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[iCBT2] [Guide] Chronomancer: The Time Squad is here!

More data:

  • Haste is amazing. It should not justify an entire class. It does. Haste.
  • Try this! Ho ho ho!

I hit level 200. Now what?

Choja in Gabija server. I hit level cap yesterday. It was an interesting ride barring the 140-160 grind pre-2x exp boost. Here’s what I have for equipment and classes at level 200. I will not list awakened equipment because it’s already been confirmed that it will be changed in the next versions.

Stats before gear:
CON 156
INT 20
SPR 135

I had full INT until up to levell 140 where everything in Demon Prison 2F kept killing me so the party I was with told me to restat so I stop dying. The ability to keep hitting stuff without being dead was better than high damage output due to everything having massive amounts of HP anyway.

Hands: Roxona Gloves. There’s no better alternative for it unfortunately.

Feet: Wind Runner. The low evasion is not good, but the +4 Movement Speed makes you faster and faster is good.

Set 1 (2 Hand): +11 Expecta Staff or Audra. I bought the +11 Expecta Staff from Ceria and it works fine. Audra increases Cryo spell levels by 2 and adds a 15% chance of any ice property attack to freeze regardless of base chance. I sold my Audra for Set 2.

Set 2 (Main Hand and Offhand): Toy Hammer and Karacha Dagger/Venom. Swell Left Arm makes up for Toy Hammer’s deficit and Haste allows you to get in, stab the target a bunch or stab an ice wall to proc Toy Hammer’s passive then run away when something threatening comes your way. Karacha Dagger is nice, but Venom is nicer and gives you more CON for survivability. Also, the Toy Hammer boink sound is hilarious.

Ring 1: Sissel Bracelet. Yes, I know how Sissel Bracelet actually works, I’m the one that wrote the post about the mistranslation. I can still get misses in the level 190/level 200 dungeons and proc its effect.

Ring 2: Bracelet of Linne. This does not help for damage I just thought it’s cute. It also gives out herbs for murdering 15 plant type enemies! If you want a serious gear build, get two Wizard Bracelets.

Necklace: Petamion. I couldn’t get Max Petamion because the last time I tried to kill Ellaganos my party got a VGA crash at 5% HP. Before Petamion, I used Magic Talisman. Saphie Necklace is probably better before Petamion.

I didn’t use Gems because I never got enough gem exp to get one to six stars(!!!).

Classes: Wizard C1 -> Cryo C1 -> Linker C1 -> Thaum C1 -> Chrono C1 -> Chrono C2

Wizard C1: zzz energy bolt reflect shield earthquake. If you get a skill reset after Rank 2, get Lethargy/Sleep/Reflect Shield. Everything is better than Energy Bolt.

Cryomancer C1: Ice Bolt, Ice Pike, Ice Wall. You can use Ice Wall to trap bosses’ movement by slamming it right under their hitbox.

Linker C1: Joint Penalty 5 and Hangman’s Knot 5, distribute other points into wherever you want.

Thaumaturge C1: Swell Left Arm 5 and Swell Body 5, distribute other points into wherever you want. Swell Body will pay off all the money you will funnel into Swell Left Arm’s Enhance attribute.

Chronomancer C1: Quicken 1 -> Slow 1 -> Reincarnate 1 -> Stop 1 -> Slow 5 -> Quicken 5 -> distribute wherever. You want to get Quicken and Slow’s attributes as soon as possible since they give your party members the needed boost before you hit Chronomancer C2.

Chronomancer C2: Haste 5 -> distribute wherever. Haste and Swell Left Arm are the two buffs you should ask your party members to reserve if none of them have Dainos. Quicken is not as necessary nor is Reflect Shield if you have a strong healer in the party.

Conclusion 2

Chronomancer is very good for support. Haste is also very good. I hope to see exciting development for Chronomancer Circle 3. After Chronomancer Circle 3, I would like to advance to Mimic. Maybe Mimic will make me too broken. I still wish for more Wizards to advance to Chronomancer if they play support wizard.

I actually don’t know if I’m going to play closed beta 3 or open beta, which is why I went all out in closed beta 2. I really like this class, but that requires this game to not fail before release and after. May IMC Games not fail me.

Special Thanks 2

Lapheriel and Ryve for letting me boss hunt with you all of you are great

Dahl for awakening my Superior Scale Mail and Grima Pants without making me pay out 500k

Rubylit for selling me Venom for 1 million less than the original offer i know it’s beta but still

all boss hunting parties for putting up with my “im going to haste my team and just beat you to the boss” silliness sorry

Special No Thanks

imc games why did you make female mimic’s costume so ugly? eden eternal/finding neverland online’s female illusionist costume is the same concept and it looks 100 times better


The Ice Shard (3 ice shards per hit on one spot of IW) count as 3 hit to passive of Toy Hammer eh ?

and i heard that explosive dmg of Toy Hammer is broken now, hope you will show the detail of its dmg scale o/

guess i’ll change the pyro ( for combo with swell left arm ) to cryo D:

Shards from Ice Wall melee do count as 3 hits if all shards hit. Toy Hammer procs in 4-5 hits of Ice Wall shards. The explosion usually starts at 1000 then uses the normal autoattack damage formula. It’s not that broken…

Hello! I just read tru ur chronomancer overview and it was really informative!

Just want to ask for your opinion, do u think Thaumaturge C2 buffs (swell left and right for a total of additional 400+ dmg) will be more beneficial as compared to the Chronomancer’s quicken (25% crit when traited), slow for CCs and Haste for that awesome movement speed which you showcased.

I’m planning to go for pyro instead of cyro at R2 while having 2 ranks in linker too. Likely have 100con and rest in int.

Thanks for your time!

Thank you very much!

Thaumaturge C2’s buffs are powerful, but in my opinion I would definitely pick up Chronomancer C2 instead mainly due to Haste. The benefits that Thaumaturge C2 grants can be substituted with other damage increasing buffs that classes like Priest and Linker can provide, but Chronomancer C2’s +Movement Speed on Haste is very difficult to replace. Slow complements Cryomancer better than Pyromancer but can be used without it like putting Flame Ground and Slow in the same place after a link combo. Quicken is the weakest of the three since Archers have abilties to increase their own critical rate and Swordsmen usually don’t need to with high DEX. Regardless, Haste is the key to Chronomancer.

I’m not the Mage Master. I chose CON over INT because I got tired of dying, that’s all.

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Totally agree with the dying part. Solo as full int results in constant deaths which i dont think i can afford in obt xD

Anycase thank you for ur insights and prompt reply! It cleared up my doubts xD

Just for reference
A playlist for

Quicken with high ping my ping 0.3-0.4

Quicken with low ping

I want to see how venom poision damage proc work could you mind test it ty in advance.

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Invest in CON is more beneficial though, so let it be o/

Venom effect is a 2% proc on physical damage to inflict 616 poison damage per second for a total of 6165 poison damage after 10 seconds.

TY for an answer and in game tested it’s very helpful.

After theorycrafting for a bit I came up with a PvP build that might also find a spot in parties. What do you think?

Disable in Time

As the name suggests its uses are mostly in disabling enemies and supporting allies while also being lvlable early on. I planned 11 sec duration on Stop to give Elementalists enough time to cast Meteor (and Hail depending on lvl)…

I haven’t gotten Cryomancer C2 or C3 so I can’t say much about that class. The only thing I’m ehhh about is Subzero Shield (I heard it was buggy), other than that it looks solid. Cryomancer C3 in general is a strong foundation with freeze and crowd control, so adding on another crowd control class like Chronomancer C2 does not diminish its purpose at all in PvE parties.

The only chance-related thing in PvP is getting a Frost Bolt to proc freeze in three bolts or less. You can equip Audra to increase chances, but it’s still dicey. Once the target freezes though, you can cast Slow on their face, cast Haste on yourself, drop an Ice Wall on them or an Ice Pillar or Snow Roll them or anything you want. Even if Stop has a very long cooldown time, level 1 is better than level 5 because 6 seconds is enough time for anyone really.

hello, i aquired a toyhammer for icewall today, but the explosion doesnt seemt to proc very frequently. was it patched/nerfed?

I don’t think subzero shield is worth it at the moment, it functions quite awkwardly and more than often fails to deliver good results. Get 1 point in ice blaster & gust + pickup the gust = dmg attribute, better than 0.

you can use gust on frozen targets stuck inside of frost pillar or caught in a wall, which allows the gust to do multiple hits ( 50% attribute dmg , the damage on frozen targets)

be mindful of equipment, ice rod would be good ( all cryo skills +1) , that is an extra second of CC - with a cleric divine might = 2 extra seconds of holding time with a frozen pillar. then maybe skill gems? if they exist / you somehow stumble upon one.

there is the frozen chance attribute on ice bolt which goes up to 50%(10% x attribute lvl) iirc so that will be something to make sure you purchase too.

I think it’s enough cc for a pvp round.

i went cryo 3 chrono 1 , the cc is nice but there is the downtime where you will need to be careful due to vulnerability.

Are you hitting things with the ice shards? That seems to be the main way to activate it.

got it. u are supposed to hit with the subattack :wink: not with the hammer. Thank you!

  1. Is this the skill [Reincarnate] that works on Boss or is it “supposed” to be [Back Masking]?

  2. If [Back Masking] worked properly, do you think you can use it on boss fight?

  3. Does “duration” of [Reincarnate] refer to how quickly you have to kill the monster you marked or how quickly you have to kill the revived monster? Is there time limit for re-killing revived mob?

  4. Can’t you just use the [Reincarnate] right before the monster dies or is Casting time too long for that luxury?


  1. Reincarnate does not work on boss, it will completely miss like Swell Body does. It’s supposed to be Back Masking that works.

  2. Yes. With its hefty price to cast the spell in the first place, it should be doing very powerful work.

  3. Duration of Reincarnate is how quickly you have to kill the original marked monster. There is no time limit for the revived mob, it functions exactly like the mob would if it spawned normally.

  4. You can. Assume that Reincarnate functions like Swell Body and cast it at low health then kill it for the benefits. The main problem is Reincarnate has incredibly bad targeting relative to your position/facing and will sometimes mark a monster that you’re not aiming for if you cast it in a crowd.

Thanks for answer ChojaHiragawa.

Does [Reincarnate] work with [Joint Penalty]?
Doe reincarnated monsters has all the DeBuff intact?
(probably not for both)

Reincarnate is single target. Joint Penalty transfers only damage. The reincarnated mob is clean like if it appeared normally over time.