Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Stats for Tank PvP / GvG

I would like to open a discussion about the benefits and combinations of each stats.
I’ll start putting the theories I know and my opinion.
The goal is to share ideas to perfect our knowledge.

Calculator Status:


Place STR means losing some defensive status, 100 STR gives 200 Attack base, is not there great things and you will lose 10k base life.

Q: However, our damage without anything offensive status is enough to be useful on the battlefield, or be just a punching bag? We will be useful or will be better to be less defensive?


Increases your hit and dodge, but since it is not posssível to dodge spells, do not think it’s a viable attribute, even less if you are Hoplite.
Let this status for those who want to damage.
However, you need a minimum of accuracy to hit the players.

Q: How much accuracy we need at least and you can have that amount only with items?


No significant benefit.


My big question and doubt.
Do not just be a super tank and tanking 30 players, if a magician kills you easily or you take CC easily and is forever petrified or frozen.
According to @neil_bratanata of research on this topic: Does SPR really Increase abnormal status resistant?: (Thank you for the data) 100 SPR means having more or less 38% of resistance.
It seems necessary to do our front-line work.

Q: Is it worth?


Not much to talk about, the more the better, but without forgetting the minimum required of other stats.

Q: How many bonus points we can get in total?

My Class now:

My stats build for now:

the goal of this build is to be the front line, break the enemy organization, set aside the main enemy with Impale and cause fear and excitement while advancing turning the spear with 40k life.

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