Tree of Savior Forum

Classic Kirito Moment

What part of the caprisun set is that ? … ho wait :wink:

What is clear is that were just pulling speculation at this point.
Lets not overstay this discussion until further evidence/proof is provided.

Not saying he doesn’t deserve any of this flaming. A change in attitude will certainly help.

Omg gonna get kicked from the guild for saying this lol.

Uh yeah I’m going to go with a big fat NO on this one you pretentious cherry picker.

You don’t get to make absolute claims like there was never ever, without a shadow of a doubt, any RMT from his end because just because you said so, because you never saw anything. Obviously because things are only true in this world if you say it is or if you yourself witnessed it, right? In stark contrast you all of a sudden become the champion of undeniable proof when it comes to proving he’s guilty. So all it takes to prove his innocence is your infallible self’s word. But when faced with this…

Even had the gall to call my screenshot “specious” compared to “No guise please believe me he’s innocent I didn’t see nothin”

You even edited out your disappointment at @Vheissu for calling your possible benefactor as an RMTer because he didn’t have anything substantial.

tl;dr @yyang_umd: “Guise Kirito is innocent because I said so and you have to take my word for it. If you want to prove him guilty though you need proof that I deem acceptable because I’m obv an expert.”

The burden of proof is on you. You gave no proof, end of story.
As for the veissu case I deleted mine since he deleted his, out of my respect for him. Nothing beyond that.

to do it your way yang is to put your own account at risk

also you would be terrible in court

if someone was accused of being a drug dealer by half the town and he himself asked someone where and when and how do they want drugs delivered to them and it was recorded … you would still think they are innocent

but judge! the drugs weren’t in the accusers hands! he didn’t risk his life trying to do a sting operation on his own!

do you really think the judge would be like , well ■■■■ the drug dealer must have been joking the entire time! silly me!

he has plenty of proof you just refuse to accept his proof because its

‘‘not enough for you’’


imc isn’t going to do anything lol
even if they had done it yangs way

All I ever see on world chat is 3-4 people flaming him all day every day.
Seems like eventually the entire community got brought along.

I would be terrible in court indeed since I am looking for hard evidence.
Good thing the court is slowly catching on now too since so many supposed ‘convicts’ are found innocent by hard evidence and are starting to sue.

“Your honor, my client is innocent because I didn’t see him do it. I swear, i’m telling the truth. Please believe me.”

I like how you’re trying to paint him as the victim considering how much ■■■■ he talked to me and to my guild when he didn’t get accepted.

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Actually in the court of law you’re innocent until proven guilty, which 89% of the time means a smoking gun, per say. However intent to commit a crime is a much lesser crime but we civilized people managed to weed out witch hunting centuries ago iirc. Or not, based on the contents of this thread.

Again, Im not here to comment on attitude. There is enough proof of that go around.
My first post on this thread was about RMT and thats all I am discussing here.

just to add some logs to the fire, like i always do
the wonderful kirito collection!

1. Kirito asking someone if they take paypal

2. Kirito saying he purchased about over 5 steam accounts on the banned boleto exploit thread , getting called out and editing it

3 . Kirito spamming the forums with tears on multiple accounts to get unbanned

4 .Kirito is always in the center of drama lol , his guild has other members in it caught exploiting as well , but he also has gone and got proof of others exploiting , needless to say this is NOT THE TIME to be joking about RMTing at ALL

so what we have is a guy not afraid to ask people if they want to RMT
who uses multiple forum accounts to cry to get his way when something goes wrong, who hangs out with exploiters , who has the money and the accounts to be doing really shady things, who has been banned before
who is hated by a large portion of the community and feeds on the drama
whose name is the main character from the most overrated anime in existence
that’s a recipe for cancer my friends

how many kiritos are on the forum?


possibly @davidchen832

if you would like to add further forum acc names kirito please go ahead

welp im off to crash some channels for some world boss loot

have fun figuring out if kirito is guilty


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yangs is kirito buttbuddy… stop wasting your time arguing w/ him lmao

same race also :joy:

Naw. WarRock was a troll. A pretty funny one too.

Are you too stupid/lazy to use private messages or are you just needy for attention?

I’m just needy for yours :wink:

When is episode 2 :confused:

Ran into him today. He was trying to recruit me to his guild. This whole temp banning bit… I’d rather we stuck with permabans. Server would do better without these types of people. :expressionless: