Version: FINAL for iTOS
October 29-30, 2018: Link to official patchnotes in English for new Raid patch << click here
Hi everyone, iTOS has received the new Raid patch. I hope this guide was helpful to get a head start on farming materials.
Asio vs Wastrel Compilation by @ultimapi, with info from the database
The database was updated by Ricardo, find the items in English:
Wastrel items << click here
Asio items << < click here*Note the wastrel and asio cannon are good items for cannoneers. The items have 5 gem sockets instead of the usual 3.
Raid drop
Raidboss drops cube, from cube you may get:
-golden socket
-recipe for raid item
-legendary card
-boss fragment
If you are unlucky and only get boss fragments, you may trade 50 fragments for a recipe. Each raid boss drops a specific fragment (wastrel or asio). I think recipe trade is random, with a chance to get a finished item.
Recipe Materials
Each recipe requires:
3 Practonium
x Sierra powder (98 for off-hands, 127 for 1-handed main hand, 235 for 2-handed weapons)
157 Mithril (nicopolis/wastrel), or 157 Sapphire(novaha/asio).
x of a mob drop
Mob drop materials
Off-hand items (dagger, shield, pistol, cannon) require 65 materials.
1-Main Hand weapons (sword, spear, rapier, mace, rod, crossbow) require 87 materials.
2-Handed weapons (2-H sword, 2-H spear, 2-H mace, staff, bow, musket) require 147 materials.
Overview of mob drop locations
Nicopolis (Wastrel Zvaigzde) items
Astral Tower 1F & 4F: Star Guide Lamp (Wastrel rod, staff, dagger)
Astral Tower 12F: Lydia Schaffenâs Lens (Wastrel cannon, musket, pistol)
Astral Tower 20F: Chestnut Shell Arrow (Wastrel crossbow, bow)
Astral Tower 21F: Candlestick of Honor (for Wastrel sword, 2-H sword, rapier, 2-H spear)
Baltinel & Gliehel & Freenel Memorial: Royal blade fragment (Wastrel shield, mace, 2-H mace)Novaha (Asio) items
Barynwell Waters 85: Lydiaâs Red flower (Asio sword, 2-H sword, crossbow, bow)
Barynwell Waters 86: Starry dew (Asio rapier, 2-H spear, spear)
Barynwell Waters 87: Schaffenâs Black flower (Asio 2-H mace, mace, shield)
Starry Town & Feline Post: nicopolis star drop (Asio rod, staff)
Spell Tome Town: nicopolis feline (Asio cannon, dagger, musket, pistol)
image of Chestnut Shell Arrow<<click
image of Lydia Schaffen's Lens<<click
image of Royal Blade Fragment<<click
image of Lydia's red flower<<click
image of Nicopolis star drop<<click
image of Nicopolis feline<<click
image of Starry dew<<click
image of Schaffen's Black Flower<<click
image of Candlestick of Honor<<click
Thanks to vfajoses
Nicopolis Raid guide - video by Tom
Nicopolis Raid - Wastrel items
To unlock this raid, you must finish the Nicopolis questline (NPC: Owynia Dilben).
Required level 380+
Raid entry requires 6 raid portal stones (+1 stone per additional entry, count resets at usual time).
Entrance near the Owynia NPC (Starry Town map).
Wastrel Boss fragment
Wastrel Zvaigzde Sword <<
AoE attack ratio +2
Physical defence +248
Strike Damage +325
Special effect:
Strike-type attacks have a 10% chance to double your critical rate for 5 seconds.

Wastrel Zvaigzde Two-Handed Sword <<<
+121 STR
+72 DEX
+52 CON
Critical attack +525
Special effect:
During doppelâs cycloneâs duration, your movement speed increases.

Wastrel Zvaigzde Dagger <<
+58 DEX
Holy property damage +175
Dark property damage +175
Special effect (black 'n white mask):
Buff1(anvil): from +10 onwards, each refinement level grants +30 holy property damage (max +300 holy property damage).
Buff2(transcendence): each transcendence level grants +30 dark property damage (max +300 dark property damage).

Wastrel Zvaigzde Spear <<
+121 STR
+32 CON
Critical rate +76
Wastrel Zvaigzde Two-Handed Spear <<
AoE attack ratio +2
+72 STR
+121 DEX
+35 CON
Critical attack +425
Attack range +5
Wastrel Zvaigzde Rapier <<
Physical attack +132
+72 STR
+52 CON
Critical attack +402
Wastrel Zvaigzde Mace <<
+52 DEX
+72 INT
+62 SPR
Holy propery damage +233
Wastrel Zvaigzde Two-Handed Mace <<
AoE attack ratio +2
+121 INT
+56 SPR
+23 CON
HP +1205
Wastrel Zvaigzde Crossbow <<
Maximum attack +352
Minimum attack +152
+54 DEX
SP +403
Wastrel Zvaigzde Pistol <<
+72 STR
+43 DEX
Critical rate +52
Bullet markerâs Full Metal Jacket skill level +2
Schwarzer Reiterâs Retreat Shot skill level +2
Wastrel Zvaigzde Cannon <<
+111 STR
+57 DEX
Critical rate +43
Critical attack +572
Special effect:
Attacking during Bazooka-stance grants a 10% chance to deal double damage (deals another instance of damage equal to the most recent damage).
Wastrel Zvaigzde Musket <<
Maximum attack +732
+123 STR
+73 DEX
Block penetration +70
Wastrel Zvaigzde Rod <<
Magic attack +232
Physical defence +325
+74 INT
Magic amplification +302
Wastrel Zvaigzde Staff <<
AoE attack ratio +1
+75 INT
+93 SPR
+53 CON
Magic amplification +603
Wastrel Zvaigzde Shield <<
+42 CON
+72 SPR
Magic defence +358
Block chance +2%
Special effect:
5% chance to resist a Level 2 status effect.

Novaha Raid guide - video by Tom
Novaha Raid - Asio items
This raid automatically unlocks when you reach the required level of 380.
Raid entry requires 6 raid portal stones (+1 stone per additional entry, count resets at usual time).
Entrance at Freenel Memorial.
Asio Boss fragment
Asio Sword <<<
AoE attack ratio +1
+62 STR
+72 CON
Special effect:
Critical hits with one-handed sword attacks grant you a buff which increases your critical attack by +250 for 10 seconds. During the buff you may gain up to 5 extra stacks for dealing critical hits. The extra stacks provide +80 critical damage each (up to +400). Total possible critical attack bonus: +650.

Asio Dagger <<<
+74 DEX
Critical rate +52
Critical attack +312
Special effect:
+15% damage dealt when attacking with a dagger during invisibility.

Asio Spear <<
+75 DEX
+42 CON
Critical Attack +657
Asio Mace <<
AoE attack ratio +1
+65 DEX
Attack vs Demon-type enemies +253
Special effect:
Attacks with a one-handed mace have a 10% chance to summon a cursed doll (max 1 doll, duration: 10 seconds). Attack and destroy the doll to deal 30â000-50â000 AoE magic damage around the doll.
Asio Two-Handed Mace <<
AoE attack ratio +2
+52 STR
+75 DEX
SP +853
Paladinâs Demolition skill level +2
Inquisitorâs God Smash skill level +2

Asio Bow <<<
AoE attack ratio +2
+65 STR
+72 DEX
Special effect:
Dealing skill damage grants a 10% chance to summon a rabbit companion.
The rabbit companion grants you [1 out of 2 buffs] every 5 seconds:
Buff1 (smile bunny): grants you +20 critical rate for 10 seconds (up to 3 stacks). At 3 stacks, the next buff will be the angry bunny buff.
Buff2 (angry bunny): 15 seconds of +2 AoE attack ratio, and the bunny no longer grants buffs.

Asio Pistol <<
+57 STR
+72 DEX
AoE attack ratio +2
Special effect:
Pistol attacks have a 20% chance to apply a target-debuff on enemies. Each 3 target-stacks deals 5000~7000 damage to 10 nearby enemies. The target-debuffâs damage increases by 30% per target-debuffed enemy, capping at a maximum of a 700% damage increase.

Asio Cannon <<
+121 STR
+64 DEX
+71 CON
Cannoneerâs Sweeping Cannon skill level +2
Cannoneerâs Siege Burst skill level +2

Asio Rod <<<
+132 SPR
+52 CON
+325 magic defence
Asio Shield <<
+57 STR
+62 CON
Magic defence +357
Block chance +2%
Special effect:
max amount of provoked (aggro) targets +1

Asio weapon videos
Asio Mace Doll effect proc on skill test video here<<click, note: weapon was reskinned to look like Toy Hammer.
Asio mace AA cleric challenge mode Stage 7 solo spell town here<
More info
iTOS English announcements for raid:
Raid preview
Novaha Raid preview
Nicopolis Raid preview
KTEST patch for raid info in KR here<<