Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

iirc, it all started with this weapon design contest
then developer realized the food themed equipment sold really well

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and the 20+ other winners are still waiting for some serious non-cute skins :frowning:


Goddess cube is worse than letica cuz it’s 6 times the price and the failed price is only head costume or potion…

better on hiatus expecting something good or better, for my build for my fav class, so far nothing.only get worse each patch.

Remember these :

@STAFF_Yuri when?


hell yeah i do! hahah. yey!, u linked my entry :blush: i was Hoplite Goon at the time when i made these XD


Well people will always be complaining. But here are a few things you guys missed. Full t8 +11 savinose dysnai set, complete with vaivoras of your choice (includes coordinations) and free set stats, 2 free vaivora boxes per team(1 you can select, 1 gives you random), free 3x vaivora reroll only using 1 vaivora weapon not 3, loads of free drakonas/moring accessories, glacia unique weapon and armor boxes, trans 8 scrolls absolutely everywhere and ongoing now is you get to have free fixed lv3 crafted ark. Game has it’s flaws, one of them over spoonfeeding sugar to salties

in the end, freebies are just freebies. you can’t compete the whole loaded character with lv 10 ark, lv 4 vaivora, lv 3 demon/goddess armor in term of damage on any raids/dungeons.

IMC should really think how to reuse the old items/old contents to be more worthy enough for end game contents. Karaliene is one of them (combining Drakonas & Moringponia).

I just hope they won’t forget Lolopanther/Solmiki, Velcoffer and start working on it.

Also this event is pure bliss for returnee & new players. Active players can also benefit on it because they can try other ark usefulness or just take Healing Wave ark for their healer alt.

For information, I did a quick test yesterday over 100 million dam in WBR. The free ark level 3 only contributed 3 million. It’s a freebie, sure, but a negligible upgrade.

That would be the most useful choice indeed.

perhaps you need to level your attributes or your equipment more, as I did WBR last week without event ark (lv 5 STR ark tho) and already got 1.5B damage (my build is Inqui - Monk - Druid).

it’s not that negligible but it won’t make you surviving the higher up raid (demon sanctuary) and upcoming contents as well.

It’ll certainly vary by build/ark but even with a lvl 4 Vaivora substantially boosting my best skill, my ark is responsible for 20-25% of my DPS consistently. This is lvl 6 not 3 but the activation chance and damage dealt isn’t substantially different between them for Divine Retribution.

Don’t love the easy access implementation of this and how much it’ll benefit alts but catching up new/casual players is nice.


That was just a “practice” run and I pressed “Give Up” after 100 mil to have an easy percentage calculation, maybe I should have pushed further, because ark activation is still tied to RNG and could have been underused in such small time period (meanwhile I was able to purchase the last archstone frag I needed, so I now also have access to a level 5 ark for further tests).

ah thats good then lol. /20chars?

That’s just how divine retribution works.
It’s the ark that makes physical build comparable to magic.

Magic build almost always do way more damage than Phy build because Dahlia is broken and magic build usually have insane channel skill.
Their ark usually only contribute to 4~6% of their total damage yet they still do higher damage than physical which depend on DR’s 25~30% dm.

Without DR physical build will mostly be ■■■■ compare to magic.
That’s just their way of balancing…
They use DR Ark to “fix” the problem of physical damage doing way less damage than magic.

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(kToS front page)

IMC planning something next week, why do I have a bad feeling about this.


new classes, warlock buffs (kekw), sadhu n5 rework, new HG map, Goddess Raid : Giltine with Goddess weapons and ■■■■. Let’s go.

So there will be an online presentation on the 20th of April, followed by an event on the 22nd of April.
the term “감사제” intrigues me a bit, as it can mean something as “thanksgiving” as well as “inspection”.
It’s probably just an appreciation event, hopefully with good rewards for the players who actually stick to the game rather than are newcomers.

To be fair, I assume it’ll be something dumb like Goddess-Grade weapons and armors or Lvl 40-50 enhance Arts. JK


Maybe they’ll finally kill the class system and make advancements as straight promotions based on the first class you pick to “make the game more balanced and have no dead classes”.


maybe they will let us pick a fourth class :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

jk, this will neeeeeeeeever gonna happen :tired: