Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

I don’t like it much either, but the Koreans really need to step outside of their zones if they wanna manage the rest of the world. You’d think the middleman here would be the GMs but they don’t even seem all that confident in English to do so. We absolutely need surveillance by some means though, I don’t really see how else it would work.

As far as I’m aware in Battle League, you can only revive once (so if someone revives several times you know something’s up.) and everything in there is normalized for Level 200. I think the only thing that applies are weapon bonuses and effects, but weapon upgrades don’t I believe.

As for GvG, I’m not too sure since it apparently counts as a map where you could tab out via channel switching?

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What hate? I just think it’s funny. It’s like a child who gets upset with someone and tries to give them the silent treatment, only to break it every ten minutes to remind them that “I’m not talking to you anymore”

I am genuinely sorry you don’t have enough going on in your life to get over a silly little mmo though. Don’t worry, things will get better for you eventually.


In Korea they have Nexon to deal with any community-driven issue, while in the rest of the world they got to do it by themselves.

Being the developer of the game as well as being their own publisher doesn’t sound like an easy task…fixing glitches and exploits while developing new content and appeasing the eastern community sounds overwhelming.
Publishing the game on their own was their choice though and now they have to make up for it, I just wonder why they are being so cowfisted on recruiting new employees and leave the DEVs doing what they have to do in order for us to receive quality content.

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Hey you, want to know how to crash channel?

Here we go my friend, I’m gonna teach you right now how to do it!

step 1 - find a druid 2 or be a druid 2 (not sure if you can do it being druid 1).

step 2 - find a panto (srautas gorge?) and take this transformation (not sure if you need a panto, but I heard the exploiters use this one to crash)

step 3 - transform, wait until the transform buffs expire (about 64s). Use skill 3 (speed) in last second and BOOOOM, ch is down.

ps: Remember that the buff doesn’t expire after reach 0 second, still blinks some extra time, you have to do it in LAST second.

Thanks to Onizinho, Phada and Bako for explain this during a Canceril Crash. You guys are really “Unbelievable”.


Yeah, I’m pretty aware of battle league where a majority of stats are equalized. Didn’t know you could only revive once. Can you or anyone confirm that? Things like Aias will still have an impact in the arena which is a good thing but +25 weapons will as well and will have a severe impact on it.

GvG though afaik everything mentioned by op is viable since its map related. If those +25 weaps are allowed with no repercussions then we have a serious problem.

so anyone wanna join my exploit guild on klapedia?

its called TreeOfSinners


Pretty sure all itens in Battle arena will be cap to +0, so no matter how much exploited your character is

WTB>Superior kraked cross +25 and Superior corona rod +25= 100k each.
Go go sell me before ban hammer falls in your nuts.

Look at the Priest Sections and you’ll see both Revive and Ressurection can only apply once a round. Though I should have said it better in that I guess you have upto 3* chances if your Priest is on the ball and doesn’t die while ressurecting you? Plus I hear Revive’s invincibility glitches out from time to time.

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Anyone here playing in Telsiai server?
From around 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (CDT), some channels (1-5) kept being restarted… I’m just a casual gamer that trying to grind mobs but it still annoys me…
GMs if you come to Klaipeda town or Orsha town, you’ll see lots of Pardoners and Squires are suffering being being kicked out of the channel constantly (thus they can’t open their shops accordingly)

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_No @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian team names from Silute

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They will just check logs, no need to whipe. Top guilds will get banned. New guilds will replace them.

Simple as that. If you think these people are going to make any dent, you are wrong.

For people that try the exploits for fun, you most likely will get banned also. So don’t test it out if you like your char.

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Do you guys know this game is in CLOSED ALPHA right? Then stop your whining and let IMC do their job. /s

OK, let’s go wipe with this new patch kr

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I know there’s been bugs since release but never thought it’d be this grave. Oh my.

wow =( just wow =( and now i bet even more people will abuse =( i want my party whit 30 guys

and now you can do it! it’s a dream come true

not really i cant find even 2 guys on my chanel to party =(

just what i was thinking haha, 30 people how do you even find them lamo