Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

Klaipeda server every WB now channel crash and that many Windrunner…

you forgot to put 20F earth tower to trace the entire guild. the guild leader does the trick to have the party bugs. 20-30 party members go in the earth tower in one same instance to kill until 20F.


:fearful: :scream::sob::rage:

im shocked… that there is a guild out there with my character name / teamname that is involved with this cheating bug thing…





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"joke mode’

thanks for that free +30 weapon, cinnamonni"

" end joke mode "

  • slaps Gatygun *

im so gonna cry in the corner like baby jesus, if the imc people accidently banned me cuz of my name…

it can happen man! it can!!!!

shakes fist in the air

Seriously… cheaters should be banned straight away! Especially when they abuse good names!

So this is the kind of drama people like on these forums. It all started with petty Discord battles, but now it’s just too toxic to withstand!

Not a good thing, but not the worst thing I have seen.

If you didn’t do any exploit just chill, they asked for the guild names just to investigate people in the guild. I also know players in your guild that were very honest (like Lano) so chill.


just got shouted screenshots again to file on IMC, everyone seems wanted to sell their overupgraded exploited weapons :stuck_out_tongue:

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im not in any guild! or have any upgraded stuff like mentioned in this thread (fork, im way too poor to able to upgrade that high… and with my RNG luck! LOL, not even trying!)

your reply is exactly the reason why im worried; you mistakenly assumed i was in that guild…

its my name… my teamname and character name… /cry /wah /sniff

[sarcasm mode: mah whole internet persona… ruined cuz of some… cheating bunch of twitholes]

You can also add Silute player Raphia from Illuminatis and everybody else from Illuminatis :slight_smile:

crap i deleted the content by mistake.

"old content’

made a shout in general chat about, enjoy your account while you still can.

Then i got 25 people pming me with how there +15’s are legit without any durability loss.

Gl with that.

“end old content”

meanwhile in non exploiting poor people’s land, i got lucky

i lol’d to people who says its legit , oh man be they cant fool us , they want you to sympahtize them and believe them and make them innocent of the crime every suspect acts like that

they must have all been incredibly lucky with those abysmal rates


even armors i guess but hard to trace by us, especially shields are over upgraded if not mistaken i saw a post with +15 or 20 Aias

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for us yea, for them not really. just filter in the logs on specific events and boom 99% are banned.

Fun part is not even deleting there item will save them with this solution, so hiding will be completely pointless.

Sure one or two will get away with it, but it won’t take long before they bite the dust at some point. Cheaters gotta cheat.