Tree of Savior Forum

Leticia's Secret Cube Item List: Updated May 23

Disgusted? yes
Surprised? no not really
I knew it would come to itos after seeing it in ktos and never believed the staff when they lied that it wouldn’t.
No amount of crying or whining on the forums is going to change their mind either.
The only thing you can do as a responsible consumer is not buy them or not play the game all together.

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Sadly, whales will anyway, thats how goddess blessed cube is still alive, for sure :confused:

GJ @staff

This ensures that I won’t be buying TP anymore.

Way to bring back players to your game and turn away the ones who were really against this and stayed dedicated because it was never implemented.


Bad move, IMC.
I’m very disappointed, I actually thought things changed… I feel so stupid now.

397 Keista Restoration potions and several dozen Mithril counting on my Warlock, maybe now I’ll be able to get a Practonium xD

No really, can I please have my practonium now?

I’ve always been againts this cube but …

1 USD per cube:

70% Chance to obtain:

  • 70% chance to play 1 usd for 1 (one) shard … shards are 180k on market, thats a really expensive and not worth way to obtain shards.
  • Artillonium is easier to get now, as more classes are able to solo farm 290.
  • Enhacement card 500 its the same as 5 boss cards, which could be around 150k on high card chance cube rerolls after the rework.
  • Mithril is extremely common with so many people running uphill now.
  • Portium seems to be the expensive material on this section.

27% Chance to obtain (1 every 4 cubes aprox … so 4ish usd?)

  • 315 main weapon material im guessing its a random DPK item, which eeeeh 800k~1.5m on Orsha right now not sure if its that worth.
  • Awakening stones are nice, but the bonuses from Awakening are definetly not as worth or impressive as before.
  • Multiply and Reset, we get plenty from events.

3% Chance to obtain (1 every … 30 cubes? 30ish usd xD?)

This tier seems to hold the only real good rewards and what could be considered pay to win, but …

  • Practonium, im a free to play player and i’ve already obtained 4 practoniums and 1 on the way … practonium price keeps dropping on market on Orsha and even practoniun crafted weapons are being traded since the rework. Used to be 50m, its around 25m right now (Orsha market). Still a really good drop
  • Abrasives, im not sure how much exp these would give, but considering the amount of uphill shouts and calls i see on my guild doesnt see so amazing for that price. Unless it really gives tons of exp enough to go 8 to 10 stars.
  • What diamond anvil does?
  • 3rd ET run of the day. NOPE. Its already very tiresome to do 2 lol.

Summary: I’ve been always againts this cube, but it definetly doesnt have the same impact has it would have been released 6 months ago.


All i know is lvl 3 Gem abrassive is around 43k xp, so lvl 9 and 10 will give a crapton of xp

Ok I’m calming down a bit now… The most I am against of is the lvl 9 and 10 gem abrasives since there is no way to get that much gem exp in the game as efficiently. Lvl 7 gems alone already costs 7.5m in a server. Lvl 8 gems will cost 5 times a lvl 7 is worth up wards 35m+.

Yes, actually FORGET practonium lol. Those abrasives seems broken, i actually want numbers on them

lvl10 give 1kk exp, insta lvl8 gems, feels bad

gg imc, im also curious what diamond anvil will do

From a reddit thread, same a normal anvil, but 0 penalty on failure (no potential or enhancement loss)

Honestly, the risk I see here is mid-level players quitting after this cube event, considering how the new combat system screwed them up.

That’s what I think it will happen:

  • Investing more or less €8, you open 15 cubes, maximizing the free TP.
  • Being the cube a gamble, you’ll probably end up with ■■■■ rewards.
  • You get angry. You were hoping for that 0.6% (could be less) practo or those sweet, juicy abrasive that can pour some life back to your chars… and ended up with a bunch of cards that costed you real money.
  • You leave the game.

Ps. I’m one of those player :smiley:

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I saw a guy spending 40 usd to try to get a costume last week xD!

It is depressive, but gachas are like that.

Note: he didnt get it )=

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I wouldnt mind a couple of Diamond anvils to shoot for +20 weapon, if the reddit post from comment above is right.

You need to know that there are whales in this game, who spend their salary in the game. Sooo there will be lots of practonium in the market. I’m sure that diamond anvil, makes you enhance your weapon with 100% of sucess. Welcome to the paytowin era of itos, unfortunately :frowning:

We understand that some of you may have some concerns about the new items.
However, we firmly do not think that they will make the current game system pay-to-win.

If it were to become pay-to-win, it would be providing items that could not be obtained elsewhere while also not giving non-paying players a chance to obtain those goods.
Or, a player would simply be able to get stronger the more the player invested.

However, all of the benefits in the new item (Leticia’s Secret Cube) are obtainable in-game without investing real money.
The item simply provides a way to get those goods a bit more conveniently and perhaps a bit faster.

The items included in Leticia’s Secret Cube are not greatly different from what has already been sold in other service nations, and we have not noticed any of the major downfalls that can be mentioned as pay-to-win issues.

That being said, we will be monitoring the situation and will take any necessary measures should the need arise.


Id surely love to know where Lvl 9/10 abrassives + Diamond anvil comes from, because thats what id be farming for.

  • Level 9 Gem Abrasive gives 230,700 EXP (1 -> 7)
  • Level 10 Gem Abrasive gives 1,094,700 EXP (1 -> 8)
  • Diamond Anvil works just like a regular anvil, but when you fail it doesn’t reduce item level or potential.
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@Euphe post.

" Id surely love to know where Lvl 9/10 abrassives + Diamond anvil comes from, because thats what id be farming for."