Tree of Savior Forum

[poll] Rank 8 - Class Rank Reset

It seems that most of the arguments against class reset would be people spamming it. It could simply be a one time use per character or have a long cooldown or other limiting factors. This has been proposed along with other similar ideas in this thread.

A high cost/one time use per character would eliminate most of the concerns the nay sayers have.

Humans are greedy by nature. If IMC decides on a 1 time use reset potion to calm the community now. The next time some balancing patch comes out those same players will demand it again as it affects their “already reset characters”. Then we are back to the start of all these again at that time.

Since months ago I’ve been trying the middle ground in this reset issue. We have players who are passionate about the game on both ends, and we all want it to succeed to be the game that we dream of. The question is…

Why can’t we work together to find a solution that satisfies both ends?

Is it really impossible to do that? Are both sides that adamant to not even listen to the questions, suggestions and counter proposals from the other side?

I posted this 2+ months back.

Yes it is crude and unpolished but it is something which we can start on, discuss and improve. 2 months from that post, it becomes evident that the primary objective in which IMC wants the players to take is to roll more characters. This is further evidenced by the introduction to ktos the following:

  • UI changes to allow up to 30 character slots
  • Upgraded Team bonuses
  • Ability to merge exp tomes into +4 and +8 (concentrated exp tomes lol)

On average if a player is “desperate” enough to level fast and has RL cash to burn, he would have gone the +8 exp tomes route to aid him in getting to max level fast. Just how many +8 exp tomes do you all think he would have spent to get to the current cap of 280?

10? Just 10x +8 exp tomes is 720 TP. So a question to everyone:

How much would you price a class reset potion so that it will be more profitable for IMC than selling +8 exp tomes and they will, against their design concept for the game, implement it?

Do you think that 10x tomes is enough to level fast?

It is easy to see where this is going. Guys, we need to rethink our options, present something that benefits both sides and good enough for IMC to consider implementing. That’s a win-win situation, not these lashing out at each other here.


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Lol yeah. This is basically the reason why IMC never consider a reset in the first place. The game starts from 1-280 not start from 280, and the way this is structured means having a reset will effectively cut off players from finding parties in the 50s-200+ levels.

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hey why don’t we start from imc’s statement:

“We will, however, consider making it possible to give up class advancement quests to allow picking a different class.”

for explanation sake, let’s say i have cleric2, priest3, monk2

the way i see it (or maybe i’m totally wrong, but hey at least an idea is better than nothing),

  • i can give up priest circle 3. or priest3. or monk2. not all at once
  • i can take another class up to rank5, that circle restart from class lv 0. e.g. i can take anything on rank5 lower: monk, pardoner, cleric3, etc.
  • so “resetting” is done as “remedy” on circle by circle

of course there are many other implications and balances needed, like

  • what if i drop cleric2, can i take chaplain?
  • is there a limit to how many time we can “reset a circle”?
  • can i drop 2 at once?
  • should there be a cost? some quest or trial? silver? tp?
  • how much job exp should be needed for dropped class? same as dropped rank? or total rank?
  • what happens to the skillpoints allocated?
  • etc. etc. etc.


“Creating a character in TOS involves making choices about stats, skills, attributes, classes, and many other things.”

imo this might be a middleground to “screwed build” problem. allowing players to remedy mistakes to a certain extent while not making light of character decisions and growth. not so bad i think?

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Yes. It is really bad. Not enough players playing the lower levels.

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@Nekorin as you can see here, another person is simply assuming that the class reset HAS to be spammable and thus abusable. Read this entire comment and explain to me exactly how a one time reset won’t remedy almost all of the concerns put forth here by @haukinyau.

Ok so there are greedy people out there but you can’t just lay that generalization on every single person wanting a class reset. Some people really just want 1 class, or simply a single rank reset. So yes, it could be a 1 time thing where IMC hands out a class or rank reset ONCE, one reset for only 1 of your characters. Will some people want more? Absolutely, but that 1 class or rank reset will be better than nothing at all.

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What? Rerolling and leveling an alt from Team exp does absolutely nothing for the time and silver you put into achievements and attributes you invested into for a character. That’s one of the concerns people have who want resets. I personally haven’t a dime into enhance attribute partly for that reason, I’d rather invest in gear and such that I can share between characters. Of course, you could not care that rerolling means you lose your attributes and achievements on that character. I won’t hold that against you.

I’m sure alot of people will stop crying if they at least get a rank reset, which is the whole point of the dozens and dozens threads asking for reset. So when you say “Give 1 rank reset, cry. Give complete reset, cry” is ridiculous lol. These people are crying because they don’t have reset. You’re not helping your argument here.

You were assuming that the class reset would be spammable which is why you said earlier that people would be a barb Shinobi 1 month, high doppel the next, and then rod Murmillo afterwards. You assumed that a class reset, if ever implemented, would be able available multiple times to every account. I’m suggesting a 1 time 1 rank reset primarily.

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so its like an endless spiral to a dead game

bad game design kills off playerbase which makes lower level dungeons vacant


What? I’m sorry, I have a hard time understanding your last reply.

What agenda have I achieved? Because I don’t have a rank or class reset available to me. You’ve made it clear that you will play with or without reset, you will go with whatever Mr. Kim decides on. Your agenda is already achieved in that you really don’t care what the devs do, so why are you here discussing the situation anyway? :joy::joy: I’m only asking since you apparently know that I’m pushing some kind of hidden agenda for resets lol.

Why give a rank reset and not a full reset? It’s better than nothing, there are people who will make do with being able to reset 1 circle on a class. That alone will give them alil bit life to continue playing and it can even bring some players back, even if just for awhile. It could even be a 1 time full reset per account, not character. Not abusable. Anything is better than nothing. But don’t make it seem like it has to be either a spammable full reset or no reset at all, the solution doesn’t have to be binary.


its so sad im out of pokeballs hahahaha!

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I want to see the builds of those who want class reset so bad. Just for the lulz and giggles.

no, that would break the ninja code!
remember ninjas don’t reveal their identity’s to anyone, they conceal themselves from the public and we serve no master! :imp::imp::imp:

… unless u gonna hire and pay me LOL!

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