Tree of Savior Forum

Its Official, Dumbest Event Ever, CONFIRMED

Hookers69 users are using god and fly to pass the event for free cubes. hahahaha


I was obviously replying to the guy above that mentioned sadhu.

IIRC they got levitate features and can afk so its easy cube for them. Lesson is to get a hooker on your party or git gud. kakaka


Pretty sure you can do it without hook. It used to happen to me all the time in beta and highly doubt they fixed it.

Good thing we have Staff with reading comprehension and the ability to use the search function actually doing their job. Heaven forbid they don’t have everything handed straight to them with a silver spoon.

Maybe you could start doing this yourself and compile a thread for Staff to look at all these old bugs and possible exploits? @DrRM


Why the heck should I do their job for them? They can easily go into the database and check player coordinates for those in map positions they’re not supposed to be. IMC doesn’t care period.

Your mocking reply shows you don’t give a sh1t about the health of game, drrm. :slight_smile:



@MayMay I have nothing but best wishes for this game and those working on it, what I mocked was your predictability…

I knew your reaction before you even posted it and am for once happy to be right xD

The AI in Tree of savior is one of the worst ever, from pets, to boss with 75% 100% knockback attacks, afk 10sec, running to the wall 5 10 sec.

Titan’s for main quest or legendary weapon is something that will never happen in ITOS xD

Just to remind people =>


It was at the time a step down from relics. The main thing is people blamed “lag” for a lot of problems with being 1 shot from most mechanics or falling off.


Same can be said for your nonsensical mocking responses on every thread outside of off topic :grinning:


well look at that…

then we might be creatures of habit :smirk:

or something xD

Didnt you get the memo? Hes better then everyone else, incase anyone hasnt picked up on that yet, yep, hes far superior intellectually to us, whatever would we do without his smug and sarcastic comments.

Funny to see him get another reply flagged and hidden in a 3 day span, he wants to be the community manager but cant even manage himself.


i’m just running alone/solo in the place not giving any fcks just to get the participation count… then proceed to go to either 190dun or 50dun to beat the living sht out of those boses.

btw. jumping those aoe is like playing coinflip with a loaded coin…

It’s like BOSS: ohh that jump was too (early/ wrong direction/ lol) so here… DIE see you later :slight_smile:

i’ve played through enough Darksouls to even agree on standing up for this dumpster fire…

Same, I already got my 3 enchant scrolls so im 100% done with even going in. I tried following the charts posted by other players and I would be in the marked spots and I would have reduced defense and poison traps spawn directly ontop of me from bosses on the other side of the dungeon not even on my screen, and before I could move, I would have the death screen. Its a fkng joke, IMC knows it, and they are doing the usual, lie to the community and stall.

They will say stuff like this to get people to shut up for a few days and then they just hope you forget about it or give up.

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Easy mode is 3 hp. Git gud. kakaka


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You didn’t really read or comprehend what i wrote, did you?

First of all, i wrote
I’m not going into whether this event is actually dumb
which means that i didn’t make any comment that this event is so cool, easy or whatever, quite the contrary : I explicitly said that with that post i did not make any statement whether i think this event is good or bad, easy or hard. So i don’t get why you even talk to me about that aspect.

Secondly, if you read carefull what i wrote then you’d see that i objected to the use of the words “officially” and “confirmed”.
In order for “this event is bad” to be official you need someone of authority from the IMC company to actually say it, and if you use the word “confirmed” you actually need another person to confirm that official statement.

If he had just said “This is the dumbest event ever” i wouldn’t have objected, but he claimed it was “officially the dumbest event ever”, meaning he supposedly can quote someone from IMC who said that, and he claimed that he also has confirmation for that official statement.

But he didn’t but only used these words to get more attention for his topic, hence why i said this is a clickbaity buzzwordy topic title.

Words, they actually mean things. Use them properly.

Oh no, someone else used similar words in a similar sentence? Shock and horror! That never happened before! Clearly that means that i used it in the same context, meaning and with the same intention of that other person. Also the validity and applicability of that other persons statement must be equal to the validity and applicability of my statement, just because we used similar words!

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I believe the objection should come from official staffs but apparently they dont mind. Tbh, given so many days already but nothing from the event changed, they pretty much agreed that this event is dumb. Cant say if this is the dumbest event but it really is not well planned.

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Dont worry about the white squires in-training like Sayurichan, posts like his make up about 1-2% of these forums, let them believe everything is sunshine and rainbows, you arent going to win any discussions with them.


I don’t get how me telling you what the word “official” means implies that i’m defending IMC/a “white knight”, because i’m not, or how it implies that i think everything is sunshine and rainbows, because i’m not.

You’re connecting things that have nothing to do with each other and i’m not sure if you’re doing that because you’re trolling (“lawl if i say u whiteknight u mad.”) or if you’re actually that delusional and actually think that someone who disagrees with something you said on this forum is automatically on IMCs side/a “white knight”.

First of all, it is a topic title. It is supposed to be clickbaity as the main motivation of any topic posters ever is to garner attention, and later, opinions and information. Having your own opinion, or not having it altogether is absolutely fine. However, bashing a poster just because you feel betrayed that their post earned your attention is not fine. Besides, there is always the option of muting the topic and leave, or at the very least not post further replies like you just did if you personally think this topic is a waste of resource.

Addressing your next problem is that a hyperbole need not match with the empirical situation. The OP did not say words like “official” and “confirmed” for you to take literally. Just because I said “This is officially the best day ever” doesn’t mean you can take my word and use it against someone in a court of law. But I guess I can save my breath teaching you about context since you’re SO savvy when it comes to something pertaining context eh?

By the way, I belong to neither factions of hues or whites.

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No. The point of a topic title in a forum is not for clickbaity and attention-whoring words, it’s supposed to exactly not do that but describe in a few words what this topic is actually about.
If topic titles were supposed to be mainly about clickbait and attention every topic title in every topic would be something like “OMG MOST SEXY GIRL NUDES HERE also something about TOS” or “PROOF THAT TRUMP IS A ZOMBIE…i don’t like this TOS event”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you really think the intention of a topic title is to get as many clicks as possible? This isn’t youtube or some cheap Buzzfeed site.

Yes, of course. Then what is the purpose of those “few words that describe” if it is not to gain attention, pray tell?