Tree of Savior Forum

Dispeller Scrolls Disccusion (If you like to PvP This applies to you)

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cryo doesnt freeze much now just so u know. :laughing:

bump, put some CD on the scroll plz

Dude, let me say one thing to you: dispeller block RANK1 DEBUFFS. Ok?

I can list you some debuffs that bypasses dispeller

Raise from Psycochino BYPASSES dispeller and CC a large area for a long time and you are free to attack all them, differently from Iron Hook and Arrest (wizzard tree)
Mastema bypasses Dispeller (wizzard tree)
Pole of agony bypasses Dispeller (wizzard tree)
Hexing bypasses Dispeller (cleric tree)
Jincan Gu bypasses dispeller (archer tree)

Swordsman basically has:
Impaler: rank1 debuff, blocked by dispeller

i will no mention Arrest or Iron hook because wizzard has Raise and i’ve said the difference between them.
And i don’t consider putting Stun (1 second CC) in the same label of the wizzard long duration disables

You complain about cataphracts being immune but you forget that impaler is blocked too by dispeller.
Being immune against some rank1 CCs from wizzard tree isn’t OverPower. OP is almost of disables in TOS having near 100% chance of sucess, OP is you having Freeze, Sleep, Telekinesis, Raise and many CCs while swordsman basically have impaler
Swordsmans are underpower in this game and you complain about cataphracts with dispeller…

I can only see you crying, dude
Crying and crying.

dispeller shouldnt be nerfed!

In This Thread; CC’ers want dispellers gone, other classes want to keep em.

  • The End.
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In kToS’ Team Battle League it’s disabled whilst in GvG it isn’t. It’s only logical to disable this on PvP because it’s only 5v5 and it’s not guaranteed that all 5 members have disable. While in GvG, you can have unlimited disabler if you want. Without this then GvG is gonna be a mess.

All CCs should be put on diminishing returns, like after the 3rd consecutive control spell of any kind (sleep, freeze) the character becomes immune to any forms of CC for 5-8 secs.

Once that is in place, dispeller scrolls can be put on a 45-60sec cooldown.


We can use dispellers in GVG? Oh goodie. How bout PVP?

Lol atleast dispellers runs out. CCs from cryokinos are never ending. Like never ending.

Like when my girlfriend starts nagging… It’s never ending…

Seriously, never ending.

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Until there is no class balance at all and no way to avoid this mad control, in example there was a way to negate effects by stats or proper gears completely or patly in RO, removing scrolls is not an option.

You can resist CC with SPR, even cc rank2 and 3 while dispeller only protect from rank 1, but yeah, you have to invest into SPR.

One suggestion is to implement a att called tenacity, like in others games it reduces the CC duration, if you have 60% of tenacity a freeze of 5s will last only 2s, and 2s perma locked still good enough.

Then IMC can make itens and skills stack this, i think for mages/clerics/archers around 50~60% is ok and for swords around 60~75%

You still gona need status resistence ou something to nuliffy, but one of the big problems that is perma cc will be solved.

Wait, dispeller only protects from rank 1?

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Yes, so gp (actually on itos) or raise or any other cc rank 2 or 3 still works throught those dispeller. Rank1 cc are like freeze, stun, or status alteration (maybe except poison from wugu, but > antidote).

Then it’s really not too bad imo. The CC classes already dominates other PvP settings where dispeller isn’t allowed. This gives other classes a place to shine too.

Can’t believe this thread is still alive xD.

So dispeller disable now in KTOS and ITOS?

Nevermind, just read from kidsanity post : “In kToS’ Team Battle League it’s disabled whilst in GvG it isn’t”

Dispelelrs do not work in gvg.