Tree of Savior Forum

Does SPR really increase abnormal status resistant?

[quote=“neil_bratanata, post:19, topic:209093, full:true”]

Just tested. Both Bloodletting and Beak Mask completely blocks Cure and Heal. I reckon it would also work on Fire Pillar and other similar “status ailment” damage skills that can be resisted.

Tested Dispeller, it blocks 1 hit from Cure/Heal as well as freeze so they’re probably Rank 1.

Bonus: SPR resistance takes priority. That means if you resisted a status ailment with SPR your Dispeller won’t get consumed.


Ugh wish there’s a good place to put this other than General Discussion…
Need more visibility instead of getting eaten by the threads here…

Oh wow thank you. :smiley:

EDIT: The test result in this post is very wrong. Refer to my next post for better results:

Did some test to see SPR’s correlation with status ailment resistance. Tested 100 heals against 3 test subjects with 9, 52, and 243 SPR. The result is as follows:

9 SPR: 6/100 heals resisted.
52 SPR: 56/100 heals resisted.
243 SPR: 78/100 heals resisted.

Plotted it to a graph and I got something like this:

Take this result with a grain of salt though. This sample size is too small for it to be meaningful, but it should provide a good basis if you’re planning to do your own research.


Suddenly I feel like increasing SPR to 50 for the heck of it.

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What this bring into the table is the viability of SPR for PvP, i find it hard to get hit by cc from monsters most of the time as they are kinda dumb on how they use it.

If what you have showed applies to any other Magic CC like Cyro freeze, Sleep, etc… It would give more options than the full CON for pvp bandwagon.
E.A in pre-renewal IRO stats help make you immune to certain CC


The bigger ones if you did not wanted to get trucked, in ToS case i would not be oppose to SPR offering some CC resistance, as long as the values are high enough that they ask people to decided between High HP or CC resistance. I think it would benefit PvP and GvG a lot.

Damn, you went way over my expectations :scream:

Thank you so much for all those info, really appreciated !

I planned to get a more than decent SPR for many reason, but now I know it’s not completely wasted.

Kudos to you fellow savior :ok_hand:

Had the time to do a better test today so I popped my stat reset potion and tested my resistance rate while increasing my SPR.

Tested my resistance rate against 100 heals in each interval of 20 SPR from 20-180. Plotted the result and here’s what I got:

Looks much different from my last result, yeah. It turns out to be a linear function instead of a logarithmic function.

The reason why my last test failed was because it turns out that your resist rate is affected by your level. The higher level you are, the more SPR you need to achieve the same percentage of resist rate. One of my test subjects (the one with 52 SPR) was a low level, and that’s why she achieved a higher resist rate than the other test subjects.

This time around I was the only test subject and nothing was changed throughout the entire test (same attacker, same equips, same buffs, etc) except for the SPR, so the result should be more accurate.

Keep in mind the numbers on the graph is only true for my level (232). If you are lower level than me you need less SPR to achieve the same percentage, and if you’re higher level than me you need more SPR. I haven’t figured out the exact formula, and I doubt I will anytime soon since I’ll need a lot more data.

Again, take this result with a grain of salt. It’s much more concrete than my previous result, but it’s definitely still lacking.


it looks like you need to invest a lot of stats into spirit to achieve this.

Looks good for PVP Cataphracts to me.
They already have high base health.
Then they’ll be highly resistant to statuses and wont get blocked because high ass Block Penetration from 2h mastery.

do you think that resist rate may depend on attacker’s SPR as well (or some other stat)?

I have yet to find someone with high enough SPR to test this unfortunately.

that mean SPR scale with player 's level. SO you need higher SPR to get an fixed amount of status resistance when your level increased. That’s so dump when SPR is the best crap stat in the game.

I tested spr stats ailments resist and it works! I testd w a mnk lv 150 against Cure.


is it also possible that spr increases the chance of freezing stuf
for example ? i guess this would be hard to test…