Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details

Check out the featherfoot thread that is my exact build.

It has a lower burst overall but has a higher sustain. Works well for solo.

Im currently a 280 Ele3 -> WL.
Im doing ET too with good gear! (Archmage, Animus , Etc)
(Total of 50mil Silver invested on Attri)

Now may main concern is that when ranks 9-10 comes Ele3’s frost cloud will be a “mediocre” or outdated compared to the upcoming rank’s dps skills. Like how Pyro was to Ele.

Now, I really want to test this build and main it but Im having concern if it would be a more futureproof alternative than Ele’s FC.

Here are my inquiries :
Is this build a more future proof set up than the current FC Meta?
Do you think Warlock 2 will have more DPS skills to cover up the damage lost without Frost Cloud? (Viable Enough for ET)
Also, Do you think FC will be nerfed in the future?

N00B Question :
Do you think your build is more fun?
It is really expensive on pots usage?
Do you honestly think Ele 3 will be outdated like how Pyro 3 is?
How will you classify yourself in terms of party grinding? Support? DPS?

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Well it really depends on what class you will get before sorc2 I myself is a cryo3sorc2wl and as for the role for my build your a support dps meaning have some dps but your not the main DPS but still somehow you do damage and support others… In dungeon i usually tank ang gather mobs then pull them together and in guild war you just summon your TS and when they are focusing on our TS you pull them with tree and let you main dps on team kill them…


Pyro is too bad because it doesn’t have quickcast and fireballs can be thrown away.

The problem of Flame Ground is it takes too long to apply damage. If mobs stop lasting for 10 seconds than FC will start to not apply all hits.

FC has elemental advantage against ET mobs and they have 400k hp so you can’t generaly kill them before 10 secs or close to that. (on rank 7 obviously)

Frost Cloud works very poorly with Links, 5 linked mobs over a frost clud will have their links broken in ~3.5 seconds due to all the hits applied on each is counted though the damage is not multiplied.

Most other classes in the game work very well with Links to be honest, only the few large AoE DPS work badly with it.

If Linkers become more common Eles will start causing problem as 11 linked mobs is more enemies than FC can hit.


  1. No, all builds can fail, FC is the strongest DPS skill currently, this build is good at both PvP and PvE and by the time I have a full rotation of good spells Summoning will be the best DPS add-up considering you don’t need to recast it.

  2. Maybe, maybe not, Dark Theurge in linked mobs will be stronger for a limited number of linked mobs at rank 2 probably.

  3. I really hope FC gets nerfed as no class in the game can compete with it on the places it shine (PvE non-flying mobs)

  4. Yes, much more, all you do is awesome combos and summon demons and link and buffs and pewpew, I don’t feel like playing anything else to be honest.

  5. No, for party grinding I don’t use summoning as JP + HK + damage skills and cat buffs is more than enough for any party.

  6. As I said, no. Even Wiz 3 > Pyro 3 can put up good damage and have quickcast for future ranks anyways. Ele 3 is very solid and currently one of the few builds you can’t go wrong with (even Chrono 3 has to decide between Cryo 3 and Linker 2)

  7. very good DPS, I don’t lose to anything but Ele 3 even withou summons. Linker is a buff that makes 5 mobs explode (farming Dandel Gem currently for 6), that’s your “support”. People love buffing cat so no one spends a single SP poyion though.

  • What I hate on Ele: You got 4 DPS spells: Frost Cloud, Hail, Meteor and Eletrocute and that’s all, nothing else is worth points. Frost Cloud is OP and the only reason people go Elementalist. Hail is only good agains bosses. Meteor can be used at PvP but it’s very unlikely that you will 1-shot a good PvP player with it. Eletrocute is probably as strong as magic missile on a much bigger cooldown and with cast time.

“FC has elemental advantage against ET mobs and they have 400k hp so you can’t generaly kill them before 10 secs or close to that. (on rank 7 obviously)”

I wish, after 5F they become poison type.

Also you can hit 20+ mobs with FC


Didn’t know about that, still good enough.

No you can’t, it has 15 AoE attack ratio at level 5 and mobs are medium sized on ET I believe, so that gives you ~9 mobs with base aoe from wizard.

If it doesn’t work like that right now it is bugged and will work differently.

Have you played elementalist? o___o
Ive not payed close attention but FC seems to have no hit limits.

Even in Kots its infinite i believe


I think they forgot :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit- For you, ill look at my screenshots tomorrow to see how many im hitting.

I hope Wizard C3 gets a new costume like Archer C3. I have an elementalist at W3/E2 and the elementalist costume is hideous. And I don’t know if it’s because I"m only at E2 but right now this build is horrid. Cooldown is long and the damage is lack luster. I like the skill animations tho. Especially the meteor. I keep going back to my sorc and Q3 archer.

There is an important thing about Sorcerer c2 that every Sorcerer guide seem to forgot to mention: the Summon only deal 50% damage for a large amount of boss (sometime it only deal 25%)

I have test it with my templeshooter and necroventer card:
-/ with quest boss (bearkaras) : both only deal 50% damage
-/ dungeon boss (necroventer) : same 50%
But for Siaulai mission, the summon deal 100% damage

I don’t know if the riding skill “multishot” of templeshooter have this kind of penalty (need confirm).

Since i don’t choose Sorcerer c2, this is not a big problem. But the one want to go Sorc 2 should be aware of this problem (though idk if it is a bug or not)

wiz3/ele3/wl1 really starts to do its dmg when you hit ele3.

Most dmg comes from high level hail ( ele 3 ), frost cloud ( ele 3) agony pole ( wl1 ). The leveling speed before that it’s rather low. So that you find wiz3/ele2 kinda weak on dmg output isn’t suprising, it’s probably the worst spot to be when it comes to leveling that class.

I would say just push yourself to ele 3, and you will see how frost cloud absolutely melts monsters, then when you hit wl1 and get pole of agony lvl 5, bosses will melt infront of your eyes.

Quick Question: Basing from this thread*

Is it better to go :
Wiz 3 -> Linker -> Sorc 3 -> Sage/Enchanter
Or is there something in the Kit of WL that is a must have?

And why not Sorc 3 / Necro in general?

After you responded to my question I leveled (110) a Linker now and I even realized that Joint penalty is REAAAAAAAAAAALLLLYY good. :blush:

we cant possibly know until we get more data on what Sage/Enchanter do


Dark Theurge + JP = small scale Frost Cloud

JP+HK = good positioning for Pole.

Desmodus and Invocation barely give damage/s compared to Temple Shooter or your other damage skills.

Summoning level 10 gets 4 atq/INT, 15 gets 5 atq/INT, it is a big difference to be honest but I still think Warlock brings more to the kit as we have quickcast already. I would never trade it for 20% more summon damage.

About Necro: I don’t like it unless it’s for Wiz 3 > Linker 2 because Flesh Cannon consumes more hits on Links than needed, which will be very bad if you want to keep at Linker C1. Familiar is a skill which can be used along any other skills and it’s instant cast, works well with both MM and theurge. You can get to 11 bats with a gem which is worth 15,4 bats in damage when considering +40% from Warlock’s max dart att%. Or 12,1 if you don’t use invocation.

I also don’t like the way Flesh Cannon is designed, looks like a Multishot with high base base, many people love it but I don’t think it will have place in my 10-rank build when compared to what Sorc 2 brings to the table (basically all skills from any boss every 30s and your own Sorc skills).

I went to test and notice that for quest boss, my TS only dealt 50% of the damage. Have anyone experience the same thing? Is this intended or a bug? I think we should check with the support.

Sorry I totally forgot.
Here it is
I specifically asked linker to not link.

Yey! finally our c2 !

Hi m8. Im curious to know your thoughts on your build after Wizard rank 8 info is released. Will go WL2 hoping to WL3 will be good or will go Sage?

What do you think Sorc3 should do now?

hard choice to make :sweat_smile: , i think most of warlocks are kinda lost right now…