Tree of Savior Forum

IMC Please Do Not Release P2W Leticia's Secret Cube!



yes its a complete sentence you cuck12431245123

Another one got 2 Practoniums in just a few rolls, there goes the % 0.6…

Its really an illusion, too many people are getting “super rares” in a short span of time,

yay …imc cuck themselves again
congrats! everyone happy now

This company really is a garbage.


Whatever IMC is monitoring, i wonder whena nd what they will do about it.

take everything back? …and give back money?
as if that’s can happen tho

Well, whatever measure might cross their mind, the longer they wait, the worse it gets

Fun fact: Mathematics also requires logic and understanding of how to read presented data. (yet I have this strangest feeling that whoever came up with this 0.6% does not really know what statistics are).


The same people who think the current DPK system is fine?

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DPK system is fine …can make me farming while watching anime

Preach, brother! :money_with_wings:

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well it’s not really 0.6% it’s 3%and after 1/5 , and not 0.6% every time you open a box . what does it mean ? every 33box (300tp , 27€ in EU) u’ll get 1/5 . that’s all there is to it . guess how many people will spend 27€?

short answer : a lot.

LoL… it’s not a “p2w”.

Follow me:

  1. Pay 2 Win is when only allow to advance in game by paying. For example, by providing items that can ONLY be obtained through real money.

  2. They are not removing the possibility of you getting these items in game without spending any money.

  3. Therefore, this does NOT characterize Pay 2 Win.

I don’t know why you are so frustrated.I can only think that you are upset because you will not be able to get thousands and thousands of silver with these items, which is unnecessary anyway (Unless you’re doing something wrong with all that money…)

Time to watch full f2p’s bring those lvl 10 gems.
Without the help of the contents from leticia cube, because that was easy, im suprised not everyone runs around with lvl 9/10 gems already.

Actually, p2w is when you can pay to win.
Yeah I know, a bit difficult to understand.


This reminds me another game, Skyforge.
“It’s fine you can have it all, it will only take you some years to get the same things so it’s not p2w”

Meanwhile blessed shards are already plummeting.

They’ll get it when they buy it from the paying players who sell it.
Just like they already do with Tokens.

There’s already Shining gem abrasives on the market.

Simple way to know if you’re getting ripped off

Average material gives 5 gem exp.
Take the abrasive exp divide it by 5. Multiply it by the lowest costing materials on the market (typically 100-200). To figure out whether it’s more cost effective to just buy fodder materials or to use gems.

I said without leticia box, the accessability tothe box is still through real money, as i said, if it was easy toa fford, im suprised peopela rent already running around with lvl 9/10 gems.

before leticia cube was even released

The 11 Cubes is 1 TP more than a Token which most people are already fine with existing and purchasing from other players. Tokens already introduce more items into the game via extra runs. besides their other effects.
Purchasing the fruits of the cube isn’t a bigger stretch.
The ship sailed a long-long time ago.