Tree of Savior Forum

Player buying items through RMT

  • Reason for report : RMT

  • Server : Telsiai

  • Team Name : WarRock

  • Evidence

So, here’s the RMTer’s forum account.

And here’s his Facebook account, as you can see its a troll account and not his real account. He said that he doesn’t have a real Facebook account (seriously? Seems suspicious to have to use a troll account)

So, I collected several evidence of him buying several items and silver with real money:

  1. Trying to buy a manamana through PhP (Philippine Peso)

  2. Bought a petamion through PhP

Here’s the image of the trade.

  1. Finally, trying to buy several items and silvers through PhP

Don’t blame the player, blame IMC and the restrictions they put on this game… if players were able to easily make silver, and be able to buy & sell items to the marketplace without restrictions then none of this RMTing would be happening


The player would buy through RMT anyways. Why?
Because if it was easier to make silver then prices would be higher as rarity of some items does not change.


Sorry but that’s complete bullshit. Most MMOs have bots and RMT as long as game’s mechanics allows to program bots with reasonable amount of effort that has to be put in their creation process. Take the closest game to ToS - Ragnarok as example. It’s always been bot infested yet there are no restrictions on trades or marketplace and it’s not even very hard to make silver in it.

There will be always lazy players who don’t want to put any effort into farming silver or items, they’re just spoiled c**ts who want to get everything from the get go even if it’s illegal and unfair. And these lazy spoiled bastards are the very reason bots exist because they create a demand for their services.

In a first place we have so many restrictions in ToS to slow gold sellers down (although I don’t necessarily agree with this method but that’s off topic) or at least that’s how it’s justified by IMC, so in fact you should “thank” that guy and other gold buyers for such restrictions.

Hell, there was already bots and gold sellers on the day of Early Access release when most players still had no idea about restrictions since we didn’t have any of these restrictions in CBT (but we did have bots and hackers, just not as many since it was announced that CBT progress will be wiped).


No… most people ignore these bots, yeah they are annoying with the nonstop 24 hours spamming, but if this game had proper game mechanics such as trading, marketplace, and all that without restrictions there wouldnt be too much players resorting to RMT… Games such as Diablo III and RuneScape suffered these problems, and they found better ways on how to eliminate it.

making silver in this game is a real grind! that goes for everyone regardless of their characters level, and that is because of all the restrictions on trading, and buying/selling items

When they start making Unofficial servers without trade/marketplace restrictions, players won’t be RMTing because they can easily obtain silver by grinding, buying/selling to the market would be much more reasonable

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Well … there have always been RMT guys in every MMO ever. And I agree there are a metric sh*t ton of players doing it in ToS. Going out of your way just to report one guy for doing this is gaaay lul. Think you should go stalk the other players who do it as well, which is kinda creepy just so you know.

Like the other guy said…don’t hate the player hate the game.

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I think you played into his hand by responding to this thread…


I’m guessing this is already a confession?

It’s funny how you want me to show my real facebook account when in fact you don’t. It’s quite hypocritical don’t you think?

Anyway, here’s my facebook account. Yes, it’s troll account also, but who cares right :stuck_out_tongue:

You can ask the admin in the Fb group to ban it for all I care, but I never, not once, transacted through RMT. You can check the groups if I ever made any. You want my Team name? It’s Thrud go search for it. But, I’m not only most of the time as I’m busy with school and I rarely get to play.


@GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis @STAFF_Ethan

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I already explained to you in details why you’re wrong and you’re replying with same excuses again. I’m not implying anything but you’re starting to sound a lot like gold buyer yourself by making these excuses.

Again, demand creates supply. That’s a basic rule of economics which is perfectly applicable here. You must understand something - gold seller will not run 100 bots to farm 100mil silver unless he knows that demand is high enough for him to sell these 100mil within particular period of time.

If there is a demand only for 10mil silver per day/week, he will only run 10 bots instead of 100, because he’s not going to waste resources on something that might not sell. So every single bot is out there because demand is high enough to require all of them to farm. Was it simple enough to comprehend?


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It’s really simple you know, if you use your head a bit. Why did I not report the other dozens of RMTs I saw in the groups? Because for one, they did not post their Team Names and merely posted their items for sale. They did not blatantly show off their Team Name and brag about how strong they are, which gives you more suspicion of doing RMT. And, finally, they didn’t use the same avatar they used in the forums as their facebook account (I mean come on can’t you be more obvious?).

Anyway, yes, you are right there tons of RMTs going on everywhere, in different groups. But the fact is, I don’t have any proof (screenshot, team name, whatsoever) of them so how in the world can I report them? Use your head a little.

It’s quite funny how you want to “At least try being fair and square.” when in fact you are being unfair to the thousands of player who don’t do RMT. Stop being a hypocrite, it’s not healthy for you. :slight_smile:

Finally, as a last point, if you really don’t believe that that facebook account is mine:


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Sorry, but I haven’t seen anyone else post their Team name. If you have, then you should report them, since after all, you want it to be fair and square.

Well, aren’t you one crazy person. First you ask me to post my facebook account, I did. Then you accuse me of not owning the said account, I showed you proof that it is mine. Now you’re saying that I have many facebook accounts, well obviously I do, that’s why I stated that it was a troll account. Jeez, stop beating around the bush. You’re not going anywhere at all -.-

Anyway, we’ll just see what IMC decides to do regarding this case.


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If IMC don’t ban him despite of all this proof and confessions I’ll lose the rest of what’s left in my hope for ToS.