Tree of Savior Forum

Why magic can't miss? (PVP Oriented Point of View)

I feel like it’s not dodge/crit that magic needs to get… what Magic needs to get to counter it is a % reduction buff that certain buffs can get give to and is available in certain equipment, or just go the drunk way and give a party wide temporary magic immunity.

Let’s be real, unless they nerf stone skin, which is basically the same thing as party-wide physical immunity, why can’t we have party-wide magic immunity, that way, nothing will deal damage! (This part is a joke btw)

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I dont think that magic should be able to miss, mostly because cooldowns of some skills are too high and missing something like a meteor 90sec cd and 10 sec casting would be so much spent to achieve nothing.

What I believe that should be done is, lower base damages, make int more rewarding.

Make all magic skills %scaling, remove base damages if necessary and boom. Going full con = no damage.


That, along with a HUGE nerf to Stone Skin, would make PvP already incredibly more balanced than it is.

This is dumb. Who the hell gonna take 250 SPR just to have a 50% chance to resist CC?

I heard its around 180ish SPR for 80% CC resist, can be found on reddit.

I keep repeating myself but nvm I can’t resist. :sweat_smile: I think Block should be a damage reduction by chance that reduce both magic damage and physical and shouldn’t be an evasion no.2.
It would make tank builds much better…because at the moment tanks are quite ■■■■ ed against magic.
It would make Magic less op but I think it still would be.

Someone did little tests here and it looks like you need more and more as you level.

If the stat system sux then it is…but I have to say that I’m still not sure if it is rly that bad as I see it sometimes. But what I can say for sure is that our stat system is totally confusing…what isn’t good at all either imo.
The funny thing is that the stat system seems simple with lot of flat things and stuff but it is not… I’m here from the beginning and I still don’t know for sure what is good…
I think the stat system of Ragnarok was always quite clear and at least from that point of view better.

…because PvP has never been a Primary Goal of the game (and is not likely to be any time soon), and thus gets prioritized as the secondary goal that the devs consider it to be.

and then i stopped reading, because i just don’t care about PvP, especially in a game focused on the PvE environment.

You don’t have to care about it / have the game focused to it to not want it literally the most broken thing, especially when rewards are at stake…


bear in mind that this is PVP oriented point of view.

from your post, i can conclude that you’re better with casters treated just like archers and swordsmen, right? they can crit, and ofc the can miss, and their accuracy rating is based on their dex, right? so 1 point of accuracy for 1 point of dex. well i bet archers and swordsmen will be more than happy to hear this :laughing:

your advantage points

  • You Dont lose any damage points
    yes you dont. i didn’t said anything about damage being too low or anything, so this is out of context

  • You’ll hit everything with 70-100 dex
    in my calculation above, im assuming that INT will give 2 points of accuracy, and to hit a full dex archer you need 195 INT (that’s 390 accuracy) yet you claim you can hit everything with only 100 dex? (100 accuracy)

  • You have higher dodge
    relying on dodge while having only 100 dex in a spellcaster class? you dont even wear leather armor. please. as a spellcaster, dodge is not your thing, that’s why in my suggestion im putting accuracy into INT

  • you can FCKING CRIT!!!
    so what? even without critting, casters could 1 or 2 shot us anyway so this is not a problem. at all.

seems to me that you didn’t read my first post thoroughly.

i know that some ppl will disagree with my suggestion (able to miss, 2 accuracy per INT) yet here you are gimping casters more.

at mrshadowccg
nice idea, i agree with you

yeah noone cares about Frost diver and storm gust’s damage, the real nightmare is the freezing effect :laughing:

at Midnightmare
Yes i im agree with you. by suggesting this change, its not my intention to eliminate full con spellcasters, it just feel unfair that caster could go all con with nothing to lose (in terms of PVP)

yes this wouldn’t have a huge impact, but at least casters will be more careful with his spells, planning ahead (if my X miss then i should use Y, if not im using Z)

DR? i couldn’t agree more

at kyle_ruiz6
yes i agree that’s why im suggesting this. crowd control with 100% chance of landing is just too much

at nizidr
what tools, if you care to elaborate?
fair amount of con and spr is doable when youre playing clerics or wizards, but not for archers and swordsmen. but im not sure if anyone is willing to go that far (high amount of spr)

about the RO meta thing,it is different in TOS, and im pretty sure about that. why? because in RO, accuracy and evasion comes from two different stats.
accuracy from DEX, and evasion from AGI.
plus, DEX is the primary damage modifier for Archer/hunter.

so relying on evasion @pvp will become obselete, because crits can’t miss in RO, and most of hunters will max their DEX (in my country, hunter is the most played character) and with evasion out of calculation, the only thing ppl invest in AGI is for attack speed.

things are different in TOS. we got three physical modifier tied to DEX. Accuracy, Crit Rate, and Evasion.
crit can miss, but hey, the solution is in the same stat :laughing:

so im pretty sure the meta will not change in TOS.

gonna reply the rest of you later, but i did see some nice suggestions :kissing_closed_eyes:

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while reading you guys i do wonder wich braincells u guys actually use, mage dies so fast and u want them to turn even weaker? im not sure if you guys actually am at top lvl where it actually is a deal about that .

try to learn ur class before spitting out stuffs like nerfing or ruining classes,

since pvp is more then 1v1, 1v1 its always some class whos stronger then another, in team pvp and mass pvp its different.

This topic is pointless


CC should probably have diminishing returns like other games so you can’t constantly CC someone.

which would matter if there were ANY rewards at all for PvP.

There is only one way to balance it : ratio.

If a Mage has weak base damages on a spell, he can’t go full CON and deal tons of damages. This game lack of good ratios (or was lacking, I just tested the CBT2).

You can’t make magic miss (or only by spells/attributes which has a similarity effect) … because mages are only relying on their spells. What happens to your burst if you miss your meteor O_O ?!

The game needs balance but not random mind plays.

Can’t you use battle points for a crapton of level up EXP cards? The loading screen says you can

i have yet to see this on a loading screen. it’s possible that i’ve missed it… but then again, it’s equally possible that’s simply outdated info.

all that i have heard about pvp says that there is literally nothing to be gained from it.

I just googled it, a lot of threads going on about alternative to getting exp cards outside of pve, i’ve definitely seen the loading screen because I didn’t do my research to know that there was a team battle league until I seen it (or it was reading the help that comes up upon hitting the town? Can’t remember). It’s not 100% until it comes, but ti seems pretty likely

Spam dispellers, that’s what everyone is doing and making CC reliant classes useless anyway.

did you play during CBT? maybe you just have outdated loading-screen slides that were removed for the final.

Spr only gives 0.2 of M.Def per point. There’s no logic on investing otherwise than sp and sp regen. Mgic attcks shouldn’t have the same damage as physical attacks have, because it’s a fixed sure-hit damage; while p.atks are subjected to block and evasion. And you need to invest in dex and critical rate in order to have crit.

No i didn’t play CBT?