Tree of Savior Forum

Has the average stopped going down?

@STAFF_Letitia give old returning players EXP BUNDLES…

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Most people quit (or at-least in my case) because the game mechanics didn’t feel like. Perfectly fine for a “hard core” console rpg like Shin Megami Tensei but for on online game it felt cheap.
The modifications to the stats and skills was pretty much what I was waiting for.
Maybe we get a nice exp event or something when we reach X amount of players against?
Probably would be a good idea to give them something to kick-start the adventure, more likely to stick around if they have a Rank 5 character compared to Rank 2/3 (Usually by rank 5 your build is coming together, not usually fully established until rank 6 onwards.)
I’m not saying some major stupid thing that will ruin the economy or make it too easy. Maybe a 1 week free token, that way they have access to team storage meaning making a character isn’t all or nothing, if they dislike it they can move their gear and earnings over to another.
Saying that assuming you stick to the 5 free team storage slots thing without the use of token that won’t be as needed. (Allows for transfer of gear and funds easily enough.)
That’s also one of the things that deter new players, characters are generally all or nothing. If you find yourself disliking the character you can’t move over everything you’ve earned if you delete it. (Not unless you spend money and/or are rich enough to buy a token. Rich in terms of silver.)

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more bot and macro hehe

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All the changes are giving people hope.
After all TOS had a lot of loving fans who didn’t truly want to quit, but had no choice after a while because of all the issues and the fact things didn’t get fixed or it took them forever.
While that whole revamping of the stats/fights won’t fix everything, they’re seriously working hard on making the game better so it makes a lot of people believe again in the amazing TOS they dreamt about. No matter what TOS is a game with a lot of potential, most fans don’t really want to give up on it.
I’m also part of the ones hoping they’ll keep working hard in order to optimize the game better, to fix more bugs, and then bring to us more diverse contents.


I’m just a lurker, but I gotta ask. Do you even play this game still? I see you posting in a ton of topics regarding the health of the game. Nothing really wrong with that but it seems you try to get reactions out of people so you can post more/argue with them on the forums?

Just something that stood out to me. :stuck_out_tongue:


Quick question for you. If you have been lurking reading my posts then you should know I tried installing this game a couple weeks ago to play then had errors and bad performance right?

I was going to remake my Paladin but ayyy lmao still same problem of erroring all the time. But that got fixed right?

Oh wait, thats right Staff deleted that part. Guess it never happened my bad I do not play the game or interested sorry do carry on.


Never said I was lurking all of your posts, that’s just dumb. Lurking the forums in general. I don’t have any problems with errors and neither do a lot of the people so perhaps we just got blessed by IMC?

Perhaps you should try and get your system in order before blaming everything on something/someone else? I don’t pretend to know anything about the technical part of this game, but it seems to me that saying, hurr durr my game has errors bcoz imc hurr durr, doesn’t seem all too justified. But that’s just me.

Keep posting negativity on a forum based on a game you don’t even play. Whatever gets you trough the day. :slight_smile: inb4 hurr omgz durr whitekn1ght durr imz juzt 4n 1nternetz trolzz hurr.

Have a wonderful day!


“Enjoy it while it lasts” That’s my way of playing TOS.
Some will argue there isn’t much left to enjoy but I’m still having fun.
Just avoid broken class and mechanism.

The ‘Amazing TOS’ will never happen anyway.



My system runs great thanks. Maybe they need to get their pasta dinner to serve better? Reposting for hilarity sake since it got deleted.


I guess this is also a real issue. Fk IMC amiryt?

Nice Card, got mine a while ago as well. No errors though, perhaps IMC just loves me. Puts on tinfoil hat

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Many years, i see you lack basic reading skills as well. Maybe you should head to the next topic, you seem to have trouble keeping up.

silute relocation sure did saved iTOS.

Great job, @staff . Ban to the Doomposters :imp:

Sure if there’s a playable game left after the great balance patch people are hoping will fix everything. I will just roll up a Sadhu again then post how great it is to play or any of the numerous other classes to “avoid” like the other person just said. :ok_hand:

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Good call to avoid the discussion, move along. :slight_smile:

Nah, the last laugh goes to those people enjoying themselves in ToS or some other game instead of wasting time doomposting allover a forum :grin:

Come and join us, Ophi. It’s nice over here. :heart:


I WOULD BUT THE GAME ERRORS. Tried reformats with clean updated drivers, playing with different driver versions, send tickets and problem reports nothing works wtf do you people not understand. I was going to try Monk out from my Paladin but I literally can not play the game. Do you people seriously believe that every damn post on the forum is empty for no reason.

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Then start a thread, post your specs, dxdiag, error messages etc. and see if the community can help you. If we cant and support can’t help you, then there’s nothing you can do except try again later.

Everyone else just seeing you spending so much time complaining. It just looks a waste of time when you could be having a lot of fun somewhere.

Come join us in RevO, Overwatch, or something else. Nerfing newbs with D.Va is lots more fun than Tree of Forum.


I already did post my specs but guess what happened. The thread disappeared. Every time you post evidence of like say this problem stems back to January and the optimization update things magically disappear because the rabid community wants to deny all problems.

It is a bloody fight with the peanut gallery to pinpoint the issue of them not hiring the proper people to handle problems without troubleshooting myself like a saint. But unfortunately SOMETIMES the issue is on their side to fix compatibility not on players. So of course I have been posting for a while because they did not fix it on their end for months.

Maybe I should take my PC to the geek squad too?


Its all a lie!

That increase in players are just a alot of necro alts being created while its easy to level new accounts! :japanese_goblin:


You are stating then that people are multi accounting at the same time?