a publisher in that area.

FYI no class is under-powered, I PvP regularly in kToS and have NO issues beating any class, I play Falconer, Fletcher and Rogue, Corsair and a Warlock, never had an issue fighting any of the other classes. Mechanics > Class. Not to mention i play with 300ms and still have a positive K/D/A.

Learn to adapt, and stop spouting nonsense with no legitimate sources.


Oh god no.

Anything even remotely negative even if based on reality are highly disliked.

Want an EU / more regional servers?

You’re a beggar! Even if you paid for the game and represent ~30% of the Steam revenue sales! Stop whining! OCEANIC DON’T MATTER! LA LA LA! AMERICANS ONLY MATTER!! LA LA LA!! 300 PING IS FINE YOU DON’T KNOW! I MADE IT TO LVL 50 IN ICBT, PING DIDN’T MATTER! SERVERS COST 1 MILLION DOLLARS!

Don’t like p2w and want to talk about?

You’re a poor person who probably wants everything for free! Troll! Get a job lmfao xD

Disagree with an opinion?

You’re literally worse than Hitler! MY opinion trumps yours! Here have some meme responses xD and cute anime faces! 15 likes plz!

Think the staff could be more informative and open about their launch plans?


Concerned about the future of the game?

You just want it to die! You don’t know anything! 19$ a month is NOTHING! TROLL! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE!?!!!

This forum base is full of white knights.

I love it.


I agree with you on that also its funny people who rush to reach max level skipping over content as fast as possible then complains there is no content at max level let that sink in.

You want to skip content only to complain about lack of content that sounds like you want to be rich but when you are rich you find it boring.

Also the difference between balancing pvp and pve the thing with pve it is by default easier to balance then pvp want to know why… less random variables in pve monsters act to there AI scripting thus can react to some events in a manner that can appear the same setting up that it can change according to what is presented.

Pvp on the other hand you have 2 people who could very well have the same class in this game same final class but different class in between and the following difference’s.

modified gears
Buffs (due to people on there teams)

unless you tell us the scenario of the battle for instance all mentioned above its near impossible to perfectly balance everything even when it appears balanced.

Rule of thumb it is not considered op by the following if someone has an ability that you are week to and it deals heavy damage its not op its just your running into a fire coated in oil…

Basically what I am saying if someone turns you into ice then zaps you with lighting its not OP because the ability was intended to be used like that it makes you weak to lighting based attacks resulting in 50% more damage so it appears to deal more damage there are ways to defend against it number 1 don’t get hit by dodging the attack or interrupting it with a silence or number 2 get gear that makes you resistance to it but don’t complain about it because you don’t think outside the box and would rather have it changed because your to lazy to do your research.

Well you have just shown me your mentality and most likely half the community… also things can be said negatively but in a respectful manner if backed up with evidence and facts because we don’t live in a era of witch hunters screaming accusations at someone without evidence to demand they prove there innocents.

Rule of law you are innocent until proven guilty not the other way around in the aspect of the game if you want the community to take your side on the aspect of a negative motion you better well have some reliable source’s from multiple areas that can be clarified or everyone will just laugh at you.


Funny how you selected few responses to generalize the forum as a whole.


Dud get a life. Looks like you try hard to hate whats in the game.
Realy why are you here?
There is no p2w only pay to get to end game faster. Thing is there no end game
So why you cry?

Thanks for proving me right.

That you need a life and that you give 0 facts on how the game is p2w. You expected what when you dont even proving you points in any way.
Really i hope you will like the game but if what you think (for some reason) is p2w preventing you from it then i dont see why you here.