Tree of Savior Forum

[poll] Rank 8 - Class Rank Reset

yeah make it for people certain lvl only to encourage n make it easier for them to reroll.

Nope, rank reset is just out of question. People should have predicted there would be circle increase for rank6/7 classes and get ready for some new classes.

Still, I support giving away skill resets for those who advance a circle on a class which had relevant changes to their already-available skills.

Why not go further, why not reset the whole character. Back to level 1, everybody. No quest reward resets though.

Honestly, I think any reset outside of skill/stat relocation is too hopefull. Why not worry about r8 rebalancing instead?

Can anyone with access to KR ToS verify that they might end all new classes at r8? Means r9 r10 (r11) get no new classes introduced.

End classes at rank 8 while the data files has monster up to 700 lvls u gotta be joking m8

not gonna happen today lmao :joy:

Rank 8 out in ktos and nope, no class reset.

Cry moar, 60% of tos player base. Maybe they’ll give you your candy at rank 9.

And I don’t want a class reset. All I want is a class that would fit my Sw2-Hop2-Cor3 and not be completely useless compared to R8 meta -_-

Judging from the fact that Centurion is still not released, I’d say new classes are still going to be introduced at later ranks.

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The game has already become Tree of Quitting.


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but first, d**ks out for harambe

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Always was agains a reset, but now i really want at least 1 rank reset.
Because theynot even not providing synergie to my class with new ranks but also rip existed off.
Also 2 most needed skils from this class isn’t working. And they not fixing since CBT.
Now I want a free reset just as it is, not according to rank 8

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i’m to lazy to quit :confused:
and what if they’ll make a fix someday. not even year passed.

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There is no need for class reset potion if all classes are balanced.

No , Its now about being lazy or not, You do know that attributes are not cheap right? Rerolling another character to match the same damage level as your main will take months to get to.

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Too lazy to reroll, too lazy to quit.
Tree of Sloth FTW.

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