Working to update the guide with:
- Any/All Episode 13-2 Information
This is going to take me the next 10 days or so. Please feel free to add/correct any information in that time.
Archiving content that lost relevancy but was part of the guide. The following systems are not removed in 13-2 but are made somewhat obsolete by the gear progression from Kedoran → EP11 → EP12 prior to goddess equipment. As a result this will be archived and new gear progression information covering each of those will be added to the 2nd post of this thread. The 3rd and 5th posts will house information related to ichoring and 13-2 systems respectively. As anviling performs will still be used for accessories it will remain as is with additions made in the 5th post that pertains to goddess equipment.
Identifying, Dismantling, Transcendence, Socketing, Enchanting, Awakening, Ichoring

Unidentified items can be identified either at the Blacksmith NPC of each town or player owned Appraiser shops. Higher level appraisers are more likely to produce a higher number of lines with higher values.

Its important to know that most identified gear is garbage. Prior to 430 gear it is only worth identifying primus items or items that are potential upgrades for you. 430 gear (Dysnai) will be covered in the 3rd post of this guide.
Dismantling and Re-identification
All of the magic items and leftover junk can be dismantled (at Blacksmith NPC) or used to level gems, giving Exp equivalent to the level of the item. Dismantling will result in nucle powder (sierra for primus items) which can be used to re-identify items at the Blacksmith. Re-identification will retain the color of the lines but change the stat and value of the line.
- 87 Con → 105 Str
- 153 Accuracy → 112 Block
Dismantling berthas, primus, and legendary items has a chance of giving an Enchant Jewel (100% chance when dismantling Dysnai equipment). Legendary equipment can only be dismantled at the Alchemist NPC in Miner’s Village. As a general rule, everything below level 430 should be dismantled.
The follow information pertains only to Legend rank gear and below. Goddess equipment introduced in 13-2 has it’s own system covered in the 5th post
Using Blessed Gems, players can transcend their equipment up to ten times, adding 10% of its base attack/defense to the equipment with each transcendence (not factoring enhancement). This can be done at Blacksmith NPCs in each town.
It may be wise to monitor up coming Burning Weekend buffs for a weekend that offers 50% off trans cost for even # transcendence!

This example showcases a +11 Velcoffer Pistol with Stage 5 Transcendence. This weapon has gained approximately 2300 Attack from the transcendence and 1115 Attack from the refinement.
Socketing gear is the process of adding sockets to equipment at the Blacksmith NPC. Opening a socket reduces equipment’s potential by 1 while offering a space for a gem. Golden Sockets from Leticia Cubes, Events, and Unique Raids, can be used at 0 potential to open sockets in equipment. Keep this in mind when you enhance gear as it might make sense to add sockets and switch to golden/ruby anvils!
Gems come in a variety of colors and offer different stats or skills. While colored gems can be leveled by sitting down to access the gem enhancement menu, skill gems are locked at level one and increase a set skill by a single level.

In this example you can see we’ve opened 2/2 sockets and placed two gems inside, each giving a skill level increase. You may only increase a skill level by 1 with a gem so adding a second Guardian Skill Lvl + 1 gem (in this example) would be a waste.
Color Gems come with a positive and negative stat. The Negative stat can be removed with Player Gem Roasting shops in town.

| | Color Gem | Skill Gem |
| Can be leveled | Yes | No |
| Upon removing | Level - 1 | Destroyed |
| Requires Roasting | Yes | No |
| Multiple Stack | Yes | No |
Enchanting gear requires enchant jewels obtained from dismantling gear. These jewels may only be used on equipment with a level equal to or below theirs. Jewels are consumable and offer a random Enchant line with a random value. Higher grade jewels have a higher chance of granting a higher value enchant. Below is a list of enchants and their maximum values.

Fret not if you receive a poor roll. You can enchant again and again, replacing the previous enchant. Alternatively you can add enchants to basic gear of the same level you intend to wear and transfer the enchant through the Alchemist Master NPC in town. Enchants can only be transferred between gear of equal market trade restriction (you can’t transfer from 0 potential items to items with potential for example).
- Do not stack. Multiple of the same line will only grant you the enchant with the highest value
- Can’t be transferred from higher level gear to lower level gear
- Transferring enchants from lower to higher level gear can be done at the Alchemist Master
Awakening, much like enchants, offer an additional line on your equipment. Requiring a Premium Awakening Stone + Abrasive and use of a player’s Awakening shop, awakenings offer the smallest return on investment for maximizing your gear. The values offered are generally low but worthwhile if you have some stones from Fishing or Events.
- Transferring awakenings has the same restrictions as enchants.
- Max values vary by equipment type (1h/2h/shield/trinket)
- Weapon/Armor roll different awakenings (attack only appears on weapons/trinkets for example)

Ichoring is the end game system for applying stats to legend gear by extracting the stats from other equipment. Blacksmith Teliavelis in Fedimian offers a tutorial on this system for new players.
This is the gatekeeper to the end game and becomes vitally important by the time you reach level 400. Here I’ve linked details on the ichor system. I will share my own thoughts on ichoring as it applies to the current patch in the 3rd post of this guide.
8.20.21 Update
Since IMC has given us patch notes 4 days prior to 13-2 I can more accurately update the guide. As we were are seeing the removal of unique raids, so goes that section from the guide. I will replace this space in the same post with something I’ve skipped over before- perhaps Gem Feud or TBL.
Unique Raids
Unique Raids
The Raid interface(F10) provides warp to these instance dungeons where you will be tasked with some gimmicks similar to quests and/or clearing out a boss. Raid Portal stones are consumed upon completion of a raid and the stone cost per raid increases by one for each raid completed (this is per character and resets daily(Event weekends occasionally offer fixed entry costs or double rewards)).
Unique Raids can be run in a 5-man party mode or solo which will present itself when attempting to enter the raid. It is recommended to run some raids solo and re-roll your loot in hopes of a ‘jackpot’ of many fragments which will allow you to select which piece of equipment or recipe you desire. Solo raids also do not suffer from the same incremental entry cost increase.
Solo Raids charge 9500 silver per reroll and have loot tables that include Practonium and Legend Cards. These versions of raids are also scaled down heavily to adjust for the reduced number of participants.
Rather than break down each raid I have given brief details of each, their loot, and provided a link to guides by people who have given them the attention they deserve.
Level 330
(Masinios) The First Refugee
Loot: Sierra Powder, Practonium, Golden Socket Recipe, Laitas Cloth Armor, Ausura Plate Armor, Fietas Leather Armor, Masinios Weapons, Prodigious Kugheri Balzermancer Card
Level 330
(FFL) Former Fantasy Library
Loot: Sierra Powder, Practonium, Golden Socket Recipe, Nematomas Accessories, Nepagristas Accessories, Rangovas Accessories, Froster Lord Card, Demon Lord Froster Lord Card
Level 380
(Asio) Asiomage Testing Grounds
Loot: Spirit Fragment: Asiomage, Practonium, Golden Socket Recipe, Asio Weapons, Asiomage Card
Level 380
(Wastrel) Magic Research Facility
Loot: Spirit Fragment: Wastrel, Practonium, Golden Socket Recipe, Wastrel Weapons, Wastrel Card
Level 380
(Ignas) Astral Tower Closed Quarters
Loot: Spirit Fragment: Ignas, Practonium, Golden Socket Recipe, Ignas Cloth Armor, Ignas Plate Armor, Ignas Leather Armor, Ignas Card
Level 400
(Skiaclipse) Tomb of the White Crow
Loot:Spirit Fragment: Skiaclipse, Practonium, Golden Socket Recipe, Skiaclipse Armor Sets, Skiaclipse Weapons, Skiaclipse Card
Level 420
(Moringponia) Lepidoptera Junction: Unique
Loot:Tantalizer Feelers, Moringponia Hat, Pyktis Accessories Recipes, Kantribe Accessories Recipes, Juoda Accesories Recipes, Spirit Fragment: Moringponia, Tantalizer/Moringponia Costumes and Helmet (Pyrmas/Antras variants)
Level 440
(White Witch) White Witch’s Forest: Unique
Loot:Spirit Fragment: Glacia, Glacia Armor Sets, Glacia Weapons, Glacia Card

8.22.21 Update
With CM being restricted to level 400+ players or a gear score of 420+ for solo CM, the old section is a relic. I will replace this section in Post 3 where I discuss the bulk of content that players will engage with on a daily/weekly basis.
Challenge Mode
Challenge Mode
Once per day per character you can engage in a challenge mode. In this solo/party instance you will be tasked with clearing mobs and bosses. Rewards are given upon clear. As of 13-2 this is no longer stage based and instead requires you to clear the map of mobs similar to DCP and level dungeons.
- Accessed through purple portals on maps level 100+
- Portals appear by killing a purple mob after 100 mobs have been killed on the map
- Players can summon assisters to help them clear
- Yields high exp, mercenary badges, nucle and sierra powders
- Accessed as automatch in the content board (F10)
- Level 400+ and 440+ automatch options
- Yields low exp, silver, goddess coins, nucle and sierra powders, low chance of vaivora
8.22.21 Update
As Unique Raids are being removed and many legend cards are being moved to the mercenary shop, this section will be rewritten and moved to a post that primarily covers end-game equipment and their relevant systems.
Legend Cards
Legend Cards
Upon completion of the nine revelations the player will complete the ‘Unlock Legend Card Slot’ quest (this is automatically given upon reaching level 100). This process can be skipped by purchasing a Legend Card Slot Unlock Voucher which comes from Leticia Cubes and TP packages. Legend cards can be equipped for substantial bonuses.
Obtaining Legend Cards
Some of these cards will have alternative acquisition methods (TP Packages or Leticia Cubes) but will not be listed here. I have focused on the primary method and/or listed a method to avoid duplicate answers where more than one may apply (i.e. Goddess’ Grace Legend Card Envelope).
Cards denoted by * are Demon race and equippable in the Sorcerer’s grimoire.

Demon Lord Cubes
Obtainable when opening the Demon Lord’s respective cube

Unique Raids
Obtainable when opening the raids respective cube
Legend Raids
Obtainable when opening the raids respective cube

Special Acquisition
Obtainable from a variety of unique content from quests to guild raids.
Giltine Card further requires 10 x Glimpse of Chaos from Demonic Sanctuary.
Leveling Legend Cards
Crevox has a detailed write up on the ins and outs of the legend enhance system that you should read for a more in-depth explanation but I will cover some basics.
Belorbs, purchased from the Magic Association NPC in each town for 1,000,000 silver are required for each stage of card progression. The number of belorbs used for an enhance attempt is equal to the Card ★ + 1. Additionally players will need to use other basic cards, legend cards, or legend enhancement cards. This process scales absurdly and becomes very expensive after 3 ★.
Initial enhancements will be quite cheap. Beyond what is listed here it will be best to reference Crevox’s guide as prices will vary and different combinations of enhancement materials will result in different success chances. Guaranteeing success is always possible but means that a 4 ★ legend attempt will require special materials.
- 2 ★
- 2 x Belorbs
- 4 x 5 ★ Cards
- 3 ★
- 3 x Belorbs
- 4 x 10 ★ Cards

Dysnai Ichoring
Dysnai, the unidentified 430 gear dropped from Episode 12 maps has unique properties that separate it from all of its predecessors:
- Rarity does not effect max rolls
- Primus items only roll 80-100% of the maximum possible roll
- Line values roll substantially higher than previous sets
- Equipment types can slot into any same equipment (i.e. cloth pants ichor can be equipped on legendary leather plants)
Please note that the magnifier process discussed below is the same for Savinose Dysnai equipment, be it 12-1, event, or crafted. The random ichors are built in but you can adjust them using the magnifiers. Glacia Legenda equipment has no random ichors so you will need to work with berthas/primus 430 gear.
Complete list of Primus Dysnai max rolls
The order of operations for creating perfect Dysnai Ichors goes as follows:
- Mysterious/Artisan Magnifier for maximum number of lines
- Use Sandra’s Magnifiers until you achieve desired colored lines
- Identify at the blacksmith until you achieve the desires lines
- Use Sandra’s Detailed Magnifiers to achieve desired value on each line
Alternative methods aren’t without merit. Fishing for 3/4 or 5/6 valuable lines with blacksmith re–identification and using Sandra’s Magnifiers to roll the final line into something desirable is worth considering. This method applies to Savi Dysnai as well though the max line values are a little bit higher. Benzo has a complete list in this google document.
Mysterious Magnifier
- Rolls random assortment and number of lines
Artisan Magnifier
- Same as previous but allows you to select which set of lines to keep new/old
Sandra’s Magnifier
- Select desired line(s) and randomly selects from all possible lines
Sandra’s Detailed Magnifier
- Select desired line and roll a new value while retaining the stat

Sandra’s Perfect Magnifier
- Apply to Dysnai items/ichors with 4 or fewer lines and rolls maximum values
Sandra’s Ultimate Magnifier
- Apply to Dysnai items/ichors with 6 or fewer lines and rolls maximum values

8.23.21 Update
Most of this information has been moved to the 2nd post with details on obtaining Kedoran, Ep11, and Ep12-1 gear. Information on obtaining Goddess Gear using current seasonal events added to 1st post.
Primary Gearing
Primary Gearing
After you’ve completed Episode 12 you can continue questing or grind your dungeons and CMs as you climb towards level 450. You will have a load of silver (~40M) and a decision to make on where to invest it to best progress your character. This is not the certified best route but is the route I’ve seen new players in my own guild succeeding with and makes sense for a long term investment.
Funding this endeavor will be your daily/weekly CM/DCP/WBR/Singu. Buy your resets daily from the mercenary badge shop and hope you luck out on an Arch Stone Fragment or something equally valuable. Field cm/singularity parties are often open to any and will allow 1 or 2 new players to skate by even on lower gear.
Galimive Dysnai Ichors
- These armors can be purchased as a full set for 10,000 Mercenary Badges and offer fundamental stats that will benefit you greatly. These are a fine ichor until you grab more build specific ones.
Savinose Dysnai Armor
- Often available from seasonal events with little/no cost
- Great armor for party content which you will be doing daily/weekly for most of your money
- +100% Damage in Challenge Mode, Field Maps, Dimensional Collapse, and Singularity
- -50% Damage received in the previously mentioned content
- +400 Looting Chance at all times
- Does not require ichors for random stats so you can just focus on identifying/magnifying
- While this means you can’t swap out random stat ichors, you shouldn’t really need to for the content you’d be using this armor for
Glacia Legenda Armor
- The armor of choice for end-game raids such as Lepidoptera(Hard) and White Witch
- +100% Damage in Raids, Sole Hunt, WBR, and Res Sacrae Dungeon
- -15% Damage received in previously mentioned content
- Allows you to swap ichors between gears as desired
- Can act as future proofing and allowing you to sell old ichors for new ones if you swap builds
440 Legend Weapons
- Glacia Legenda
- Allowing you to swap ichors out for desired content justifies the higher cost of these weapons over Savinose Dysnai
- Savinose Dysnai
- If your server offers a lower price with this route and you enjoy running Challenge Mode and Singularity than these weapons will be fine
- Transcending to 7 and waiting for Burning Weekend 50% off even number transcendence can save you a heap of silver/BG as well.
- Set Effects may best be saved for with the purchase of the Pamoka box from Popo Point Shop as you collect these passively and will allow you to focus your silver on other things
Vaivora Ichor
An important factor to consider is pricing; if your class Vaivora, or another ichor of the same weapon type is on the cheaper end 50-120M it might be wise to grab one as soon as possible especially if it gets you into auto match.
Goddess/Demon Armor
There is a solid argument to be made that this should come before the vaivora ichors but it will vary by build. These ichors are a fairly expensive but worthwhile investment once you have a functional legend set. Arch Stone Fragments are the big hurdle in crafting these ichors and you can probably pick one up every week if you spend frugally or luck out in your mercenary badge resettable content.
Requiring two full Arch Stones, I would recommend waiting on the Ark until you luck out and receive a full Arch Stone as a drop or have the rest of your kit in order before crafting one as they are some of the most expensive items.
Good morning! In the past couple weeks we’ve had lots of new friends ask us “what should we be doing?” and “how to upgrade ___?” All of this information (and more!) is in #new-savior-guide and the Contents Status Board (F10) in game, but I’ve made a quick “to do” list of dailies & weeklies.