Tree of Savior Forum

Its Official, Dumbest Event Ever, CONFIRMED

Again when someone is typing you their manifesto online over the grammar you used in a post its safe to write them off as “insert any word you choose here”.

Please dont waste any more time replying to this person, no-one has any idea who he is and he isnt bothering me in the slightest. This thread is at nearly 3,000 views and almost 300 replies, when someone like him tells me my opinion doesnt matter and no-one cares I just lol, if that were true would he have replied what, 8 or 9 times already.

Let him embarrass himself, he doesnt need any help.


Wrong. This is a true purpose. The more views you have the more successful you are.

Don’t even dare to argue with “nearly 3,000 views” OP, you lowly peasant.

We should fall to our knees in awe letting him fap to his view count .

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That being said, I can’t tell if this thread is really productive from the views and replies alone. Of course it’s successful as a place to unload opinions and gripes but it hasn’t achieved anything concrete so far (no info on how to deal with the problem, nor something to bring to IMC’s face).

I apologize for derailing the topic into an unnecessary argument. Please continue stating your opinion on the survival event or giving suggestion on how to clear the event easier. Have fun playing Tree of Forum!

More replies please I didn’t eat all my popcorn yet


What has also been confirmed is that this is a very funny topic.



And even then it was still easier than this survival event, at least the lag delay was constant instead of going all over the place, the hardest part was finding a team that could also do it.

Survival event is just luck, some times I can jump when I see the attack’s animation and it will work, some times it won’t.

Ping isn’t really the problem, the event is just hard in general. @33 ping I still fail it majority of the time or only make it past first 2 mins because the Shadowgaler is just too much of a d*ck. If they swapped that boss with something less RNG+widespread aoe it’d be much improved. Also why can’t I trade the instance reset items and other rewards to another character? -.-

I acknowledge the issues with the event but despite them I’m genuinely enjoying it, I made it past stage 2 a few times but stage 3 is a challenge q_q but I like it. :slight_smile:

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This has got to be this biggest burn I’ve seen on this forums. Some one give this man some pussy lmao.

you talk as much ■■■■ as ever, I have never said of felt like am better than others or have an ego the size supernova…

that’s you, so stop getting butthurt by looking at the mirror…

If I felt as trigger as you said (and it works both way) I would create multiple accounts and flag your post with all of them so it get taken down…

but am not a coward like you, I fend for myself and @MayMay can do the same; so bug off

I gotta say, this is the one time I love Hook64 users. Ran into a few and it was easy cubes (well I did die from the bosses each run).

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And you are as offensive as ever…
Speaking of flags, your posts deserve them more than any Hueknight’s.


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How am I been offensive?_?

am talking with adults here ain’t I?_?

did I hurt anyone’s feelings?_?

and sure, flag my post that you feel are offensive, but 96% of the post that get flag are from off topic and are random images I posted or comments on other friends that has nothing to be flagged for…

hell my 3rd flagged comment is me saying Hi! and the 4th is a screenshot of the game on the zoomy thread :smirk:

so yeah! keep the alt spam flag nonsense coming, it only tells me how much someone is shaking :smiling_imp:

Sounds pretty offensive even if I am not target of these insults.


Since IMC is not going to remove the event. All I can say is that the cubes have no great value. They don’t give World bosses cubes.
The event could be worse with 4 Giant Lebusbunny.
But i coud be better swiping the Reapers for Chaparitions, and the Shadowgalers for Necroventers.

Only sad thing is that we miss the chance to get those fortune cookies, which are very useful for leveling up.

Remember the times when people said Tree of Savior was soo easy it was a joke, then came rank 8 and content was too hard and now this event tags along about which most people complain.

See IMC does listen, the problem is they are confused about what we want. Do you guys want a easy game or a tough game.

No IMC we want a easy game some days and a tough game some other days ( easy when it’s hard and hard when it’s easy, see how easy that was…)

People make no sense in general and it is futile to listen to them.

Now Personally I find this event quite enjoyable and even though I fail on the first phase alot and always on the second one, IMC has given us a very unique event here if you just calm down. The first phase is kinda like a stealth game which is doable ( me personally have almost found a route that lets me get through the entire first phase unnoticed, there is just the last 30 seconds I have to sort out cause of 1 annoying Shadowgaler :stuck_out_tongue: )

I do find that I progress through the first round and almost found the route, the second round is really tough though only cause of the 2 Shadowgalers again and instant aggro, round 3 well…hehe.

Props to IMC for the creativity in the event would have liked to see this event combined with the previous event all bosses give cookies to make it more bearable, just my 2 cents.

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Is that really the issue?
I want good FPS, instance capacity and channels.
The game can be as hard as it wants, I dont give a ■■■■ if it is not properly playable.



have many many threads on here, I dont normally bring up the stats, I have been doing that lately b/c the whiners new themesong is “no-one cares about your stupid thread”

the millenials feel compelled to keep replying to all my posts with how much they dont care and how stupid my topics are, so I have been using facts rather then opinions to beat them over the head

when you view my thread every hour and cant stop yourself from commenting in it 14 times im sorry, but you do care

thats all the stats are for


It gets lonely over there in the off-topic section so people come here to harass people already having problems because misery loves company. They don’t really care about your problems unless you splurge your life story in off-topic like some bleeding heart only using forums like it’s a blog instead of a medium for game information.

Your thread has gained almost more likes and traffic in less time than one of their current top threads. Clearly this means something but they love saying “it’s just hues blah blah blah” and try to discredit things.