Tree of Savior Forum

PvP Knowledge, Broken x Broken: June/2016

Hello my fellow loyal forum users.
Here’s a report from my research of Town Duels. And I Must say that if you want to play in pvp you better build up a new character because this game is broken, totally broken. The first man to hit a perma cc Wins. Remember that I know that there are classes that can resist rank 2, 3 CC, and remember that I’m giving info for 1v1 town Duels.
So let’s talk about this perma cc thing, many friends have asked me about Psyco Mages and magic resist so I will share some information that is not so exiting to hear. And some IK combos that are mostly unavoidable in town.

Let’s first talk about psycos + cryo:

  • 5 seconds of freeze. You can avoid it with Dispeller.

  • Perma stun of Psychi Pressure. You can avoid it with Dispeller, if not prepare your anus for the next 10+ seconds of total destruction.

  • Magnetic force: Can’t be Dispelled and your character becomes a potato that can’t move or attack.

  • Gravity Pole: Can’t be dispelled and it’s eats your Dispellers savagely. Makes your character a potato that can’t move or use skills nor attack. Also gives huge damage.

  • Rise + Psychi Pressure: Favorite combo, Since you can avoid the Stun of psychi pressure this Rise skill can make your character a flying-potato that can’t move nor attack.
    But if you think you can fight back this class with your pve character with magic resist, Forget it. I’m Pinata from [SA]Silute, my character is a Pardoner and I can get up to 750 magic resist and 120 all elemental resistances currently, with Sage wall and Resist elements 15. Trust me, if you have less than 20k HP and any of this perma cc hits you, you are going to Die.

Now let’s have take a quick look at Hunters.

  • Pet Skill Retrieve: (At this point I had no more Dispellers) CC that makes your character a potato while get tons of damage and is dragged near the Hunter, for 9 to 14 seconds off cc. That will not wait the cc ends before killing you with any skill of his. You are not going to fight back, you are going to die.

Memo about Freeze and Sleep:

  • They have Attack Threshold, even so, if a Sorcerer + Cryo freezes you (they can’t summon inside town) Templeshooter is going to rekt you. Have in mind that Ice Bold can freeze you for 5 seconds almost always with “Ice Bolt: Chance of Freeze”. And it have 3 Charges. But it can be Dispelled.

Perma CC for Dievdybs + Druid:

  • All he needs to do is: Crave Owl, and use Telepath on you. Since telepath has no Attack Threshold you are going to take damage of the 2 towers for 16 to 21 seconds. You are going to die miserably.

Chronomancer + Pyro/Warlock:

  • Chrono “Stop” makes you a potato for 10 to 20 seconds, all aoe skills of pyro or warlock in your foot. Wait the “Stop” Skill releases, explosion!! (terry crews old spice)

Don’t let a Wugushi hit you with a Needle Blow:

  • I had no Dispeller or Antidote at this point. But if you are a class like swordsman or Mage that can’t remove poison, you are going to die by this single DoT. 10~20 seconds duration.

I believe that we need a better CC resist system (like tenacity from league of legends), or defense system. Or a better balance for classes in PvP. And add the Attack speed number at Status sreen!!
If you guys know more perma CC combos, don’t hesitate to tell, please.

p.s: About my Featherfoot… do you belive that Featherfoots can not Drain Humans with Bloodsuck. And can not make Humans bleed with Bloodbath??
Ooh IMC… IMC… why would you do this with a RANK 7 class? Make it hit Humans at least in PvP. Help…
p.s2: Really: add the Attack speed number at Status sreen!!

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It’s their move now…

Restraint does not perma-stun you actually, it’s only 12 seconds slow that matters.

Anyway, good stuff OP, but PvP is not mature right now, so just keep it on until IMC fix it.

Lets talk about “SPR being a useless stat” then?

Taken from >here< .

I did not fight a Swordsman yet, but i Know that they have 40% stun chance on hit, with Restrain lvl 10. (Swordsman c3).
But since swordsman Classes can’t aways get close combat before dieng in Town Duels… I suggest a “Charge” skill Like Warriors in WoW.
But you see, Cataphract have Charge already “Steed Charge”.

Swordsmen have “Dash” and kToS recently implemented 30% CC resistance during dash.

Yeah, I know that.
Not enough. ^^’

At this point it’s important to remember that MMOs do not balance themselves around 1v1 PvP. It’s a very small, if not the smallest part of the game.

Yeah, yeah, this is quite good info. I only have 60 spr.

Umu, I totally agree.
But I belive that Psychos have a little too much of Broken aoe CC.

Does SPR apply resistances to every Rank of CC, Horo?

It was tested with a skill that works like this: applies very short timed debuff that deals damage. Dispeller scrolls prevent that debuff and you dont receive any damage at all (which means that test skill’s damage is a rank 1 debuff).

Skill is Heal.

It is safe to assume that SPR works at least for rank 1 CCs/debuffs (sleep, stun, freeze and many others).

Hmm… that’s interesting.
I don’t have confirmation, but it was said to me that you can’t use Dispeller in arenas. So having some SPR is interesting. But it’s complicated to spend so much points in a SP status. It gives some magic def but not every class uses SPR.

If/When IMC releases a class with SP shield ability (either cleric or wizard)…

Currently its up to player to decide: do you want more HP and tank with it while being CCed or have a decent chance to resist but less HP overall. Fair trade IMO.

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We need Status reset pots in the cash store. Or a epic quest to reset status.

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Tester here. It works against all rank 1-3 status effects. Yes that includes PD’s Incinerate.

As for whether or not it’s worth it, I guess it’s great in arenas where you can’t use dispellers. In open world GvG, however, it’s pretty much useless because dispellers are very accessible and most of the CCs you’ll be facing against are rank 1 anyway.

speaking of hunter, what is imc gonna do with shepherd? bcuz hunter basically stole all the doggy skills lol

But all these skills are nerfed for pvp now

Speaking of shepherd, when is Rank 8 coming out?
And when is IMC going to fix Featherfoot skills in pvp?