Tree of Savior Forum

Is it allowed to cheat now?

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stop forcing truth into my face and make it easy for my reading

im 12years old what do i know about cheating and why should i care

i swipe mom credit card alot coz i want to pvp u poor people, stop chasing people away , i cant showcase my swag if there is no newbs

i have flag i will flag u coz i hate u


IMC cheated us since day1 so…?


so have u bought any tp yet?

we got new emote instore and its half done



I’m gonna start hacking this game and blatantly shout it lol, since I buy TP I don’t think I get banned. TBH 145 Solo is proving to be a good source of Silver, depends on the character since It takes 20-40mins per clear.

didnt u hear

dun145 gonna be dun170

it already happen in ktos

still same silver drop but monster has 10k more hp.

so… buy more tp pretty please~

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I’ll swipe my mom’s debit card so I can buy more TP and use hack 'cuz huehuehue ToS is dying.

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dont buy hack

hack illegal

buy token n sell for silver

I’m already selling Token for 1M only :joy:

and yeah download hack illegally and call yourself a hacker lol

Don’t buy TP for Silver but Silver from Chinese Bots. Gives about 5 times the silver!
It’s legal as otherwise IMC would do something against it.


Why would anyone do that
All you need is 2 guilds made of bots who feed each other on daily basis for free tipi.

ofc botting can get over 40m ezliy…

40m is not a big number, and u had better never look down on how those bots ruining the market…


that was oct2016 bro

n yes

easy 2mil daily botting

Welp, in my country there’s a guy with over 600m silver just from afk sorcs, he own a net you know ?

so… what’s the point here with only that 40m ROFL

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The Thread is still alive because I have TP items. :smirk:


Cheating has always been 100% legal and IMC approved as long as you buy TP, this is why Kirito still exists on Klaipeda, remember when Kirito had Nulight crash every channel in fkng existance nonstop for 4 days so Desu could dupe 1,768,894 windrunner recipes? Ya, they are still roaming free unscathed, use the market viewer addons to see that piece of filth buy and sell silver in the 10s of millions every day, nothing happens. Aslong as you buy a few 100 TP bundles a month you are un-touchable.


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Ya its absurd. Idk if they keep all the old threads archived but if you want a summary of how inept IMC is at enforcing the rules, go to the bot report section, and search the names “Momohime, Snowdance, and Majie”.
I spent literally 3 months getting those 3 banned, they were the top grossing bots on Klaipeda and surpassed me in every mob I had 1st place on (with my scout 3 actually at keyboard, not the jace necro/sorc special).
It took me about 100 seperate threads and 200+ megaphones stalking GMs for the 5 minutes they would spend online every 3 weeks.


Don’t forget the bot handler’s exposed by a certain user :wink:
Here is Varena’s Bot handlers

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