Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS pvp leaderboard

Anyone posted this yet?

I do see more swordmen (increased from 2 to 4) and 4 archers (well, not that many)

Basically 2 corsairs, a fencer and a dragoon
Archer = rogue, musketeer, cannoneer, falconer

The important note is that much less plague doctor, and there are some monks

Still a bunch of cryo-warlock though, but some featherfoot and rune caster mix in.


Nothing will ever change.

The only reason you’ll see physical classes in there is because people play with friends and their friends picked a physical class.

IMC developed this game to be 100% magic casters.

Cyro/Warlock is such a joke in terms of balance. It’s like they ignored PvP balance from other MMO’s for the past 15 years.

Which I guess shouldn’t be that surprising, as they also ignored game design for the past 15 years.

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imma… come back after like… 3 months… might need 6.

and its true. korean don’t really have good game design philosophy (or simply aren’t enabled to use game design cause their boss could be a ****)

I have yet to play a korean game that is properly designed at launch.

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One step at a time my friend. At least now there are less plague doctors

The popular build right now is cryo2 - psycho 3 - warlock. That means psycho 3 should be on target next since their CC cannot be negated with plague doctor (reason why there are less PDs right now)

If there are less CC-to-death, there will be more physical classes.


this game mechanic ruin the whole game itself. IF they does not change game mechanic this “Tree of mazik” issue will be there forever

at least for quickly fix just add the status resistance like: after affect by an bad status, resist that status for 10s-20s. So it will be less CCed to death

also Iron skin still need another nerf in pvp, that raw number is still too big make physical class looks like a joke

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Stone skin should increase magic defense, because stone is resistant to magic lol

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Well, people here are still complaining about status resistance but they never even put some point in spr to resist it.

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SPR gives resist scale with level ? no thanks

Because besides cleric, no classes actually have any other use for SPR.

Getting SPR meaning you give up both damage and HP for some resistance that is not needed in any PvE content, and with lower HP you still die in PvP anyway.

So thanks but no thanks.

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Well there you go saying no thanks, so stop crying about cc if you made the choice to have no spr. It’s in the game. It’s as bad as the rest of the balance on the game but there. Same as asking a total rework on how stats are allowed because sword need dex and con and spr and maybe str for pvp and with the bonus point atm it’s just terribly bad, or the rework on how damage from spell work to scale only with stats instead of having huge base, or reworking all the movement so that sword non cata3 can play too, etc etc.

We can cry about alot of things. But it doesn’t change that spr is the way to go to resist status atm if you aren’t going to always be with a pd/oracle.

If you go full SPR for some decent status resistant, you aren’t getting anywhere, because you lose out all your damage and HP, that’s the point. You are solving a problem by creating another problem, that’s not the way to go

That’s the reason why they add status resistance to pain barrier and swordman dash in kTOS, SPR does nothing for the class.

Yes but the point before that going far is that the stats allocation design is bad from the beginning for pvp. Nothing to do with spr, int and str too are pretty bad in pvp. Con is almost the only stats that is ok with dex. But we aren’t going to get a rework on that soon.

INT and STR are pretty bad in pvp ? you must be new here.
please stop your stupid defense about this game stat
if it gives like 1 m.defense per SPR maybe many people are agreed and put some point to have at least 20% status resistance but it only gives 0.2 m.def which is shitty (1 CON = 1 p.def is much different than 1 SPR = 0.2 m.def and CON also gives 85hp per point, i want to say FK THIS TREE OF MAZIK, magic classes have a huge advantages ahead of physical classes)

and putting more SPR that mean you will have a very hard time in PvE also, so what’s the point of getting SPR ? and that status resistance scale with your level so you need to put more and more SPR to get that resistance.

this is definitely IMC 's problem, they made this stupid mechanic and destroy their own game

Seriously, in all that I have said, nowhere I was defending the stats system … No idea how you got to that point.

Then for int, cleric and wiz just go full con for pvp, no int needed.
For str, if you go str you will fail against all the dex build which are most of swordman/archer build for pvp. So you will only be able to hit wiz and cleric. which make that stat bad if it only works against half of the class.