Tree of Savior Forum

Its time for a RANK reset option

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One reason people can’t take this seriously is because of annoying threads like this when dozens of threads/discussions have been going on for months.

@haukinyau There. As short as my **** :slight_smile:


making build mistakes and rerolling are part of classic mmorpg experience. class resets will furthers support the DEATH mmorpg as an overall genre.


besides IMC had designed ToS a Tree of Reroll from the start. @hkkim will not waiver to that plan.

However when IMC finally gives up, they will let you have you class reset and premium armor and weapons and all the cash cow strategy. When that time comes. ToS is near its death.

  1. Then expect people who honestly use their class change to further mess up their build because.

  2. Honestly if the game wanted it in the first place, you’d be able to reset certain ranks until further ranks where you can’t change and there’d be a drawback required.

  3. To be fair, there’s not many areas of the game to warrant it: Literally just PvE and PvP. If someone had to wait a month, they’d probably sooner either reroll or just go about their business to return.

  4. This…would be hard for even other games to keep in contact. Without being the class themselves you’d create a weird gash between knowing attributes you shouldn’t. This would just smell of glitches imo.

  5. This is also a given. Though you do call this a RANK reset, not a CHARACTER reset.

Honestly this argument is ad nauseum more than people complaining about Swordsmen. To me, there are more productive ways of solving the reroll formula than slapping some crappy system that’ll probably just net more hatred from the diehard critics. So I’ll say no to this, because there’s much better and wholesome answers to rerolling and making the game feel more like a game than the multiplayer of a game like Sonic 2.

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Not to be rude; but please use search function there’s already enough of this topic, and even though I work 40 hours a week I still say no.


You may wish to participate in the discussion in the following threads:

It is a lot better than creating new ones…


I’m sick and tired of seeing people ask for this…

You made a mistake. Own up to it and start again. Just like using a pen in a math test, you can’t erase what you wrote, only scribble out and start again. That’s also why you normally get a sheet of paper to do ‘working out’ on. If you don’t plan, you mess up.

IMC adds rank 8 and your build sucks now? Oh well, re-roll. At least now you have money/gear.


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please leave tree of savior and play this game. Thanks :slight_smile:


You plan ahead. Pick a safe option or leave the end of your build open ended.

Yup. Such is life in mmorpgs. If you get your gear to the point where it’s untradeable in a game with a forseen/rumored cap of 600, then that’s your fault.


Just like life, expect the unexpected. :3
My build is bad too, due to some nerfing in toy hammer.

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Then tell me about any upcoming changes and also the remaining classes/circles. You can not only plan ahead, no, you also are some kind of god than can see the future. I am no god, so please enlighten me!


How hard is it for people to understand how to plan ahead?

Don’t build a character with the intention that rank 7 or 8 is the final rank. Not even if and or when rank 9+ comes out unless IMC specifically say that ‘X rank’ is the final rank. This game doesn’t reward reckless behavior and people should know that by now.
If you didn’t plan smartly enough in a game that doesn’t have a “final rank”, then that’s your fault, nobody else’s.

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rank 11+ may all be hidden classes

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Cool. Grind for it again.


Hmm people are discussing something that IMC will never implement. Again.

Let me watch your useless struggle.