Tree of Savior Forum

What's the point of this guy?

Then I recommend some glasses :sunglasses:

Are people actually this desperate to ban players? Lol

no, but jerks and scammers exist everywhere…

Don’t be so darn naive, if it sounds too good to be true it’s cause it isn’t…

I’m seriously pissed while he’s replying on chat and rly desperate to ban players. Erm is this case bannable?

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You can ignore TheDesertFox, he’s a known RMTer: Player buying items through RMT

It’s not bannable to “overprice” items. You are free to charge however much you want. If I want to charge 1500 talts for my cafrisun set, I can. Players also have the right not to buy your item if it’s too high priced.

You can ignore this guy. The only thing his report is going to do is make his reports lose credibility and become ignored by IMC.

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Good thing it’s not bannable. :confused: Was scared. Thanks

I was shocked too myself… I won’t deny it, I was too greedy at first, but aren’t people like that? If they see a price that is rly high, they increase it more. Erm I hope this isn’t bannable.

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Yeap I posted it for awareness too. This guy sure is on a different level of trolling.

There is a way to report another player? The only one i know is “Report Bot”. How can i report for another reason?

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U know the word canvassing? I shout because i don’t know the price of it. Neither trade, talts or silver.

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I don’t get it. ~~~~~

I don’t get his point too.

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That named Trafalgarpros the wizard class who keep bugging people on SEA sever at fedimian.

I remember him coz he keeps on asking everyone to give him 2 talts. you can call him the beggar of SEA server. he’ll bug until you DC or block him altogether.

I suggest you block him. and never associate with him.

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Ohhh lol. So he rly is a troll. Haha thanks for the info man!