Tree of Savior Forum

[poll] Rank 8 - Class Rank Reset


  • rerolling is a pain in the s (takes time, repetitive, redoing experience, recompleting maps, rebuying attributes, etc.)
  • reset
  • delinearise leveling process
  • more team bonus (ktos patch)
  • ability to merge exp tome (ktos patch)
  • starting player doesn’t know how good their build will be
    • reset
    • ktos jurate test server
    • skill simulator improvement
  • not every build can enjoy “endgame” (meta dilemma)
    • reset
    • solve previous point to try combinations before endgame
  • character slot is limited for rerolling many chars
    • reset
    • rethink about free slot
    • tp
  • changes and balances “destroyed” some builds
    • reset
    • allow some sort of remedy until classes are relatively more balanced
    • skill resets after the damage is piled up to a certain amount (repo merge+R8 is one)
    • better planning and not sporadic patches


  • Reset makes it harder to find parties during the leveling process because less reroll will happen
  • Future reset needs
  • Making light of class decisions
  • Templar and guilds
  • Costumes and class specific achievements
  • Class specific companions: hawk
  • Endgame vs. throughout game experience
  • Continous patches and balances, must think long term solution
  • i lazy scrolling up, maybe add from new ones

the list above might only apply to certain group of people or even no one, but nevertheless we need to address even the smallest issue.

a possible solution might solve the issue or might not or even cause a new one or need combinations of em, as it’s not that simple

and yes reset is a possible solution to everything, but it’s a goddamn nuclear launch button

feel free to object or add moar possible issues, implications, and solutions

edit: added possible things to take note

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Tell Mr. Kim your solution because obviously he is not taking your advice and doing things wrong. Huehuehue

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I do understand where @haukinyau is coming from. The suggestions made by some pro-resetters do set off some potential alarms for abuse.

One of the shortcomings of a one time reset in the form of a potion/click is players will request for more. The argument put forth will be “since we can reset once why can’t we do it again?” This is pretty much the type of community we have here, from asking of multiple server transfers, to requesting re-extension of events. We see these type of posts almost daily. We just have too many whiners who can complain just about anything, and the latest is the TP mount… wut?

As for specific rank resets, given the way the classes are structured and tiers, personally I don’t think it is possible unless IMC spends a great deal of time to rewrite the entire ‘module’ which governs classes.

To implement a so called rank reset we have to solve the following issues:

  • Templar and their guilds
  • Hidden classes with their pre-requisites (eg. Chaplain with Priest3)

We can’t just write them off as “Oh they are exceptions and players with those in their builds cannot reset” (suggested by many many pro-reset players). That’s an extremely selfish way of thinking, the functionality implement should be all encompassing. If we want resets, why are we leaving players out? Cuz they deserve that?

So, what we have left on the table is a full reset. There are 2 methods to go about doing it,

  1. Full removal of ranks from 2-7
  2. Reset to the rank you want (If want to drop to rank3, then ranks 3-7 will be removed)

The first solution is more or less more feasible than the latter. Reset meaning removal of ranks, so the player will have to re-level their jobs again without any resets in quests or exp cards.This can help sell those exp tomes and gain $ for IMC too.

So now the only problem is how to implement it so that both pro and anti-reset camps are happy with it.

An example of implementation will a long quest chain (around 40-50 sub quests with approx. 30-40hrs of game time to complete)

Quest rewards:

  • The ever precious reset.
  • A title - “Career switcher”
  • +10 stat point potion

This kind of long quest based ‘reset’ solves a few things

  • Allows genuine players who want to fix their build a chance to fix their build
  • Prevents abuse as it is only a 1 time (quest) and the duration of the quest is long
  • Allows IMC to fix when and where the player can do the ‘reset’, by varying the level of the quest.
  • Enables more potential sale of exp tomes as players who resets have to re-level and experience the content again, all the while keeping their items, and attributes.
  • Players who don’t want to reset can also participate in the quest to get their stat point bonus, achievements and rewards.

See? A win-win for all. Both sides can do the quest for rewards. It also allows IMC to weave more lore and content in so the game doesn’t feel so dry and overall improve the quality of the game.

But something like this also give rise to a number of issues too, really hard for 1 person to do all the brainstorming… some issues forseen are:

  • Templar and their guilds (potential of involving many players)
  • Costumes and class specific achievements
  • Falconer and hawk pet (reset without falconer means 1 wasted char slot)

Well it aren’t really that bad, the only problem the game now has in terms of concept (not the technical bugs) is the replayability. It kind of leaves more to be desired.


You can add a reset will make it harder to find parties during the leveling process. Since with it available most of the players will take the “path of least resistance” and the game will have lesser players willing to reroll.


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Actually IMC should encourage the players to reroll more instead. The Team Exp bait is not strong enough for many players to bite. Too bad not many ppl like my Team family concept :sob:

It encourages the min-maxers and even casuals to reroll for more bonuses.

I actually blame the mobile gaming industry for such rise of more demands of “instant gratification”. Too many games go that route and the players now are so pampered that they feel they are entitled to instant changes without working for them.


Jezuz, this topic still going strong. Dont worry guyz, the reset is bound to come in the form of expensive and I mean gawd dam expensive tp form. We already have skill reset in tp store. However people are still very careful about choosing their skills because that skill reset is expensive as hell. Class reset will be even more expensive when it comes out. Just because there is a class reset do you think people will take class choices lightly? Hell naw!!! Having expensive class reroll option doesn’t break the game. It just gives players the peace of mind when choosing new ranks. Because at this state every last 2, 3 ranks you choose is 100% gamble not knowing what classes will come in the next patch. IMC may be greedy but they ain’t stupid. Class reset will come in the form of tp and forget this one reset per new rank patch bs cuz that won’t happen. But class reset in the tp store?? You bet your sweet azz it will happen.

Yes. I’m sure it will be for a nice promotional price of 2999TP. The pricing sort of balances out the price of exp tomes so players will still feel that buying either is good for them :3

Nobody buys exp tomes. That’s just stupid. People just buy tokens and be done with it. They may hope they get disconnected due to server farts so they get free exp tomes but that’s about it. And if you used those exp tomes before you know how crappy they are. Nobody in their right mind buys that crap. Tokens are justifiable because of the movement speed alone and the store % reduction is also nice. Phuck the exp tome.

You will be surprised. There is a reason why they price it at 9TP and they don’t offer bundle discounts for the exp tome while all others have cheaper bundle options.

9TP is equiv to approx 70cents in SGD/ $2 in RM for the server I’m in. Most if not all the teams (pickup groups or guild) I’m in for alemeth/evac/storage/maven grinds use tomes to aid in their leveling. If a player is a token player, he will get to buy an exp tome for 4TP every day after using his bonus 5 daily TP, That’s 35cents/$1 for an extra boost, which is cheaper than going to a local store to buy a can of coke.

This is the kind of value IMC wants the players to perceive, and it does sell.

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EWWWW nope. Gonna spend my tp on fabulous costume and herr only. And besides we all know our current characters will become crap one way or another. Nerf or introduction of new class/builds, etc. So I buys costumes and herr and put it on new reroll character when I reroll. I already have 3 wiz and planning on making two more so for me buying exp tome is a waste because no character is forever but the costumes and herr are for ever and ever amen.

Is there a bundle for herr and costumes??

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Haha I also ‘discovered’ it when I have > 10 soul crystals in my inventory and have nothing else to spend for the 5TP.


Sad to say no. I do wish they come out with a bundle discount, like get hair+dye+lens+costume bundle you get 20% off the entire package. This will encourage players to spend more. :3

Are you planning to buy bunny costumes for all your wiz?

shouldn’t it be “rolling” new characters with different build instead of “rerolling”? lol

Haha, my mistake. Yeah, IMC should come up with more ideas to encourage players to roll more characters.

Need help in how to further improve/balance this XD

edit: I just noticed I like to use the word re.roll lol. Maybe I reroll my archer too many times till it becomes 2nd nature to just say it haha

I have the Lord Delmore costume and I’m thinking between wiz3 costume or beholder costume. And I have the long blonde hair and a few 15 tp cheap hair as well. I feel like cosmetics are the only truly permanent things in this game. BTW archer male costumes are weird. I may buy for my male clerics but not archer. Just plain fugly.

The game does not need restarts, even more classes, requires deep optimization program (old video games that look much better and work best that Tree of Savior says it all) and an immediate solution to all too many problems that surround (such as gold sellers, exploiters and robots * could do with a system of random Captcha time?).

A free to restart characters potion completely only solve one problem at the expense of generating many others too, plus it would not be a permanent measure but only temporary application (as they say, when you take nine classes, we will need another potion and that’s not viable).

I propose to remove even the very store each of the potions reset, and instead, that balance each profession to be rival of each regardless of their role and that is perceived in their abilities third cycle (for example, a Piromancer can overshadow an Elementalist or Warlock), allow you to select each from the first choice (this would require severe changes) and separate the creation and protection of equipment from battle using the same system of levels (turn them into professions and not classes, it is leaving open the possibility of more fun and play option with the same characters).

It helps that at the time of choice, we did not have to go to second Web to see what exactly makes each class (a simulator of characters in the same official Web).

Enable an interesting system PK (for both aggressors to heroes), remove barriers to groups and have the creation of unions from the beginning regardless of the class under certain conditions as objects or silver (similar to the system of Ragnarok On-line). Of course, objects can be exchanged between players and characters from the same account without Premium Token (at least limited).

With all that, we only need a single reboot and I’m sure the game will become more fun and interesting. By the way, it would be good that Team Leagues were open 24h or with the same restriction as instance dungeon: not everyone can go to play at the same time and at the same time. They are continental, not regional, local or state servers.

Personally, any reset in any form (potions or buttons) ruined any online game that aims to be fairly serious. People are badly accustomed to not learn from their mistakes and have it served everything on a silver platter (separate question whether it was by decision of the game). You select your classes, not programmers.

Sorry for the English, because I had to use a translator.

no, we’re on a mission atm :imp::imp::imp:

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Nah, give the job EXP - only card to let the character met the EXP requirement for the next tier, doing quest, then eat the next EXP card… so on when you buy your class reset potion