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Date and Time : Always
Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : All modes
Bug Description :
First of all, i’m not sure which Category should this post be in. But i felt like it belongs to connection more than game mechanics.
So here is the problem: apparently, the way ToS’s uses to Synchronize between Client and Server has “very Low” tolerance to High Latency connections. If your attack speed is higher than the time it needs for the server to respond, you’ll always have the same “slow” attack speed.
A second problem that comes alongside is: your character will “rubber band” when the Client received a confirmation or syn packet. There’s video attached and more description to make it more clear.
Steps to reproduce the issue :
- Having a ping around 280~320
- Use Normal attack
- Use Normal attack with Speed Buffs
- Compare
Screenshots / Video :
Firstly, two video comparing attack speed with and without speed buff. All attacks are performed by holding “z” without releasing it.
And please note that the “buffed” video is using a “level 15 Kneeling shot”, which give us +325 attack speed.
Without Buff:
With Buff:
You can see that the character rubber bands a lot and very often that arrows does not actually shot out.
In this case, the rubber banding is affecting us from actually observe our attack speed with arrows.
So let us test this with the character actually hitting a target, therefore we can see the actual numbers popping to check if our attack speed changes.
Without Buff:
With Buff:
As you can see, both with and without attack speed buff has a asp at around 1.2 sec/shot.
And beneath is a great comparison video for low ping game play.
Now we test with Melee attack, this time we used Swordsman as the subject. However, since Swordsman does not have self-cast speed buff. These video serves as the purpose of showing how bad the “rubber band” can be and how it affects gameplay.
Swordsman hitting air:
The attack speed is so inconsistent, since every time we de-synchronized, we will perform another “false” attack.
Lets see how it goes with attacking a monster.
Swordsman hitting a target 1:
Swordsman hitting a target 2:
You might have noticed that the damage numbers popped up so inconsistently, sometimes two numbers popped at once. Thus making it so hard to observe your attack speed.
The last video shows how bad it actually is by pressing “z” one at a time.
With every “z” pressed, there will be first an “false” attack, and then an actual attack after Server send back an acknowledgement.
Swordsman rubber-banding normal attack:
This will give global players outside North America a substantial disadvantage. However, it should not be so hard to overcome, since there are already a few global MMOs that does not suffer from these kind of problems.
I really hope the Devs see this as a great deal.
Because for a MMO to became globally successive, the internet protocol, synchronize algorithm, and lag tolerance is very important. Take GW2 for example, players can come from all over the world but still participate in PvP or WvW without noticing lag occurrence.
Graphics Card :
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Internet Connection : 280~320
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