Tree of Savior Forum

Poor optimization will make us quit

If the failure to optimize gameplay doesnt make you quit, the trade system will.

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this game really sucks now i was so hyped till i played it with this poor optimization screen laging while on 70fps+ and texture problems and loading takes a mint to get to a next map i just hope not to regret buyin the EA , we all supported the game but doesnt seem like they r about to fix anything


Iā€™m not taking the blame out of the devs by saying the spammers make it worse, Iā€™m just saying it stutters with every single message on the chat and my performance almost 100% fine when not being spammed, thatā€™s what I said.

Maybe this topic can help you guys

hope my solution can help ur guys , gd luck

Give optimization! Please!

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@STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie any comment on the matter of bad performance? Is this something u guys gave up on?

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Itā€™s running so much better now, most of the time itā€™s locked on 60fps, in cities it drops sometimes but nothing game breaking like it was before

that comment doesnā€™t help with anything and has nothing to do wit this. so what do we do now, buy a 980ti to play tree of savior?

this game runs like crap.

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Just so you guys know, hkkim himself made a post about this.

This is one of the few issues with the game that can understandingly take awhile to resolve. While the insane level of poor performance baffles me to begin with, unwinding it may be a lot of work.

Iā€™d like to add that going to user.xml and change colour from 32 to 16 bit helps alot with fps performance aswell.

Personally gained 20~fps

The game is running better now since they add those new graphical options and the changes we can do in the user.xml. (thanks to the community)
But still I havent seen any optimization at all.
Even with those changes the game still runs like ā– ā– ā– ā–  in dungeons and in very populated areas, plus it looks ugly.
Such a shame :frowning:

I quitted already, Itā€™s been a while.

Iā€™m not stupid IMC, sorry.


An i7 2600k with a 960 and 8gb of ram canā€™t handle town? Iā€™m sitting here on an i5-2500 with a gtx 560 and have 40 fps in town, maybe you need to close your browser tabs and do a defrag once in a while.

Please fix this IMC. Itā€™s worth the time and effort.

Guys. Any guides how to optimize game performance donā€™t help at all. This $*it shouldā€™t be so heavy for my PC, overwatch with much better graphics works absolutely better on high graphics, but ths TOS works awful on low. WHAT A HELL? How this isometric 2d game could be so overloading? Tons of my friends have left this game because of lags on powerful PCs, because of glitches every 3 seconds. Nobody will play this game and Iā€™m thinking of quit it too.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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Fedimian server 1 i get around 10~20 fps with bitperpixel =16 and everything else maxed out.
Tell me whats your miracle, because i have tried everything.
Anyway my computer isnt the problem, the real problem is with my gfs notebook witch isnt really strong but should handle the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

You know, depending how the game is programmed and which engine theyā€™re using and so forth, a fix to your FPS issues may be impossible.

Itā€™s likely not that they donā€™t care or that they havenā€™t looked into the issue, itā€™s much more like that either:

a) They have looked into it and discovered it is impossible to fix without recoding the game and/or engine from the ground up, which could take years and money they donā€™t have.

or, and probably the more likely,

b) They are looking into the issue and simply cannot decipher why people are having FPS issues.

or of course some sort of combination of the two.

Worth noting:

  • I do not have any FPS issues whatsoever except when my area map is opened and I lose or gain a buff, which tends to freeze the game for about 2-5 seconds. As frustrating as it is I can work around it.

  • This game actually pulls a lot of data from the drive that it is saved on, more than most MMOs. That being said, one of the most important pieces of hardware you could invest in for this game would be a solid state drive. For people interested, I would recommend a ā€˜Crucial MX200ā€™ brand SSD, either 250 or 500gb.


I have no bias for or against IMC. I do enjoy the game and though I do not have FPS issues I think it sucks for those of you that do. I also realize most of you donā€™t want to spend $100-200 on an SSD that may or may not help with your performance issues. Please donā€™t hate me.

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Pretty likely you have not participated in World Boss fights with 20+ players or any other large scale activity in the game yet if thatā€™s the case.

Dungeons and general questing are fine, the other stuff is not. I donā€™t know anyone who gets above 15fps in world bosses with 3+ groups fighting it.

If you do actually get 30+ fps in world boss fights with a lot of people Iā€™d really like to see a video of that to see how the game is meant to look.

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