Tree of Savior Forum

Farming lv 315 items for orange weapons

I would like for them to fix DPK and if by doing so it ruins the game but gets rid of people who enjoy the obnoxious amount of time it takes to make a weapon for me to enjoy broken and uninteresting, mundane end-game content, I say good riddance.

I would like for them to maybe make some interesting boss mechanics. None of the bosses have mechanics. They just do a lot of damage and nothing else interesting occurs.

Anyway, fix DPK. Make it easier. I have other things I enjoy doing.


But that’s all you do.

So were you lying when you told you don’t play and didn’t want to?

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I’m about 60% of the way done with a wingshard spear. My advice is to just pace yourself. Just try and farm 1/2 drops per day, and ask guildies to give you any spares they might have. If you go on long marathon farming sessions and try to get big chunks of it done at a time you’ll burn yourself out. Apart from that, it’s just being patient and having good music.

Good hunting!

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I’ll be starting myself soon. Wingshard is just too good in the new balance update that my Pygry won’t cut it. (CRIT nerf :frowning: )

Still waiting on those posts while I sit here grinding. Sounds like you’ve got a personal problem to me if all you ever say is Ophiuchu is an exaggerating liar and flag the Staff. Because I certainly don’t say that in all my posts like you think. Expecting the /b/ackup soon to help bail you out here.

Few days ago:


August 2016:

Hmm. Playing, right? So you honestly thought that starting to say that you log in in from time to time to argue that you play to try to support argument would work? That’s actually sad that you have to log in on the game just to try to support your argument, and even then you fail at that.

You must remember that you still didn’t offer anything to support anything you say.

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It’s fairly easy to farm. Both horns are actually more enjoyable.

It won’t take you long to obtain it. : )

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I’m fairly lucky in that regard. I farmed quite a few, I just ended up selling them when the price was high thinking I wasn’t going for it.

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The whole context of that post after you got a whole thread deleted because it made you look absolutely dumb. The 2016 post in August is when I did stop playing for a while indeed you are correct. Then in January 2017 I was going to give the game another chance and play but the game kept erroring and had extremely bad performance. I also did send my tickets and the error reports about that. Finally we get to now where I go to give it yet another chance and still have been logging in to grind casually.

So you’re going to dictate my problems, tell me my reasons are not justified when this is the cause of you being branded a white knight. This is the very thing I’ve been complaining about giving reasons why this game can’t hold players. You’re basically saying that there’s tons of players out there who are illegitimate for having complaints and logging in periodically despite boasting numbers about the player average going up minorly because of people like myself.

Unsure if monumentally stupid, ignorant, or just flat out insane when the very thing I complain is the thing you argue for when talking about player counts. You wanted proof then it’s me quitting, coming back, and sticking around for a while to see what changes happen. Then having my own free will can post about it on the forums being a free thinker not drinking the kool aid or boot licking IMC for working hard to fix something they were supposed to do a year ago.

But all I do is sit here not playing the game and saying new players should leave in your mind.

Now that we know that you play, please go back to my post and learn to have a good discussion, then we can try talking again.

Here’s a shortcut:

And remember:

Trying to be offensive doesn’t support your argument in any way, it just makes you look bad.

Once you learn to make good arguments without the need of false claims and exaggerations, everyone will understand you more, just, like, y’known for example: instead of needing 5+ posts to just say that you’re playing the game and quit before and came back.

How about this one no, and go back to licking IMC’s boot while getting people banned off the forums because you think making suggestions in your own way is going to get things fixed. That’s all I’ve seen from you people and yet my problem still isn’t fixed and the game breaks every patch. You think you’re making some grandiose difference but in reality the developers don’t even speak or read English supposedly. All you’re doing is further agitating people by trying to blanket over their problems.

In fact you’ve helped drive out most of the hardcore community this game is designed for helping cater to the casuals that do want DPK to drop like candy. I actually do like to grind and most of my gripes all fall into the game not being playable or tolerable because they tried to do something, failed, and work slowly. Then you say to that is generalizations which aren’t even true about other games when I have been playing MMO’s for almost 15 years now. And you’ve got the nerve to call me a liar making exaggerations when that’s all you do by saying IMC is doing this and that.

Tokens are stupid, practo is stupid, dpk is stupid, iTOS’ server manager is stupid, most quests in this game are stupid, and that’s how I feel. If you need me to explain with proof I don’t care for your opinions.

Ok so, just answer this question now:

I’ve asked now for the 3rd time.

Maybe they do and you have these things called opinions of your own?

I already talked about this:

So, I’ll ask again:
Why do your points never have anything to support them?

What is the point you’re making quoting a post of Staff saying they are talking about something? Has it happened yet? Where is your proof they actually did something other than make the rates worst?

Are you seriously special?

Proof: It was changed due to user feedback.

And then that thread came proving otherwise? I mean it wouldn’t exist and people wouldn’t complain about it for weeks if there wasn’t a problem.

Wow. Great point there LunarRabbit.

Staff makes posts and says stuff.

Is the following enough? Dpk more difficult than before?

1 day ago:

The rate is actually better, it’s just worse if you’re on a Thaum since you can’t predict when to use swell body.

This example shows that 31k kills gives 112 horns which means a ratio of 276 per horn while with the old rates you’d need at least 475-675 to drop one.

What exactly was proved? I’ve seen a few peoples’ tables where they list how many kills it took and it looks like about what you’d expect from an RNG system with kill counts ranging from 100-900.

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LunarRabbit requires you provide said tables or therefore your statement is invalid.

This topic is over a month old and has 324 posts for the record. You’re going to talk about Cherry Picking and baseless information to build a discussion off then give me SOLID proof other than them saying something was changed. Was every single DPK item changed to RNG? Do you know the current exact mechanics running behind the scene for sure?

@LunarRabbit You can’t sit there expecting me to jump your hoops and don’t even come close yourself to own standards. How do you know for sure exactly that every drop has been switched from DPK to RNG over a Staff post and patch notes? Have you gone out and farmed every item in the game personally?

How many times has Staff said something which wasn’t true or the patch notes been wrong? Pretty sure that’s why “Stop embarrassing yourself” is a meme and people don’t take them seriously.

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