Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

As I am reading that, as a gamer it annoys me HORRIBLY! You can build your build and yes, an RPG IS ACTUALLY about making mistakes, rerolling, trying and making experiences and NOT about “Do whatever you want, you win anyways”

I remember playing WoW and being extremely annoyed when everything was “made easy” with Cataclysm and removed the skill trees entirely just so that 10 year old kiddies could play it without thinking. Seriously, if you want a game to be easier or more casual, please go play Candy Crush but not ToS.


Finally someone who understand the essence of an RPG.


F2p models tend to work by utilising the cash shop. Could be a tough one.

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Nailed it. Ppl have to learn that there are still places where they have to suffer consequences if they f*** up. The game actually is more interesting this way, bacause choosing a class is actually a big thing!

If you play but don’t take time to gather some information on what you do, and you f*** up, it’s your fault.


It’s not about easy or not. It’s about classes getting nerfed , or class descriptions not mentioning the actual effects of the skill.
Ex : This part of kneeling shot skill is not mentioned on the skill : disable the possibility of using any other skill from the archer tree.
I didn’t know this information so I built a build around kneeling shot which uses skills, then i found out that it disables everything so I had to reroll…
Now my experience is not compared to people getting to lvl 170 + and finding out that some skill is not working properly or not fully described or got nerfed really hard on the last patch.

I agree with what you said in the case of everything is working 100 pr cent fine and all the skills and the information around the classes is complete which is not the case currently in Tree of Savior.

So Until everything is fixed and all class advancements are announced we should have a possibility to class reset. Not everyone has 10+ hours a day to reroll each time he founds out a class is not working as intended or got nerfed to the ground or got its gameplay changed.


They will sell character slots.

Ugh, yes, but… PLS, NOOOOO!!!11

The problem with that is that the vast majority of gamers in the na and eu are at least a bit casual if not more and when they spend hundreds of hours in a game to find out they need to redo everything because a class reset doesn’t exist then they will quit.

You will say let them quit but the fact is that this single thing will literally kill the game if its not in it.

People are not hardcore gamers like in korea here and if they cant have a fun experience that doesn’t screw them over then they will just find a game that does and there are a lottttt of games out there with new ones coming out literally every hour these days.

The class system in tos is far to complex with way to many bad class builds to be able to not have one for this game in this region.

More importantly is with every patch a vast majority will get screwed and have to totally redo their chars.

Say you hit 200 with a char then it gets nerfed and you need to redo it then that gets nerfed and so on and so on.

Even you will stop playing if you spend several hundreds of hours playing just to end up with multiple very high level chars that cant do anything.

Btw if wow hadn’t done that then they would be a dead game today.

The mmo industry isn’t what it used to be.

Lastly i wanted to add this from a post i saw much more down because it is the perfect thing that no one seems no notice.


If you want RPG, buy some dices and go somewhere else


We’ll see.


Alright, so if IMC just starts randomly nerfing the majority of classes to the ground for no reason, I’ll vote for a circle reset. Since they haven’t done that yet, let’s both agree that it’s not at all needed.

The ONLY reason a reset would be needed presently is because someone didn’t spend 30 minutes on the forums to find out of their build is good and now it’s just not optimal, while still being completely viable.

If you want the ‘best’ build, you should take the time to ask around and learn about the game more. The forums are more than helpful. I spend a fair amount of time on the Swordsman forums personally helping people, even though most of the questions have already been asked. If you chose not to do look into your build at all, don’t complain when you aren’t as strong as someone else.


Lol we are many patchs away from the korean version and there will be many nerfs along the way that people dont know of.

Its bound to happen to a lot of people.

If and a big if is with that they might be able to get around this with a free complete class reset potion with every big patch.

But they need it long term if they want their game to survive.


No, I’ve looked into many guides and forums and sometimes even people who put guides make mistakes. Also classes already got heavily buffed (mages?) since CBT2 and some got nerfed (swordman). The only way to know this is by reading Korean Patch Notes.
Another thing : Summons. I read the forums many times to see if summons are still bugged and some topics said they are bugged and other topics said they are fine. Now that I picked Hunter, I found out that my companion does really wierd things most of the time but I don’t want to reroll because I already did twice. Also the companion is pretty much useless until you get him to lvl 280 because during the process you’re using leveling cards and he doesn’t benefit from the cards EXP. So this creates heavy level gaps between u and your companion which renders him pretty much useless. So It’s not only about nerfs and buffs, it’s also about the core mechanism of some classes that are still bugged or don’t work right.

I don’t understand that mentality ‘I don’t have 10 h/day’, you can achieve the same thing 2h/day in 5 days, is there some kind of race, or time limit, that requires you to reach high level as fast as you can?

Or does playing the game bother you too much and you just want to get it over with?


Or by asking people on these forums or on Reddit.

There are tons of complaints about this on the forums. I don’t even play a Hunter and I could have told you this easily.

That is indeed a pain. He’ll start to catch up in the low to mid 200s though, because you aren’t just carding your way from 200 to 280.

That’s the exact same line everyone says about every feature they want implemented, and it’s basically never true. It is used constantly when people complain about bots, despite the fact they are in every MMO that’s existed for the past 15 years.

That’s how games work these days. You have to be hand-held and rushed to max level so you can complain about the lack of endgame content.

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Most people don’t read the forums or even look here.

They pick what they think is fun and go with it and then to have the game say boo hoo you made the wrong choice of a single class 50 or 100 hours ago and now you need to redo everything will have most of them to leave and probably still not even look here.

Its not really a matter of what you or some others want.

Tos wont survive if it doesn’t at least give the majority some way to make it so most of their time wasn’t wasted in the long run.

I personally like tos so im fine with it. I want this game to survive longer then 6 months and have more then 500 people playing it.


Vanic, even if this is named early access it is an early Open Beta. The issues I’ve mentioned appeared during the open beta and complaints started after the first week of gameplay.

I’ll say it again : if the classes worked properly and as described, no one will ask for Reset and even if people screw their build it’s their fault.
If a class is implemented, it should work 100%. In the case where their are bugs related to the class, they should be fixed asap. We shouldn’t be obliged to camp the forums and search for data for every single thing before making a decision in the game. I’ve done my research (before early access) assuming that all classes have been fixed and read about the mechanics and the dmg formulas etc but no one said kneeling shot disables the skills on the [archer] guides. Also, I’ve posted some topics on reddit and forums without answer.

Then they should have fun with they picked. Oh. It wasn’t the perfect build? Maybe they should have looked into it a bit. Either you play for fun, or you play to be ‘serious’ or whatever you want to call it. Don’t blame the game or other people for your lack of foresight. If you wanted the best possible class combination or had some questions, you should have asked them. If you wanted to mess around and have fun, do so. No one is preventing you from doing that.

Can you really not see the hypocrisy in saying that? REALLY?

Insert anything that anyone ever wants here. ToS won’t survive if all bots aren’t banned immediately. ToS won’t survive if they don’t let us trade costumes. ToS won’t survive if they don’t give me 50,000,000 silver.

Just because you want something doesn’t mean the game won’t survive if it doesn’t happen. What is with this community not understanding this? I swear these harbingers of doom are all over MMO boards these days. It’s hilarious.

No, according to IMC themselves this is not a beta. Unless you’re telling the company that makes and runs this game they are wrong.

Yes they would. They absolutely would. Many people don’t even mention poor descriptions in the reasoning as to why resets are needed.

IMC does work to fix bugs. They have a lot on their plate. Be patient.

You’re absolutely not, just like IMC isn’t obliged to give you a circle reset. I’m glad we agree that no one is obligated to do anything.


Only cause i have seen many games fail before the end of a year simply because they made their game to hard.

I will admit that better descriptions would be good though but i dont think the dev will get to it anytime soon.

Someone would have to do a lot of research and remake them all correctly to explain them all perfectly to get that done anytime soon.