Tree of Savior Forum

I got banned for no reason

I have not done any exploits nor hack in the game / charge backs. I purchased all the founders packs on my accounts. This can be traced by ip address all linked to one ip which is mine. This is outrageous how you would ban my accounts with out further looking into the situation. I threw about 500 usd buying founders packs on several accounts the legit way. Team name Kirito & Mesmerized is what im basically concerned about. Alt accounts are made to use the TP from the founders packs to buy token to sell in the market for some silver.

there are more people with the name Kirito than there’s atom in this world.


Why would you spend so much for so many accounts? That probably looked incredibly suspicious to the GM’s,and I understand why.


another question why did he create a topic in general discussion instead of filing a support ticket?
Even if he alerted GMs they would only redirect him to support, so this thread is a waste of time.


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sounds like you got caught and instead of making a ticket you made a forum post to stir up drama.

get outta here.


As others said send in a ticket. I hope your problem will be solved if you are rly innocent.

On the other hand I totally don’t understand why would you need more than 1 account. I don’t necessary find it suspicious… it is just more like a bad idea. It’s rly not that game where you need that imo.

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Did you sell tokens on your other accounts to send silver to your main ones? If so that’s understandably incredibly sketchy and could easily be caught by some sort of automated RMT countermeasure.

If you just wanted TP you could have waited for the F2P launch when that’s freely available for purchase. Or heck, the 30% off sale on founders packs.


suuure ya didn’t.

ok, fine, maybe you actually didn’t. nobody’s perfect, innocent people -do- get jailed sometimes.

i mean, immediately, the description -SOUNDS- like someone trying to do RMT.
for that matter, maybe this -is- considered RMT by IMC, even if you’re just buying it for yourself.

but, submit a ticket to Support. ask what the reason for the ban was. explain the situation. name ALL the accounts that you made, and the exact purchases, and what you did with the purchases. (i mean seriously, this sounds like a HowTo step-by-step for a DIY RMT Startup…)

give them time. i mean it’s not like every exploiter out there isn’t also going to come back with the same “but i din’t do nuffin, boss!” story, so they’re gonna get a bit flooded. it might take a couple of days. you will get a reply, possibly some conversation about the topic. and they will make a decision, and you will get to abide by that decision in the end.

but seriously, dude. $500 for a 2 week old game? you need to get it under control.
and limit yourself to a single account. you can buy extra character slots on the account. if you think you need more than the 22 characters you can have on an account… again, you need to get it under control.

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Good job IMC (not being sarcastic in this case).


The magic talking melon is right, why would you have multiple accounts unless you have family/friends that you plan on giving them to? It’s really suspicious.

I knew a few streamers/players that have a habit of controlling multiple accounts and characters by macroing with their multiple monitors, but their reasons are always so awkward; to either sell the accounts later on, or to gain the money/items they earned from leveling at the same time.

It looks like you want to reserve names, but you can do that easily with one account. Hopefully you can convince them in your ticket because this post is not convincing enough to be getting those accounts back.


this guy is an amater bot/hacker for sure, I have seen too many cases of some idiot crying over and over their dumb action.
Don’t take pity for some whiner because they get banned for their thoughlessly exploits.
Idk why you cry here, no one can help you and GM wont answer this stupid thing, never. Enjoy your ban.


Why do you own over five Steam accounts and each one has a purchased Tree of Savior? Yes you said you purchased them all the legit way on each account, but why?!

The ONLY reason you would be doing this would either be for botting, in-game currency muling, or either to get more TP. For the TP one, you literally could wait for free to play and get TP for cheaper most likely and not pay around $500+.

Are you basically saying that those two teams are your “Main” ones and the others are just bots/mules? To actually say you don’t care about the other ones meant you just threw away money for no reason, huh??

From all the information we currently have, you don’t really have much to defend with. The moderators actually have more things to put against you than what you have to counter act with.

Edit: OP most likely posted on the forums here instead of sending a support ticket to create drama with all this botting/gold selling stuff going around. Move along people.


Losing the team name Kirito is a huge blow to this game.


not 100%. i mean, yea PROBABLY… but not absolutely.

i mean i don’t think there’s anything in the terms of service that says you -can’t- buy a dozen accounts with founders’ packs, sell them all for silver, and then basically ‘gift’ the silver to your real account[s]. it’s stupid. and it will immediately get flagged as possible RMT… especially when a level 10 character has 2 million silver, etc…

but i don’t think it’s strictly banned.
(feel free to correct me, IF you have links to support it.)

You can only buy one of each founder’s pack per account. Also only one team name per account per server.

So, there is a reason. I personally wouldn’t consider it a very good one, but it exists.

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Most likely the only correction proof you need is that similar threads like this one are all people who have gotten banned. Which is enough proof that we don’t need the words from moderators to know what it means.




you got banned because your name was kirito